Chapter 1768

Pallas shifted and hit the earth at a speed of 10,000 kilometers per second. This doomsday-like news spread quickly all over the world. The governments of all countries chose to block the news without exception. As soon as the news was kept within a very small range, the telescopes of the observatories of various countries were all aimed at Pallas, which was colliding with the earth, and collected all aspects of Pallas.

Although it was decided to use a rocket to carry a nuclear bomb to blast Pallas, blow it up, and then send a fighter team to remove the debris. However, anyone who is a little proficient in astronomy and missile interception knowledge knows that intercepting high-speed flying objects is no less difficult than anti-aircraft guns hitting mosquitoes.

Not to mention other things, just talk about the current speed of Pallas at 10,000 kilometers per second, and the diameter of Pallas itself is only more than 500 kilometers, and the fastest human rocket is only 20 to 30 kilometers per second. Zhishen star's current speed ratio is simply tortoise speed. The lethality of nuclear weapons is firstly explosive force, but shock waves and radiation, etc., but in the universe, the lethality of shock waves and radiation is almost zero. Only when it touches the surface of Pallas and explodes can the lethality be maximized. Moreover, the rocket can't catch up with Pallas, which is 10,000 kilometers per second, so it can only explode head-on. However, in space, the explosion power range of nuclear weapons is less than 100 kilometers. Compared with the 10,000 kilometers per second of Pallas, it is simply insignificant. Even if the detonation is delayed by 0.001 seconds, Pallas will hit the rocket, which is terrifying. The force of the impact would absolutely pulverize the rocket.

It is nonsense to use fighter jets to intercept debris. The speed of debris is tens of thousands of kilometers per second. Intercepting with fighter jets is really equivalent to intercepting ballistic missiles entering the descending orbit with slingshots. The thing of crisis, after all, even if it is doomed to perish, it has to struggle, and it will never be caught without a fight.

On the flat and wide runway of the air force base, ten chrome Chester series fighter jets and the Strike Phoenix were parked on it, and then all the fighters took off into the sky and flew straight towards the blue sky. The speed of the Strike Phoenix was the fastest. It quickly flew in the forefront, leaving a huge trail cloud behind the fuselage.

At a speed of more than ten Mach, in just a few seconds, Shiori Hiraki, who was sitting in the cockpit of the Strike Phoenix, saw an incomparably magnificent scene. At the end of the field of vision, the earth showed a curve, and the sky above was no longer blue sky and white clouds, but a dark universe dotted with diamond-like light spots.

A fighter jet roared into the atmosphere, and such scenes still appear all over the world. All the chrome Chester series fighter jets flew out of the earth in a hurry after simply installing oxygen devices. Travel to an unknown and dangerous space.

In the Shibuya district of Tokyo, the bustling streets are crowded with people and business activities are very prosperous. No one knows that the world is facing the crisis of destruction. Everyone is busy, leading a peaceful and peaceful life.

In Kamiyama Town, Shibuya District, the door of a store facing the street is closed, the original signboard has been removed, and a sign for sale is still hanging. Yoshizawa went to the door, took off the sign for sale, opened the door with the key, pushed the door and walked in.

This shop is not small, more than 100 square meters, it can be called a big shop. Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki nodded with satisfaction after shopping around. He bought this shop and planned to open a pet shop, and then he lived a normal life without getting involved in other things, just like Lian.

It's just that sometimes things in life are unsatisfactory in all likelihood. Sometimes you want to leave the vortex of the storm, but the storm follows you and engulfs you in it, and you cannot get out. Yoshizawa Ryoyu, who was looking around the store and considering how to decorate it, moved his ears a few times. He heard a very slight sound of footsteps, and the footsteps came from far to near. It was obvious that the other party was walking towards him.

Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki frowned involuntarily, lowered his right hand calmly, then turned around to look in the direction of the sound of footsteps, and saw a man in the combat uniform of the night raid team walking towards him Come on, the only light in the room that was turned on illuminated the face of this person. It was Ishihori Mitsuhiko who was bombed to pieces by Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki the day before yesterday.

"It's you! Who are you?" Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki couldn't help squinting his eyes, looking at Ishihori Mitsuhiko with cold eyes, and the dark purple energy light condensed extremely slowly on the palm of his right hand behind his back.

"I..." Ishihori Mitsuhiko walked slowly towards Yoshizawa Yoshizawa, with arrogance on his face, and said to Yoshizawa Yoshizawa with some contempt: "This is how you treat you from space The benefactor who was called back from the gap? I am very good to you, I am much better than that Yuan Xingye. As soon as you lose the value of use, you will be abandoned directly. The whole world will forget you. You recalled this wonderful world from the gap in space, and you should all thank me."

"You recalled us?" Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki tilted his head slightly to the right. He drifted for a long time in the space gap, where there was no concept of time and no concept of direction, as if in the gap of the river system, empty There was no planet or even a rock to be found, not even starlight to be seen.

"What's your relationship with Dark Zaki?" Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki expressed the doubt in his heart: "As far as I know, only Ultraman and Dark Zaki can do this."

"Ultraman? Darkness Zaki? Hahaha," Ishihori Mitsuhiko sneered, and said with a cold snort: "Both of them are all the same way, they just want to use us, and they will kick into the trash if they are worthless Heap. Whether it's you, me, Gorogi, Ji Yazhun, Qianshu Renyi, or others, they are all pawns chosen by the two of them to restore their strength. A group of people fight to the death but are fighting for others. It’s so sad and so hateful.”

Ishihori Mitsuhiko said viciously, his eyes full of anger and growled: "Why are they taking advantage of them? Our earth was originally so peaceful, but it was because of the struggle between them that it became what it is now. The air is full of The alien beast factor and the R7 factor, the earth is full of alien beasts. They have already destroyed the planet of the visitors, and if we don’t do anything, the earth will suffer the same fate.”

Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki looked at the angry Ishibori Mitsuhiko with great interest, and said in a flat tone, "So what do you want to do?"

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