Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1759 Light of Destiny

"I...don't be a reporter anymore, and I don't want to." Ji Yazhun said with a faint smile: "I opened a store with Xiaohui, and I am responsible for delivery and purchase. I returned from Jiazhou City in the afternoon. Passing by here, I feel the light.”

"This is really great." Gumen Kazuki said with emotion from the bottom of his heart.

Being able to meet Ji Yazhun again is a surprise that Gumen Kazuki never thought of. This surprise filled Gumen Kazuki's heart with excitement. He told Ji Yazhun everything in one go. He also talked about his confusion about inheriting the light: "I don't know why the light chose me? But... I don't think I am qualified to inherit the light. Not only did I fail to pull the vice-captain out of the darkness, but I was also absorbed by the darkness." The light of Ultraman and the awakening of the dark Zaki are all because of me..."

"Gumen, don't take everything on yourself. There is no perfect thing in the world, and no one is omnipotent," Ji Yazhun suddenly interrupted Gumen Kazuki's narration, in a very peaceful tone Said: "Ultraman is not a god. No matter how hard he tries, there are lives that cannot be saved, and ideas that cannot be achieved."

"I have always been in pain and sorrow for Sera's passing, so that after I got Ultraman's light, the pain of fighting was a natural punishment for me, but in the final battle, I understood this The light is not a punishment, but a choice of fate," Ji Yazhun said, glanced at Gumen Kazuki, and said with emotion: "Fighting is the mission given by the light, and I also found the meaning of life in the battle, Gumen, You must be able to find it too, that only belongs to your light."

"Is it the light that only belongs to me?" Koto Kakki couldn't help but picked up the Evolution Believer, looking at the Evolution Believer with the shimmering silver-white light in his eyes in a daze. He could feel the warmth whenever he held it sense of touch.

The truck stopped next to the city's ring road. To the west is the suburbs of homes with lush trees, while to the other side is the bustling city with row upon row of high-rise buildings. Kodo Kazuki opened the car door and jumped off the passenger seat.

Ji Yazhun looked at Gumen Yihui standing on the side of the road, and said in a deep voice: "Gumen, you have stood up from the abyss of despair many times, the light in the dark is the most dazzling, no matter what time you can Give up the hope in your heart, and the light will guide you out of the darkness."

"Well, I see, Mr. Himeya!"

Ji Yazhun nodded, smiled at Gumen Ikki, then started the car and drove towards the road ahead. The car gradually moved away under the illumination of street lights until it completely disappeared in Gumen Ikki's field of vision. . Only then did Koto Kakki turn around and walk towards the city along the east fork. He was no longer confused, and since the light chose him anyway, he had to fulfill this mission.

Even if he has to face the dark Zaki whose strength far surpasses him, he will no longer be afraid and hesitant. He will use this light to protect other people hard, so as not to make people lose their laughter.

The street lamps standing on the side of the road generously sprinkled light on the ground, dispelling the darkness in this area, and illuminating Guto Kazuki's path forward. Bereg opened the armament on his left arm and began to call out to Captain Eisuke Kura.

It was already late at night, and Yingfu He Cang was sitting alone on a chair next to the huge square of the Northern Lights Research Institute. More than 30 street lamps illuminated the square brightly, but Yingfu He Cang could not illuminate it. The gloom and confusion in my heart.

For four full hours this afternoon, Shiori Hiraki was familiar with the piloting of the Strike Phoenix, especially the new flight mode and super powerful attack that he called the "maneuvering mode" that Xingye had used before. Everything went smoothly, but he asked all over the Northern Lights Research Institute, but no one knew where Xingye was, let alone how to contact him.

According to several directors of the research institute, Dr. Xingye always took the initiative to contact them. They didn't know how to find Dr. Xingye, who has always been elusive, and they didn't have any contact information. Xingye left in the morning, that is, he went directly after Xingye. After leaving the Fort of Liberty, he said that he was going to rescue Shiori Hiraki who was dying.

Then the three of them got lost in the unknown black mist, and immediately heard Hiraki Shiori's voice, she returned to normal in just one hour, and she was still alive and kicking, she couldn't see anything at all They were injured, and then they never saw Xingye again. Even though they had been in the Northern Lights Research Institute for a long time, Xingye still did not show up. This made Kazukura Yingfu deeply worried, but there was nothing he could do.

Now that the Fort of Liberty has collapsed, Komon Kakki was also buried in an unknown depth of water, and his life and death are still unknown. There are not enough people who manipulate supersonic speed to attack Chester.

Just at that moment, the armed Bereg on his left arm rang, 'Didi! Didi! ’ The sound was extraordinarily crisp in the silent night. Eisuke Kazukura raised his left arm, opened the armed Bereg with three fingers on his right hand, and just glanced at it, Eisuke Kazukura stood up in great surprise, staring at the screen with wide eyes in disbelief. The lonely family that appeared.

"Captain, where are you? I'll go find you."

"Gumen, are you really Gumen?" He Cangyingsuke's face was full of surprises, and he couldn't believe that Gumen Kazuki really came back, and he seemed to be unscathed.

Gumen Kazuki said with a smile on his face: "Of course it's me, by the way, where are you now?"

"Northern Lights Research Institute, Gumen, you are waiting there, I will pick you up right away." He Cangyingfu said and immediately tapped the armed Bereg a few times, after confirming the location of Gumen Kazuki He ran to the garage.

And it was already one o'clock in the morning at this time, Hiraki Shiori had already fallen into a deep sleep, the lights in the room had already been turned off, and she was plunged into darkness.

At this time, Shiori Hiraki's body lying flat on the bed glowed with a faint golden light, and the light gradually became brighter, turning the dark room into daylight like a small sun, and suddenly lying on the bed Hiraki Shiori opened her eyes and got up from the bed directly, and the light on her body also shrank into her body, making the room plunged into thick darkness again.

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