Chapter 1811 The Final Battle (Final)

"What?" Two voices from far and near with different tones sounded almost at the same time. The dark Lucifer in the core of Mars stared wide-eyed, looking at Noah with a calm tone and completely indifferent voice in disbelief. The other voice is Hiraki Shiori in the sea of ​​consciousness. She feels that the world is collapsing. Ultraman, who has always been a hero and a savior in her heart, now speaks the words of destroying Mars in a flat tone. Although She also knew that this was the best way, but she said it so lightly, and also said that the lives killed could fill a universe, and the destroyed planets could fill three planets.

This... this... This is so different from the savior in her mind, it is too big, so Hiraki Shiori didn't know what to say for a while, let alone Is Noah's words true or false?

Noah didn't care about the astonishment and amazement of the two of them. He was suspended in the space only hundreds of thousands of kilometers away from Mars. Immediately, the Y-shaped energy core burst into dazzling crimson radiance. The radiance on the left and right fists and the energy core on the chest complement each other, making it look like a Y-shaped energy core several times larger.

Then Noah raised his right arm and opened his right palm in the shape of a blade. The right forearm was surrounded by heavy transcendent photons, while the left arm was straightened and the left fist was clenched tightly. Strong plasma energy was gathered on it, and then the left arm looped back at the same time. The left hand is straightened and overlapped with the right wrist like a knock, and the transcendent photons and plasma gathered on the arms overlap each other, and then emit seven-color light.

"Ha!" With Noah's soft shout, the arms crossed into a cross emitted a colorful beam of light—Lightning Noah, piercing through the void and hitting Mars hundreds of thousands of kilometers away.

"No..." Dark Lucifer yelled in disbelief, and hurriedly rushed towards the space void at the other end of Mars, trying to avoid this absolutely fatal light, he must not die Yes, he hasn't become the king of the universe yet, how can he perish together with this barren and dead planet?

"Destroy, source of alien beasts!" With Noah's murmur, the colorful light instantly broke through the crust of Mars, penetrated the mantle, reached the core of the earth, and caught up with the darkness that was turning around and preparing to escape. Lucifer.

Lightning Noah hit Dark Lucifer immediately, causing Dark Lucifer to let out a cry of despair, but even such a cry was only half a cry. Lightning Noah penetrated Dark Lucifer's body, directly cutting him in half, and Dark Lucifer, which was broken into two under the impact of energy, exploded immediately. Under the impact of the turbulent energy, it instantly turned into powder, and even fragments the size of a molecule could not be found.

'boom! 'A shocking explosion sounded, and the terrifying shock wave set off by the explosion of Dark Lucifer spread wildly towards the surroundings. The core of Mars, which was still barely functioning, was smashed in an instant, followed by Dark Lucifer and Lightning The power of Noah's explosion collided tens of thousands of times together. Under this pressure, the mantle of Mars suddenly shattered into a series of dense cracks like spider webs, which barely lasted until a part of the pressure was released and then shattered.

The terrifying force from within spread to the earth's crust with immense force, and the thin earth's crust couldn't bear the pressure at all, and couldn't even slow down for a moment, and was directly blown to pieces. It was too late to say it, and it took only three seconds from the explosion of the earth's core to the collapse of the earth's crust.

Under the watchful eyes of Noah and Hiraki Shiori, the sparks on the surface, which were full of fire and magma, collided suddenly, and then the big rift valleys formed by the previous plate movement shone brightly. Immediately, with these rift valleys as the center, huge cracks spread to the surroundings. In just one second, Mars with a surface area of ​​140 million square kilometers was full of bottomless cracks. Mars is like a glass ball on the verge of shattering.

In the silent explosion, Mars was immediately blown into pieces. The light emitted at the moment of the explosion was a million times that of the sun's light, and the energy released was equivalent to that emitted by the sun in ten minutes. The electricity used up to now is added together and then multiplied by one hundred trillion, which is less than one ten thousandth of the released energy.

The cosmic storm composed of countless cosmic rays, electromagnetics, high-energy particles, etc. swept everything around. Many fragments left over from the explosion of Mars were directly decomposed into molecules in this cosmic storm, and the molecules were also impacted by energy. Melted, disappeared without a trace.

Mars, calculated in units of quadrillion tons, only survived the explosion with less than quadrillion tons of fragments, and was pushed by the power of the planet's explosion to fly towards the distant void of the universe. This speed has far exceeded The third cosmic speed, if there is no accident, these fragments will eventually fly out of the solar system and embark on a long journey of the universe, may wander forever, may enter another star system and be captured by it as a comet, or may fall into a black hole Or collide with other celestial bodies... But these are all under natural conditions and without human intervention. Now these fragments will disappear immediately after hitting the side of the cube emitting colorful brilliance. It appeared from the other side, and flew towards the original position of Mars at the same speed and with the same kinetic energy.

Not just fragments, cosmic storms of various particles, rays, bursts of light, etc., this huge cube literally seals everything in, preventing anything from entering and nothing from leaving.

Hiraki Shiori stared dumbfounded at the cosmic spectacle in front of her. She had only seen the explosion of a planet from science fiction films, and always thought it was just a legend, but just now, right in front of her eyes, Mars just exploded and literally exploded to pieces.

After witnessing this cosmic spectacle with her own eyes, Shiori Hiraki felt that the star explosion shown in sci-fi films was so pale and powerless. Even if she had a hundred mouths and a hundred tongues, she could not describe one ten-thousandth of the spectacle in front of her.

" it gone?" Hiraki Shiori didn't know what mood she was in. It stands to reason that she should be happy after defeating this terrible enemy, but looking at the empty void in front of her and the dark red The dust is like the wreckage of Mars, but she feels very uncomfortable. In order to destroy an enemy and destroy a planet, how many planets can human beings destroy?

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