Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1699 Unknown

There were still flame embers on the ground emitting a dim fiery red light. Nexus just stood in the center of the flame, staring at the fallen alien beast in the distance with his bright eyes, his right leg slightly turned towards the He took a step back and bent his right fist on his abdomen.

The jewel-like ribbons arranged in a Y shape on the side of the arm exude dazzling brilliance and gather strong energy. The spiral light belt rotates rapidly on Nexus' arm, and with the rotation of the light belt, the light energy It quickly transformed into a scorching flame.

The alien beast Yizumi Mairu slapped his arms on the ground, splashing puffs of smoke and dust, and tried his best to support his festering body to stand up. With his movements, pieces of scales that were almost charred ! ’ fell, the internal structure had already completely collapsed under the impact of the Phoenix Shadowless Ray’s energy, and before it fell to the ground, it was scattered into fly ash in the air.

As soon as the alien beast stood up, Nexus was already galloping towards the alien beast with big strides. His silver soles stepped on the magma, and the fiery magma splashed around and cooled in the air before it hit the ground. turned into volcanic rock.

The alien beast shook its head and just raised its head to see Nexus with his right arm radiating a faint golden light bent at his waist, endless flames rolling on his forearm, Nexus seemed to be caught A fiery red sleeve is generally.

With Nexus running in big strides, ‘Boom! Boom! The sound of heavy footsteps reverberated in the Meta field. Facing Nexus who was striding forward, the heads of the strange beasts on the strange beasts lit up, and the slightly dim lights whizzed Attacked towards Nexus, trying to intercept Nexus who was running fast.

"Ugh!" Nexus yelled, facing more than a dozen rays of light rushing towards his face, he didn't mean to dodge at all, but made his running speed two points faster, like a meteor flying on the ground, instantly It collided with more than ten rays of light.

Rays of light hit Nexus, who was surrounded by golden radiance, and the slightest ripples disappeared immediately, and Nexus' speed could not even be slowed down a little.

Under the horrified eyes of the alien beast, Nexus appeared in front of him in an instant, and swung his bent right fist fiercely, hitting the scorched chest of the alien beast. The lingering flame energy exploded forward in an instant.

In the blink of an eye, the two or three meters of flame ball rotated forward and expanded, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a flame light ball with a diameter of 100 meters and a length of more than 200 meters like a trumpet, raging flames In an instant, the huge body of the alien beast was wrapped up.

Under the high temperature of hundreds of thousands of degrees and the impact of energy comparable to a nuclear explosion, the solid body of the alien beast was burned to ashes layer by layer like tofu, and within two to three seconds, the burst of flames slowly dissipated. , in front of Nexus's forward right fist, there was no longer the huge figure of the alien beast Izumi Mairu, but there were only extremely fine ash scattered in the air and blown with the wind under the shock wave.

Nexus looked around, looked at the messy land beside him, there were holes caused by large and small explosions everywhere, large expanses of cooling magma still emitted wisps of smoke, and the alien beast Yizu Mairu was killed. The tentacles he cut off with a hand knife are still lying on the ground in the distance, which has become evidence that the alien beast Yizu Mairu once survived.

Nexus looked down at his silvery fists and arms lingering with golden light, he shook them tentatively, feeling the power from his fists gave him the illusion that he could open up the world.

"I did it, I defeated the alien beast," Komon Kazuki clenched his fists and said to himself from the bottom of his heart, he seemed to see Hime Yajun and Chiki Rei smiling at him in the light, Gumen Kazuki Hui also smiled at them, and said very firmly: "Don't worry, Mr. Ji Ya, Lian, I will protect this world, even if it means risking my life."

"Buzz! Buzz!" The slight engine sound of the Striker Phoenix sounded from above his head, which woke Nexus up from his contemplation. Through the glass of the cockpit, he could clearly see Captain Eisuke Wakura, Vice-captain Kaze Saijo, Team Ishihori, Team Shiori, and Starry Night who nodded to him.

"Yeah!" Nexus nodded vigorously, then raised his arms and crossed them in front of him, the crimson energy core bloomed with dazzling brilliance, and in this light, the barriers around the Meita domain turned back. The golden wall of light changed back to the outside world in just a few seconds.

Nexus stood between tall buildings. The wide strait was only 30 to 40 meters to the east, connecting to the artificial island Odaiba on the opposite side. Many ships were moored in the strait. All the people crowded on the deck looked at Nexus standing on the edge of the strait with surprise on their faces.

The traffic on the nearly 600-meter-long Rainbow Bridge has come to a standstill. All the cars stopped, and the people on board got out of the cars. They all gathered by the bridge and looked in the direction of Nexus.

The people fleeing in the city also stopped, turned around and looked up at Ultraman standing between the high-rise buildings with hands hanging down, exuding dazzling gold and silver light. In the past, they They all saw Ultraman on the Internet, news, newspapers and other channels. Even though many people knew that Ultraman had fought with alien beasts in the past, and fought against alien beasts in unknown corners, but really watched It is the first time for most people to go to Altman.

For them, this giant with powerful strength and huge figure is still unfamiliar. Even standing there is a huge figure with a height of more than 50 meters, which makes people daunting. Demon-like monsters.

Nexus turned his head slowly, looked around, and saw the doubts, surprises, hesitation...all in the eyes of everyone, and then his whole body glowed with golden light. In this light, Naike Seth's huge body turned into light particles all over the sky, and quickly disappeared.

The Strike Phoenix flew over the high-rise buildings in the city, then turned around and flew towards the Northern Lights Research Institute, and disappeared from people's sight in the blink of an eye, leaving only the ruins all over the place And the broken streets attest to the existence of this battle.

'call out! ’ A golden streamer of light flew down from high altitude almost in the blink of an eye, and landed on the downward stairwell at the edge of the square of the Northern Lights Research Institute, condensing a lonely figure.

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