Chapter 1718 Leaked Information

Ishihori Mitsuhiko nodded in a sudden realization, and then asked with a trace of doubt: "Then why the alien beast can be cloned and can attack, but we can't hit him?"

"This is actually very simple. Have you ever seen a clay figurine? It's just that the strange beast replaced the mud with special energy. The strange beast squeezed the energy into his shape, and then used the energy to transform it into an attack Forget it, actually, even if you don’t hit him, these phantoms will disappear naturally when the energy is exhausted. Your attack just messed up the structure of the energy, causing the whole to collapse and then disappear like a mirror image.”

"No way, that's it?" Shiori Hiraki had an incredulous expression on her face, she couldn't believe that such a difficult and weird beast in their eyes was actually 'playing' with them in such a simple way.

Xingye spread his hands, and said with a simple look: "It's like putting an egg on the table, you just need to knock it, as long as you understand the principle, it's that simple, but if no one says it, who knows? Ultraman's lightsaber and all kinds of light blades are condensed with energy, but the phantom of the alien beast is a little bigger, but the energy density is much smaller."

But before they got happy, Xingye poured cold water on them: "Although you know the principle, it doesn't mean you have won. For example, how to find the hidden alien beast?"

After finishing speaking, Xingye glanced at the excited members of the night raid team, and successfully saw that their smiles suddenly froze.

Yes, so what if you know it, it’s useless not to find the alien beast, it’s said that it can interfere with all the detectors installed by Chester at present, the alien beast is probably standing behind them Next to the fighter jets, they couldn't find it either.

Manager Matsunaga took a step forward with a smile and said: "Don't worry everyone, the latest energy detector designed by Dr. Helpful."

The picture on the big screen flashed, showing a prism-like thing, the surface was as smooth as a mirror, and the light flowed on it, and there were countless tiny lines inside it, which was as complicated as a spider's web.

Facing the members of the night attack team, Xingye pointed backward with his right index finger to the big screen behind him and said, "Although alien beasts can be invisible, the energy on them cannot be hidden. This new type of energy detector can The wavelength and characteristics of the alien beast’s energy are used to track, although the accuracy has been improved, but the range has been reduced to fifteen kilometers, but it can barely be used.”

He Cang Yingfu nodded, and then said with a little expectation: "Can the power of the weapon be improved? Although a new energy battery and weapon equipment system has been replaced, it is still not enough compared to the alien beast, and the maximum power output is not enough. It can break through the defense of the alien beast, and only cause some damage."

"The inability of supersonic assault rays and special warhead missiles to cause much damage to alien beasts is not because of insufficient damage," Xing Ye said in a flat tone. The shield of the alien beast and the energy arrangement matrix stored in the scale cells on the body surface restrain the hypersonic attack rays and special warhead missiles."

The five members of the night raid team, including the management officer Matsunaga, were all stunned, with question marks all over their heads, and a look of bewilderment on their faces. They didn't understand what it meant, what it meant to restrain supersonic assault rays and special warhead missiles, weapons Also is there a food chain?

"Hmm..." Xingye pondered for a while, and then gave a simple and easy-to-understand example: "It's like diamonds and graphite. Their structures are both composed of carbon elements, but because of the different arrangements and combinations, the two The properties vary widely. Particles and ions are also divided into many types, and different arrangements and combinations form rays of different power. The protective cover of the alien beast is arranged according to the chrome Chester's rays to form the best defensive structure. Most of the energy of the assault ray has been neutralized, so it doesn't appear to be very powerful."

"Wait a minute, what you said..." Administrator Matsunaga suddenly thought of something, the smile on his face suddenly froze, and slowly became gloomy, his face was livid, and his cheeks trembled unnaturally.

Xingye nodded at Manager Matsunaga, and said in a very flat tone: "The chrome Chester fighter is newly refitted, and this is the first time to attack, but the alien beast has already prepared defensive measures. Apparently the information on Chromechester's weapon system was leaked, and then the Unknown Hand modified the alien beast based on the information."

Saijo Feng said with cold eyes: "There are still ghosts in this base..."

The word 'inner ghost' suddenly cooled down the heated atmosphere in the room, angry, annoyed, bewildered... everyone's facial expression is very wonderful, no matter what time it is, the traitor is the most attractive thing Those who hate it, especially if the traitor is by his side, it will bring disaster to them.

Xingye clapped his hands and said, "Don't use the old special warhead missiles. I will rewrite the arrangement matrix of supersonic assault rays. The new special warheads are also rushing to work. I believe everything can be completed tonight. Delay the next attack."

Manager Matsunaga quickly adjusted his mentality, put on a peaceful smile on his face again, and said: "Okay, I will investigate this issue clearly. Your task is to eliminate the alien beasts, and get familiar with the new energy detection as soon as possible. System, wait until the alien beast appears next time to destroy it."

"Yeah!" The five members of the night raid team nodded silently. Now they can only do this. Their task is to fight. Even if they know that there is a traitor, it will not help. Apart from hoping that the Matsunaga administrator can find him out, the others There was nothing they could do to help them, so everyone stood up and dispersed, sat back in their seats and began to get busy.

Manager Matsunaga left in a hurry, preparing to carry out a major investigation at the base. The "exposure" of Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki and Misawa Hiroyuki made him think that the traitors had been cleaned up, but he didn't expect there to be traitors. It made him feel like the Castle of Liberty was being infiltrated into a sieve. This feeling was very bad, very very bad.

Xingye waved to Gumen Yihui, Gumen Yihui who was sitting there stood up and walked to the rest area, Xingye took a cup of coffee and motioned Gumen Yihui to sit down, and then asked: "Gumen, do you want to sit down?" Have you figured out how to deal with alien beasts?"

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