Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1747 The Bible - The Flood

Shiori Hiraki changed his opinion of Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki because he led the night raid team to escape from the base. Although he is not sure what the purpose of this guy is, at least he saved the three of them. fact.

"Where is the Gumen?" Shiori Hiraki looked worriedly at the vast ocean-like lake below. The size of the previous reservoir had expanded by as much as four times, submerging all the roads near the Fort of Liberty, and it was still running smoothly. The low-lying valley bottom is spreading towards the surroundings, and according to the current trend, new water flows and rivers may be formed.

Manager Matsunaga couldn't care less about anything else. Sitting in the car, the tablet computer in his hand showed a topographic map of a hundred kilometers nearby, with contour lines clearly marked on it. Manager Matsunaga followed a red line with his right hand. Sliding, this is the possible direction of the main flow of water that the scientists withdrawn from the Fort of Liberty urgently negotiated.

According to the path of the water flow, there is an autonomous town named Okutama Town 30 kilometers away, where thousands of residents live along a slightly gentle and narrow valley, and now the huge amount of water flowing out of here is heading towards Here it goes, and it will wash down everything in its path along the lower valleys, and the inhabitants may not be spared.

"Inform there immediately, evacuate immediately, evacuate immediately!" Manager Matsunaga shouted at the phone hoarsely, and hung up the phone. Manager Matsunaga was a little tired and spread out on the chair. The turbulent water might reach there in five minutes. It's impossible to let the residents evacuate at this time. I am afraid that 99% of the residents will be buried underwater, so he can only do his best and obey the destiny.

At this moment, the car radio was switched on suddenly and a voice that was very familiar to the management officer Matsunaga sounded: "Management officer, I have a way, maybe I can change the direction of the water flow."

"You are..." Manager Matsunaga was stunned for a moment before his eyes widened, and he said incredulously, "It's you?!"

"That's right, administrator!" Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki continued: "Now Chromium Chester has enough ammunition to blow up a mountain, so as long as the valley is blocked before the water reaches it, the speed of the water flow can be slowed down, and You can also divert the water flow, I think instead of questioning me now, it is better to discuss the solution quickly, and when the matter calms down, I will explain the cause and effect of the matter clearly."

Manager Matsunaga's face trembled unnaturally a few times, and he was silent for a moment before he said: "I see, the night raid team will rush to the front of the water flow immediately, and prepare to change the direction of the water flow, and the water must not flood Okutama Town."

"Understood!" Wakura Yingfu said a little downcast, turning his head to look at the turbulent lake below, Gumon, Saijo Kaze, today he lost two more players, no, maybe three.

The four chrome Chesters immediately accelerated and flew towards the distance. The super high speed allowed them to pass the front of the water in less than half a minute, and rushed towards the small town that was arranged in a scattered line in the distance.

But at this moment, in this small town with a jurisdiction area of ​​more than 200 square kilometers but an actual living area of ​​only more than ten kilometers and a population of less than 10,000 people, people are living peacefully as usual. They walked in groups on the way home. This not-so-wide road passes through the fields and extends to the distance, connecting people scattered in the valley, and it is full of children's laughter every day.

It's just that amidst the laughter, there was a little girl walking alone without a smile on her face, which was in stark contrast to the children in groups of threes and twos beside her.

The little girl was walking when a passionate voice came from her ear: "Riko..."

Riko stopped and turned her head, and saw a man in the uniform of a delivery man driving towards here on an electric scooter. It was Shinya Mizoroki who had settled down in this small town, and he stopped beside Riko , a trace of worry flashed across his face, and then he showed a gentle smile: "Riko, why don't you go with everyone?"

Riko didn't speak, just shook her head, then continued to walk forward with her head down. The setting sun in the distance shone on her body, stretching her shadow long, no matter how many people were around, but this shadow would always accompany her.

Mizoroki also knows the reason, because Riko is always reticent, and also speaks words that other people think are "dream talk". For example, when he was working in the shop next to the school, he heard Riko When the classmate was eating with his father in the store, he talked about Lizi's teacher asking questions in class today, but Lizi said that the sky was full of dark clouds and red lightning...

Mizo Lu Muzhen also lowered his head, his face was full of guilt and remorse, it was he who destroyed the happy family of this little girl, and then brought her extreme fear to make her what she is now, no matter how much he regrets, no matter how much he regrets, How guilty, all this can no longer be undone.

At this time, the air defense siren sounded "Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!", which stunned everyone who heard it. Many people stood up and walked outside the door, looking outside in amazement, not understanding. What the hell happened.

After the sirens sounded several times, the loudspeakers used to warn the incoming alien beasts in various gathering areas sounded, and an urgent voice shouted loudly: "Everyone evacuate to a higher place immediately, the flood is coming soon! , repeating that everyone evacuates to higher places, the flood is coming soon.”

"Flood?!" Almost everyone who heard this broadcast had question marks on their heads. Although this is a valley, the altitude is still high, and there are no rivers passing by nearby, otherwise they would not be here How could there be floods in the construction of residential areas.

This is as unimaginable as reporting that it is going to snow in New Guinea, which is located on the equator in Africa. Many people think it is a prank or a broadcast error. Many people pick up the phone and start calling the mayor's office, wanting to ask what happened what's up.

Four fighter jets flew over the town whistling in the sky, causing many people to habitually look up at the space, watching the four fighter jets fly over the town in formation, and then turned around the edge of the town, heading towards Fly in the direction of arrival.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko tapped the keyboard quickly to draw the most accurate topographic map from the data fed back by the detector, and then passed it to Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki to calculate and choose the best bombing site, which can produce enough rocks and the valley is still It can't be too wide, otherwise the workload will become very large.

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