Ultraman Senki

Chapter 159: Attacking Ultraman (Part 3)

PS: Now Xingsha is getting closer to 4,000 words three times a day, full of sincerity! Everyone please subscribe and vote! And the update time is 8:00, 13:00, and 17:00!

Stone Wings quickly came to the side of Lidorias, Xingye looked at the halo around Lidoria's neck, Lidorias struggled in pain to get rid of it, but he couldn't do it no matter what, the halo Wrapped tightly around his neck, it has begun to slowly seep into it.

"Has it started to parasitize?" Xingye murmured to himself, "I have no choice but to eliminate the parasite together."

The land can already be seen ahead, row upon row of high-rise buildings stand on the land not far from the ocean, and the streets are still full of fleeing people. People were even more panicked when they saw a huge strange bird flying over the sea in the distance, and hurriedly accelerated their pace of escape.

"Evacuate the residents as soon as possible, and put the safety of the residents' lives first!" The youth elite team and the police nervously evacuated the residents in this area, but seeing that Lidorias was approaching, the evacuation work of the residents was in turmoil. Not quite yet.

Lidorias withdrew his wings and landed on the ground, the ground trembling from his huge weight. Lidorias trembled in pain. The halo around his neck quickly penetrated Lidorias body, but within a few seconds the halo completely disappeared.

After the light virus infiltrated Lidoria's body, Lidoria's appearance changed a lot. The originally thick and short claws of both hands instantly stretched dozens of times and became several meters long. The skin on the body instantly turned into a hard cuticle, and the few hairs on the head turned into three sharp tentacles. In just a few seconds, it changed from a docile looking strange bird to an extremely vicious looking monster.

"Is this the infection effect of the light virus!" Sitting in the thunder of the teker, Captain Hiura looked at the greatly changed Lidorias in shock, and hurriedly ordered: "Fire the suppression bomb immediately!"

Feng Chui aimed at the top of Lidorias and fired a suppressing bomb. The suppressing bomb exploded on it, but before it landed on his head, it was blocked by the red light emitted by the three red tentacles on his head. outside.

Lidorias opened his eyes and looked at the city with red eyes, opened his mouth wide and spit out a wave of destructive light towards the city. There are still many people running away on the street, and they cried out in despair when they saw the light wave attacking.

Xingye immediately pulled out the evolution trustee and turned into a beam of light and appeared in front of the light wave. He raised his hands and issued an Ultra Barrier to block the light wave.

The desperate people on the street stood up in confusion, because nothing happened, and when they looked up, they opened their mouths in surprise. A giant emitting golden light stood in front of them, and the light wave hitting in front of him was completely blocked by it.

"Ah! Is this the Ultraman that appeared before?"

"Yes, but there seems to be some differences!"

People discussed and looked at the incomparably stalwart figure with joy, the tension and despair in their hearts disappeared immediately, and they became extremely at ease.

"That's the giant that appeared last night." Ayano in the base said after comparing the two pictures with some joy.

"It's completely parasitic! It seems that the only way to wipe out the parasites is." Xingye shook his right fist, strode forward, jumped and punched Lidorias hard on the head.

The huge force directly knocked it over to the ground, and fell heavily on the ground, causing the ground to vibrate violently.

"It's very weak! It seems that although it was parasitized by the light virus, its strength didn't increase much, it just stimulated the nature of this monster. But what's the point of being parasitized by the light virus like this? Isn't he looking for a body?" Xing Ye Somewhat puzzled, but the hands still did not stop, another punch knocked down the monster that had just stood up.

"Is this Ultraman going to kill Lidorias?" Hiroji Doigaki on the ground couldn't help saying when he saw that Nexus knocked Lidorias to the ground every time he made a shot.

"Then what can we do? Lidorias has turned into a ferocious monster, and the only way is to destroy it!" Ace pilot Keisuke Kazaki very much agreed with this approach.

Lidorias roared and scratched the ground with his claws, drawing deep marks on the ground, and slowly got up. Xingye clenched his right fist and walked towards Lidorias, ready to knock him down again.

"Stop! Don't hurt Lidorias!" Haruno Musashi could not help shouting when he saw a silver giant stepping forward with his right fist raised high to attack Lidorias.

