Chapter 17 The Call of the Starry Sky

"From Dr. Jiang Qi's description, it can be concluded that they have been captured by that energy body and have lost themselves, that is to say, they have been assimilated by that energy body and have become the same form of existence as that energy body." Xing Ye Said clearly.

"What is that?" Zong Fang frowned and tried to keep up with Xing Ye's thoughts.

"According to Dr. Jiang Qi, the energy body can move in the universe and can automatically find the substances needed for survival. From a biological point of view, it can basically be called a living body with the ability to move and prey." Xingye explained: "Dr. Jiang Qi and the others are now transformed into the same form of existence by that living body in an unknown way."

"Combined with the situation of the previous battle and the conversion of Jeep No. 3 into his body, it can be speculated that Ligadron has the ability to change the form and properties of matter from the microscopic structure. When it is active in the universe, it can transform itself To survive in the form of an information body to reduce energy consumption so that he can find the next predation place in the endless void for as long as possible. From this point of view, Ligadron is a monster that has been active in the universe for a long time, but it is still I don't know why he came to Earth?" Xingye said and finally fell into deep thought again, thinking about this question.

The command room was very quiet and everyone was digesting what Xingye said. After waiting for a long time, Ju Jianhui saw that Xingye was still gnawing his nails with his head down and frowning.

"Is there no way to rescue them?" Ju Jianhui finally couldn't bear it anymore and interrupted Xingye's thinking.

Xingye suddenly raised his head and frowned, looking at Jujianhui, a little unhappy, but Jujianhui interrupted his thinking, but answered his question: "It is impossible with the technology of the earth, and our research on the life forms of the universe is still at the most advanced stage. The initial stage. The aliens captured by HUNTER are all in the form of matter like human beings. This is the first time that this kind of life forms exist in the form of information. We have no way to understand nature and have no countermeasures against them, let alone how to Transform life forms in material form into information form. Among the currently known aliens, the Kiriarods may have similar technology, but we have not obtained this technology from them so far."

Xincheng walked out of the command room silently with his head down, leaning on the railing of the base's circular corridor and watching the people hurrying around him.

In the center of the base out of the water is a large circular corridor. There is no building on the side of the corridor, but a circular patio with a diameter of 100 meters. At the bottom is a huge bead on a pillar. The bottom of the circular corridor is not inconspicuous, but it is the energy center of the base. The power generation center of the base is here, but the daily power consumption of the base, which is only a few kilometers wide above the water, can be said to be terrifying, so even The power generation center of the base already adopts the latest technology, but it still can only meet a small part of the power consumption of the base, and the rest depends on external input.

Dagu followed and looked at Xincheng worriedly, but smiled and said to Xincheng: "Xincheng, are you okay? When you talked to the captain today, you are not like the usual you?"

"Those people didn't consider the feelings of their families at all. They just lost their loved ones, but those people still..." Xincheng said angrily, although he didn't nominate, he knew who to talk about.

"They have forgotten the humility towards life, the prudence towards the unknown, and the responsibility towards human beings when they were established." Xingye walked to the two of them and lay down on the railing with a very indifferent tone.

"Yeah, it's not just them, we humans have also lost a lot of things. Our technology is getting more and more advanced, but the good things that used to be are gradually losing. For example, the gentleness and friendliness of human beings are gradually disappearing." Xincheng was deeply moved.

"What are you guys feeling here?" Just as the three of them were feeling emotional about their lives, a clear female voice came out from behind.

"Mayumi, why are you here?" Xingye looked at the girl in front of her in surprise.

"I'm a member of TPC, why can't I be here?" Mayumi said with a smile while showing off the uniform of the TPC medical staff.

Xingye was silent for a moment and turned his gaze to Xincheng, and Xincheng immediately turned his gaze to the ceiling to think about life and ideals.

"Oh," Xing Ye couldn't help but sighed, "Why did you join TPC when you should be going to college at your age?"

"But didn't you join TPC earlier than me?" Mayumi raised her mouth and asked dissatisfiedly, leaning forward with her arms on her hips and almost touching Xingye's body.

Before Xingye could escape Mayumi, Xincheng grabbed her and looked at Xingye with vigilant eyes like an outsider who was just thinking about life.

"By the way, what are you talking about?" Zhenyou asked curiously.

"Why do you ask this? Have you memorized the confidentiality regulations?" Xincheng said displeased, TPC has strict confidentiality regulations to know what you should know, so that you can't know what you shouldn't know.

"Tch, what's the big deal." Mayumi said dissatisfied but didn't ask again.

