Chapter 1707 A dream spanning seventeen years

"Sounds like it's very powerful!" Gumen Kazuki didn't know what was going on. To him, these numbers really didn't make any sense, just like a school bully saying that TOEFL scumbags' first reaction was thanks to whom?

Xingye smiled and did not speak. Whether it is the submitted information or other aspects, this giant particle collider exists as the power source of the Fort of Freedom. In order to obtain the information of this particle collider, it can be said that It is someone who is able to contribute, otherwise, how could it be possible to transfer all the materials and more than a dozen engineering teams that can carry out underwater construction in just three days. You must know that the interface error of the particle collider can be said to be at the micron level. Such a construction team cannot be afforded by a small country at all, and only the five hooligans and some old developed countries have it.

After knowing that there is a particle collider with a circumference of three kilometers under the Northern Lights Research Institute, and using the particle collider to generate energy to achieve energy self-sufficiency in the research institute, all countries are crazy. This is absolutely absolute. Clean energy, although it is impossible to say that the whole people can use clean energy, it is a huge progress, just like the evolution from a hand-operated generator to a 700,000-kilowatt hydroelectric generator.

In the past, particle colliders were used to explore the secrets of molecules, atoms, and even smaller quarks. Although they can be used to generate energy in theory, unfortunately no one dares to do this. You must know that when particles collide, one particle can It releases a relatively strong energy, but this energy is not even possible to light an electric lamp.

But the too strong energy erupted by the collision of a large number of particle beams cannot be resisted by a bunch of materials, but the collection of too weak energy cannot help but lack relevant equipment and has no economic effect.

Now I hear that there is a practical technology that uses particle colliders as energy, which instantly ignites countries. No one is a fool. This is definitely a cleaner and more efficient energy source than nuclear power plants. No more worrying about energy issues.

Therefore, all countries, without exception, scrambled to "freely" send the strongest scientist camp and construction team in the country to participate in the construction of this particle collider throughout the process, trying to obtain more relevant information.

Xingye lay leisurely on the railing and looked at a big tent on the far shore. A large group of scientists from different countries were holding the drawings provided by Xingye and directing the construction team on the lake through the walkie-talkie. For work, Xingye only needs to control the whole, and most of the physical and mental work is done by them.

They are happy because they can participate more, learn how to build this particle collider, watch the construction drawings openly, and silently copy a copy of the drawings and send them back. Xingye is also in a very happy mood. They are all top scientists from various countries. Most of the work is covered by them. They gather the strength of the whole world to build this particle collider. The construction progress can be described as rapid progress, and it can be built as soon as possible Good this energy source, and then activate a new barrier to solve the problem of the sea of ​​forgetting river as soon as possible.

And the deeper reason, which is also the main reason, is that Xingye is forcing the darkness to build a foundation, and the gathering of so much negative energy in the final place is simply the best source of darkness. He will never sit back and watch Xingye collide this particle The opportunity is complete, and then a new and stronger barrier is built to block Wang Wangchuan's sea.

If Dark Zaki is not fooled, it would be even better, build a new barrier and slowly trouble Dark Zaki. This is Yangmou. I'm putting my thoughts here upright. It depends on whether you jump into it or not. Even if you jump into it, it's a trap and the opponent will gain an advantage if you don't.

As night fell, the reservoir was still brightly lit. The searchlights of the construction ships were turned on, illuminating the bottom of the water brightly. The construction workers worked in three shifts, trying to complete this world's first particle pairing as quickly as possible. collider.

And in a room, Saijo Kaze had already fallen into a deep sleep, she felt as if she had returned to the forest full of thin white mist, she was full of fear and uneasiness, and hugged a little girl tightly. A small plush toy, as if it could bring her a sense of security.

The twelve-year-old girl was walking around in the forest, huddled in fear, and shouted loudly, "Dad! Mom! Where are you?"

At this moment, she saw two white balls under an old man in front of her, which made her stop in her tracks. She called out timidly, "Mom? Dad?"

A black shadow came out from behind the big tree, and then stepped on the white thing on the ground. The surrounding light seemed to be brighter, allowing Feng, who was originally so dim that he couldn't even see the scene five meters away, to see what was ahead. The two people who fell under the big tree turned out to be his parents.

That person was still hiding in the darkness strangely, and a familiar voice came into Saijo's ears: "Your father and mother, they are already dead, hehe!"

Saijo Feng looked in horror at the man whose body was mostly hidden in the shadow of the trees. The moonlight moved westward and gradually revealed his figure. He was wearing a blue leather dress, and the color on his back, shoulders and legs was He was wearing black long-tube military leather boots on his feet. The voice of this person continued: "I killed them, and I will eat them. Hahaha!"

The arrogant laughter became louder and louder, reverberating in the forest like a bell, Saijo Kaze couldn't help covering his ears, then suddenly opened his eyes, and sat up from the bed. There was darkness in front of her eyes, only the energy-saving lamps on the table were slightly lit, bringing a ray of light to the room, and all the familiar things in front of her eyes made Saijo come back to her senses, and understood that this was her room.

'Om! hum! hum! There were ear-piercing sirens, and it was this siren that woke her up from her sleep. Kaze Saijo was stunned for a moment, then got out of bed in a hurry, grabbed the clothes on the hanger, and put them on in twos and twos. Then he opened the door and ran to the war room which was only seven or eight meters away at the fastest speed.

In order to allow the night raid team to attack as soon as possible, the room where the five members of the night raid team live is on the same floor as the war room and it is still in a corridor. The farthest room of Guto Kazuki is only ten meters away from the war room. It can be said that you can run to the war room in three or four seconds after going out.

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