Ultraman Senki

Chapter 180 The Daughter of Time

"Then it can be deduced why she was hunted down by that life body." Xingye stood up straight, "Maybe she was resurrected by that life body, and then sent to this base through a fake hunt to achieve their goal."

The door of the command room opened, and a doctor walked in quickly, his face full of surprise and disbelief.

Just when she came in, she hurriedly said, "Her medical certificate came out, and someone implanted a tiny biochip in her forehead."

"Biochip!" Captain Hiura was shocked.

The doctor nodded and sent all the test results and images to the big screen: "She uses the pulses emitted by the chip to simulate life activities, and the pulses emitted by the chip are of the same nature as the cosmic life."

"Captain, it's been half a day since she entered the base." Feng Chui's face was so ugly, such a long time was enough for the other party to do a lot of things: "She must be dealt with as soon as possible."

"Wait a minute," the doctor hurriedly stopped: "She doesn't know anything."

"What's the meaning?"

"She doesn't know that she has a chip in her body, and she doesn't even remember that she is dead. Now Leni is receiving feedback from her personality consciousness when she was alive. She thinks she is still alive, so she wants to restore her memory." The doctor said eagerly.

"Then can't we remove the chip first, and then find a way to help her?" Morimoto Ayano, a little girl, was so moved that she was about to cry.

"Impossible." Xingye shook her head: "Her current life activities are all supported by that chip. Unless we have a chip with the same function to replace it, once the chip is taken out, Lenny will die because of the loss of the chip support. You must know that she is dead!" Xingye emphasized the last sentence.

"Aren't you a cosmic person? You have this kind of chip, right?" Morimoto Ayano's eyes lit up, and she jumped in front of Xingye and looked at Xingye expectantly. Captain Hiura also turned his gaze to Xingye after hearing the words.

Xingye shook his head slowly under everyone's expectant eyes: "How could I have that kind of thing?"

"Hey!" Morimoto Ayano exclaimed suddenly: "Why not?"

"Please, I never said I was a cosmic being." Xingye couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"Then you are?" Feng Chui couldn't help asking.

"Let's discuss how to deal with Renee now." Xingye said, and the others stopped talking when they saw that Xingye didn't want to talk about this topic.

Musashi has also discovered this amazing fact from the painting drawn by Reni. He found one of the members who had participated in the construction of Jelumina 3 and is now a professor at the university.

The professor stood by the window and looked at the sky and couldn't help sighing: "Human beings are too small in the universe, and death will come at any time due to a little mistake. There is no delay, just in an instant."

He recalled that unforgettable moment four years ago again in his mind. When Leni was inspecting the airtight cabin that day, an abnormal gas suddenly appeared in the airtight valve and rushed into the space crazily. The airtight cabin became a sieve, and the gas that leaked into the universe instantly rushed Leni out of the space station. Before she could catch anything, she flew into the dark and cold universe. The ultra-low temperature in the room was frozen into ice cubes, and the young life was permanently frozen at that moment, that second.

"We know that building a space station is a life-threatening job, but even so, we still want to use our own hands to create a daughter of time in the universe." The professor said with tears in his eyes.

"Daughter of time!" Musashi couldn't help but think of what Renee told him: "As long as you recall, the word "daughter of time" will come to mind."

"Professor, what is the daughter of time?"

"That's what we call Jelumina 3. It is the first thing born in the universe after a long period of time spent by humans born on the earth." The professor said with great emotion: "This is what Renee was selected for." The photos taken during the construction team, you want to save them."

Musashi walked out of the building with mixed emotions, but received an order from the headquarters: "Reni finally decided to freeze the body."

"How? Do you want Leni to sleep forever?" Musashi couldn't understand this order at all.

"Leni was implanted with a biochip by the cosmic lifeform, just like a puppet on a string. We can't take the risk!" Fuze explained to Musashi with a sigh: "We still don't know whether the base has been tampered with."


"Listen to Musashi," Fuzei looked at Musashi with a serious face, "Reni died four years ago."

Doi Heng and Fuzei opened the door of Leni's room with heavy steps. Looking at the smiling girl in front of them, the two felt even heavier. But he had to step aside and take the girl to the medical center.

Arriving at the medical base, a group of white coats on the opposite side hung an inscription plate on Leni's neck, and then watched with a heavy heart as Leni followed them to the road of death.

"In order to eliminate hidden dangers? To protect the team of monsters, but did not expect to protect their own kind. Or it doesn't matter if there are too many humans and lose one or two." Xingye stood there and sneered.

"Do you think we want to do this?" Feng Chui was already in a bad mood, but when he heard Xingye's words, he became even more annoyed, and raised his fist to hit him.

Xingye stretched out his right hand and easily received Fengfeng's punch with all his strength, and then threw Fengfeng away with a light flick: "Have you heard that I exposed your hypocrisy, have you become angry from embarrassment?"

The sound of smashing the ground startled the white coats on the opposite side, and they couldn't help being stunned. At this moment, a car rushed over. Musashi quickly got out of the car, grabbed Leni without saying a word, and suddenly ran towards the car. .

Before everyone could react, Musashi and Leni had already turned the car and accelerated to escape.

"Musashi!" Doi Heng was shocked, even Feng Fuze hurriedly chased after Xingye, Musashi's impulsiveness would cause disaster.

"As expected of Ultraman Goss!" Xingye folded his arms and looked at Musashi going away with a smile on his face.

The doctor hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and wanted to ask for help, but Doi Heng grabbed him: "Please give us a little time, please!"

Feng Chui quickly ran to Tek Thunder 2, and immediately began to track the traces of Musashi's car, and was bound to bring Musashi back. Doi Heng also hurriedly contacted the captain to inform them of the change.

At this time, the ground suddenly trembled, and a huge monster emerged from the ground, roaring loudly and walking towards the city not far away.

"Fuzei, Karbas has appeared in the K6 area." Fengqiu received a communication from the headquarters as soon as he found Musashi's car.

"What?" Feng Chui glanced unwillingly at Musashi's car below, and could only hastily fly to the area where the monster appeared.

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