"There's no need to keep it a secret anymore. I've basically figured it out." Xingye smiled at the unhappy Mayumi and told her roughly what happened. The wonderful story and the twists and turns of the plot made Mayumi's eyes shine.

"But why do they still appear after being assimilated by monsters?" Mayumi asked with her head tilted.

"I think it's their longing for their family that the monster can't understand, so that feeling is materialized by the power of the monster." Dagu said with emotion.

"Because that monster has no emotions, it can't understand human emotions. It can probably be explained." Xincheng nodded in agreement.

"Didi, Didi." At this moment, the PDIs of Dagu and Xincheng rang.

The two picked it up and saw that it was Captain Jianhui: "Go back to the command room immediately!"

The two looked at each other and understood what was going on, Xincheng slowly closed the PDI and walked towards the command room with heavy steps.

"Brother, he must be in pain. He wants to fight Dr. Jiang Qi and the others. Is there really no way to turn Dr. Jiang Qi and the others back?" Mayumi looked at Xingye with hopeful eyes.

Xingye shook his head slowly: "Even if the principle can be analyzed, but the time is too late, I think that monster has already appeared."

"Where's Ultraman?" Mayumi suddenly exclaimed and put her hands on her chest, her tone full of expectation: "Ultraman will definitely be able to change them back to their original state, and Ultraman will definitely be able to do it if he is so powerful."

Mayumi's tone was full of admiration and confidence, and she said that Altman was omnipotent like a god. Not only him, many people held this view.

"Perhaps." Xingye said lightly.

The atmosphere inside the command room was very depressing, and all the members of the Victory Team and the Nanyuan staff were inside.

"Now I will pass on the order from the headquarters to completely destroy that monster!" Staff Nanyuan said seriously.

"I see!" Ju Jianhui sighed and nodded.

Xincheng looked at everyone in astonishment and disbelief: "Consultant, do we really want to fight them?"

"What we have to deal with is the cosmic monster that threatens the safety of the earth," Staff Nanyuan suddenly stood up and said in a stern tone: "GUTS is dispatched."

"Understood!" All members of the Victory Team stood at attention and replied. Even Xincheng had to be dispatched because he was a member of the Victory Team.

"It's just that the Feiyan's equipment can't deal with that monster!" Xingye shook his head and poured cold water on them: "Last time, the Texas Beam didn't even break the shell of that monster."

"Xingye, what can you do?" Ju Jianhui looked at Xingye.

"Let Lina and I drive the Phoenix to attack, but at present, the Phoenix can only be used with spike missiles. And there are only a few test bombs that can be used at present, so we must be cautious. Finally, we must pay attention to absolutely not letting the monsters absorb energy. Otherwise, if we let his defense go up again, I'm afraid we won't be able to destroy the monster even if we destroy the earth." Xingye finally said.

The take-off hatch of the base was opened, Feiyan 1 and Feiyan 2 flew away from the base in turn, and then Phoenix slowly took off from another take-off cabin, and after only a short while, the speed increased to an incredible level.

"What a fast speed!" Lina was full of surprise while holding the joystick.

"How are you still getting used to it?" Xingye sat in the back and asked concerned.

"No problem, the clinker is already in the virtual cockpit." Lina said confidently: "But the speed is really fast enough." Lina looked back at Feiyan, which was left far behind, very happy .

"Oh my god, it's really fast!" Hori stared dumbfounded at the Phoenix that flew past Feiyan No.2.

When the victory team arrived, the monster Ligadron was shuttling through the mountains, and a high-voltage power line on the way was easily destroyed by it. The super high voltage hit his body and the sparks splashed, which seemed powerful, but Li Jiadron still passed through with ease.

"Okay, destroy the monster before it reaches the power plant." Commander Zongfang looked at the monster and ordered.

The Phoenix has already arrived at the battlefield and has been hovering over the monster. Upon hearing the command, Lina immediately maneuvered the Phoenix to circle in the air and rushed towards the monster.

"Spike missile launch." Lina pressed the launch button, and two missiles were released from the abdomen of the Phoenix machine, which was caught by the mechanical arm and launched.

White smoke from the tail of the two spike missiles accurately hit Lijiadron and exploded, and the flames shot up to the sky and completely swallowed Lijiadron. The terrifying temperature melted the nearby power transmission overhead into molten iron.

Lijiadron's angry roar sounded, Lijiadron waved his claws and walked out of the smoke. Sparks and black smoke billowed from the missing chunk on the left shoulder.

(Thanks to book friend Miao Miao for the reward of 100 book coins)

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