Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1762 Doubt

This scene, like a sci-fi movie, made Shiori Hiraki unable to recover for a long time, especially the scene where the planet exploded at the end, which was beyond the limit of human imagination, and Shiori Hiraki's thinking was biased in another direction : If Hollywood directors watch it, they will definitely burst out with a lot of inspiration and shoot a magnificent big movie.

Xingye sighed and said: "Then the aggregate of alien beasts called THE ONE by humans came to the earth, and it was also the beginning of the disaster of alien beasts on earth."

"Wait a minute, wait a minute, I... take it easy." Shiori Hiraki, who has always been nervous, was also a little at a loss, feeling that the amount of information had filled her brain, making her brain feel fast It crashed, and after working hard for a long time, I finally straightened it out a little bit, and looked at Xingye in great surprise: "You mean... yes... that, you are not from Earth, that... you are... oh Terman? No way."

Xingye nodded and said, "That's right, I come from another universe, and I came to this universe after chasing Dark Zaki."

"Darkness Zaki? Vice-captain?" Hiraki Shiori looked suspiciously like "you're kidding me" and said, "You mean the vice-captain is not human but from another universe like you?"

Xingye spread his hands, and then explained: "No, Dark Zaki is just attached to Saijo Kaze, just like me now, but Dark Zaki is sealing Saijo Kaze's consciousness, and I am with you Belonging to one body, you still have your own consciousness and control of your body."

"Possessed? One mind?" Hiraki Shiori opened her mouth, her arms could not help but hugged her shoulders tightly, she looked at Xingye with disgust in her eyes, and shouted loudly: "Leave me quickly, how can you not get permission from others?" , just casually...possession."

"Do you think I want to?" Xingye was also full of resentment, and said complainingly: "You didn't have any vigilance yourself, and the controlled Saijo was shot with a Diwait pistol. If I hadn't , so now your memorial service is over."

"You mean this is to save my life?" Hiraki Shiori thought about the situation at the time, nodded, and believed Xingye's words, after all, the feeling of dying at that time was not fake.

"I have linked my life with yours and achieved life sharing, which is why your injuries disappeared all of a sudden." Xingye waved his hand, and the sea of ​​light around him disappeared in the blink of an eye. The two returned to the brightly lit room again.

Shiori Hiraki was amazed by this change of scene. She touched the table curiously and confirmed that it was indeed a table. Then she sat down with confidence. She felt that the amount of information in this half hour exceeded a lifetime. This planet has never been out, and the topic just now jumped to another universe, and it also involved a wide range of topics such as planetary explosions and genocide.

Hiraki Shiori was a little at a loss, she sat there stupidly, and it took a long time to recover, looked at Xingye with those pitiful little eyes and said: "Then when can you leave? Wait a minute, after you leave, I won't die, will I? Death or freedom, which one is more important?"

"Life sharing is only temporary, as long as your body is repaired by the light, you can live even if I leave."

"Really? That's great, I don't have to die." Hiraki Shizhi looked rejoicing, but immediately hesitated, and seemed very cautious: "So how long will it take?"

"Heh!" Xing Ye couldn't help laughing, it seems that this girl is really not welcome, think about it, she will be unhappy if her things are taken over by others, let alone her only body, she feels like her privacy is being pryed into. It's still the kind that can't be avoided for 24 hours. It's pretty good if you don't turn your back.

"What are you laughing at? I'm serious." Shizhi Hiraki puffed her face, staring at Xingye with an expression of "I'm serious".

"Don't worry, I'm not a hentai, I'm not interested in spying on your privacy, do you think it's easy to repair your damaged body? This is a more delicate work than manufacturing VLSI, and there can't be any mistakes " Xingye curled her lips at Shiori Hiraki, and said indignantly, "I finally know how Sai Luo felt back then, a disobedient human body is more terrifying than Hai Pajetton."

"Hmm..." Hiraki Shiori was also embarrassed to say something, after all, she was a lifesaver, otherwise she would have been put into a small box now, although...although. ...But now this is also a scene that neither side wants to see.

Hiraki Shiori thought about this in her heart to comfort herself, and sat on the sofa with a pillow in her arms without saying a word, wishing she could bury her head in the pillow, so that she could pretend to be an ostrich and not face the current situation.

Xingye is thinking about the dark Zaki. For now, Gumen Yihui is definitely not the opponent of the dark Zaki. After all, the dark Zaki has completely absorbed the light of Ultraman and also sucked up the power of Wangchuan. The endless negative energy sealed in the sea, it is certain that although it is not as terrifying as in the ancient times, and it is not as powerful after absorbing the dark crack transformed by Zhou Da, but this power is absolutely pure and can be rooted by the darkness. completely dominated.

With the lessons learned from last time, this time Dark Zaki will definitely fully digest these powers before appearing in this world, so the power he exerts is definitely stronger than the power that did not belong to him at the beginning.

Now Dark Zaki has been forced to jump out. This is also Xingye's deliberate intention. He built a large particle collider in such a big way to let Dark Zaki know that he wants to strengthen the zero area, but he didn't expect Dark Zaki The object of possession turned out to be Saijo Feng, a strong woman who is full of hatred for alien beasts. Xingye never doubted Saitiao Feng at all. After all, a person who is full of hatred for the alien beast can't connect her with the maker of the alien beast. It really is the darkest place under the shadow of the lamp.

"So...does Ishihori Mitsuhiko also have a problem?" Xingye began to think about this question. The previous series of "coincidences" made Xingye focus on him, plus a lot of miscellaneous things, so that Others are ignored.

There is also THE ONE, which has been 'dead' for five years, and found the shock wave of THE ONE on Shinya Mizoroki again. Xingye couldn't help but compare the return of Shinya Mizoroki and Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki to THE ONE. ONE is connected, so what is the purpose of calling them both back?

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