Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1817 Space-Time Fault

"Hyperdimensional Annihilation Bomb, activate!" With Beria's loud shout, the huge column exploded immediately, 'Boom! ’ An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and where the flames from the bomb passed, huge gaps were cut in the air, even the raging flames were cut.

Then, under the watchful eyes of the elite warriors of the Warriors Command, the planet with flames everywhere on its surface was blown into pieces, and then the power spread wildly in all directions, cutting the void of the universe as it passed. There are huge gaps, and this power is not gradual but leap forward, and it has expanded to the edge of the universe in just two or three seconds, cutting the entire universe into pieces.

At this time, a giant with a golden light all over his body suddenly rushed out from behind the Ott brothers, and flew directly to the position of the planet that had been blown into pieces. Through this dazzling light, one could vaguely see Seeing his red eyes and the crown on his head, it is the king of Ultra-Peter Ultraman.

The King of Ultra is constantly exuding golden light, filling huge cracks in the universe. Before the universe is completely broken, he forcibly fills the gaps between the cracks and allows the universe to continue. Those broken planets They were also restored one by one by the King of Ultra.

Xingye raised his right hand and moved the screen back, and then fixed on the moment when the bomb summoned by Beria exploded, his eyes fixed on the flames and strong light released by the bomb explosion.

Hikari said on the side: "The Bureau of Science and Technology has conducted repeated analysis and demonstrations. The bomb used by Beria should have blown up the universe from the space level. If it is not the King of Ultra, I am afraid. …”

Xingye said slowly: "It's not supposed to be, it just blasted a fault in the space of this universe, causing a space hole, just like piercing a balloon with a needle, just one hole is enough to make the balloon burst completely, if not To plug this loophole, King Ultra will never disappear."

The father of Ultra was very surprised and said: "You mean that the king of Ultra didn't disappear because he was scattered into the universe?"

Xingye nodded: "It's just repairing a universe. At most, it would be enough to waste some energy to cultivate for 18,000 years. In the past, the four of us have done things to destroy the universe and then restore the planets in the universe to their original state. But the space loophole The problem is unsolvable. It caused damage to the world tree. This loss is permanent. Unless this problem is solved, the King of Ultra will never appear, because his appearance means that the universe will continue to collapse go down."

"You four? Destroy the universe?" Sai Luo was almost dumbfounded when he heard it, and looked at the starry night that was as small as a finger in front of him. The plain and unwavering appearance of the Messenger of Justice cannot connect him with the destruction of the universe at all. Just imagining this picture in his mind, Sai Luo feels that the style of painting is too different.

"It happened a long time ago. At that time, the four of us were still affiliated with World Tree and acted according to the rules he made. Even now, we don't know whether what we did was right or wrong? Forget it." Xing Ye Just a brief mention, he waved his hand to end the topic, and turned to look at Sai Luo: "Tell me about the resurrection of Beria? Why is that guy alive again?"

Sai Luo habitually raised his hand to wipe the corner of his mouth, and said with an unhappy face: "After I came to this universe with Red Lotus Flame and Mirror Knight, I formed the Ultimate Force Zero Ultimate Zero Guard Team, and once went to the monster cemetery I was sneak attacked by Baite Stars when I was young, and I managed to defeat that guy but was sneak attacked by some of Beria's subordinates. I fought with Beria wearing dark armor in the monster cemetery but was given by this guy. Invaded the body, and killed Red Lotus Flame, Mirror Knight, Jambert, and Jannay. In the end, I turned into a glorious form and wiped out Beria. I used the Radiant Star Drive to revive the mirror knights. But I didn't expect that Beria, who was supposed to be wiped out, was resurrected, so..."

"Your experience is also very exciting." Xingye nodded, looked at Sai Luo who was standing there with his head down, smiled and said: "Well, this is fate, since it has happened, don't feel guilty anymore. You have to look to the future." As he spoke, he caught a glimpse of the Palaji bracelet on Sai Luo's left wrist, and there was a big gap on it, and asked with some doubts, "Why is the Palaji bracelet broken?"

Sai Ke stroked the dull Palaji bracelet with his right hand, and said angrily, "He was broken by Beria with the ultimate fighting instrument. This guy... must not let him go."

"It was broken by Beria?" Xingye looked at Sai Luo very surprised. This guy is joking, Beria can also destroy the bracelet that Saiga Miracle lives in, and stretched out his hand to Sai Luo, The Palaji bracelet immediately turned into a ray of light and flew to Xingye's side, re-condensing the shape of the Palaji bracelet on Xingye's hand.

Xingye looked at the gap on Palaji's bracelet, his right hand released light, dipped into Palaji's bracelet, and then a strange smile appeared on his face, with some joy and some sighs, and then he looked up at Sai, who was full of hope. With a glance at Luo, he waved the Palaji bracelet with his right hand and turned it into a ray of light that returned to Sai Luo's left wrist, but the gap still existed.

Under Sai Luo's puzzled gaze, Xingye waved his hand, and said in a flat tone, "Don't look at it, there is no warranty. This thing is no longer worth repairing. You can wear it as a souvenir if you like it."

"Oh?!" Sai Luo was a little puzzled, and said eagerly: "Without the Palaji bracelet, I can't use the Ultimate Armor, the Strong Corona Form, the Luna Miracle Form, including the Radiant Form."

"Sero, I have a question for you, have you ever seen Pete change form?"

"No!" Although Xingye didn't know why Xingye asked this, Sai Luo shook his head honestly, and said, "The old man is so powerful, there is no target worthy of his attack, so naturally there is no need to change his form."

"That's right, when your strength reaches a certain level, you can perfectly display your strength and speed without changing your strength and speed, so what you have to do is..." Xingye stopped talking Coming down, he shook his head suddenly: "Forget it..." Then he raised his head and said to Sai Luo: "The Palaji bracelet has been integrated with you, and it can be repaired with your light."

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