Xingye turned her head and saw the source of the sound, it was the monster boy with the breath of light that she saw on the island. Ignoring him, Xingye began to gather the energy in his body on his right fist, and slowly a silver light radiated from his right fist, which could be seen even from a long distance away.

"No!" Haruno Musashi screamed when he saw that scene, but his right hand couldn't help pressing the launch button on the joystick.

"Whoo! Whoosh! Whoosh!" A series of light bullets flew out of his fighter plane, rushing towards Nexus who had punched down with his right fist.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" Just as Xingye was about to hit him, a series of light bullets hit his back, and the dazzling sparks burst out, causing countless people to open their mouths in surprise.

"Huh?" Xingye stood up straight and turned to look at Haruno Musashi who flew over.

"Gong...Kong...Attack Ultraman!" The fat man Doigaki Hiroji on the ground pointed at Nexus with trembling fingers, unable to utter a complete sentence in surprise.

"What does that kid want to do? Isn't he a test pilot? How can he have the right to attack?" Keisuke Kazaki was furious. It is true that Ultraman once visited the earth and had goodwill towards the earth, but he has not figured out this Ultraman yet. Did Mann attack rashly like that Ultraman? Anyone who gets punched in the face can get annoyed to make things worse.

"I'm sorry!" Haruno Musashi looked at Nexus apologetically and said loudly: "Lidorias is not a bad boy, I will make him return to his original state. So please, please stop attacking?"

Xingye put down his arms and took two steps back to stand in front of the city, clearly expressing his intention that as long as the monster moved one step towards the city, he would attack.

"Thank you, I will take Lidorias back." Haruno Musashi thanked hurriedly with a happy brow, then opened the cockpit, leaned half of his body outside, and waved the pendant against the bitter cold wind.

The buzzing sound attracted Lidorias' attention, and his red eyes were fixed on Haruno Musashi's landline hovering in front of him.

"Go back, please, this is not the place for you." Haruno Musashi yelled at Lidorias, Lidorias couldn't help shaking his head and listened intently to the crisp sound.

A shocking scene happened. With Haruno Musashi cheering joyfully, the sharp thorns that had grown on Lidoria's body were slowly retracted. In the end, it returned to its original harmless appearance.

"It can be changed back to its original form. What is that pendant?" Xingye couldn't help but cast his gaze on the pendant that Haruno Musashi kept waving.

Haruno Musashi happily sat down and continued waving the pendant to fly the plane towards Kasiyajima: "Let's go back, Lidorias!"

"Ang!" Lidorias let out a cry and flew up behind Haruno Musashi's plane. Xingye turned around and looked at Lidorias and Haruno Musashi who were slowly flying towards the sky: "Those light viruses can be killed Purge and suppression? Why didn't life on that planet do it?"

At this moment, three heavy-duty fighter planes filled with missiles and light guns suddenly sprang out from the clouds, hitting Lidorias who was close at hand.

"Boom! Boom!" Dozens of explosions of fire almost completely swallowed Lidoria's back. Lidoria let out a few painful roars, and his docile eyes once again became incomparably fierce. , The body changed drastically again, and the body turned a big bend and flew towards the fighter jet.

"Captain, it's the defense force!" Feng Chui looked angrily at the three fighters that disrupted the situation.

"Youth elite team, leave it to us to deal with it, and you retreat immediately!" Captain Ripu's command voice came from the headset.

"Stop, stop the attack! Lidorias didn't attack the city, and our youth elite team should handle it!" Captain Ripu hurriedly communicated with the defense force.

"If it wasn't for the silver Ultraman just now, the city would have been destroyed by this monster." The other side also did not compromise.

Lidorias opened his mouth and spit out a wave of light to attack the fighter jets of the Defense Force. The three fighter jets easily dodged the light wave with a skilful pull. on Lidorias.

"No, Lidorias, you can't attack anymore." Haruno Musashi shouted anxiously. If this continues, Lidorias will definitely be wiped out by the defense forces as a threat.

Xingye flew up in a hurry and saw that Lidorias had turned into that vicious monster again before he got close. Xingye stopped in mid-air and looked at Lidorias clearly.

"It seems that it is not clear that the virus is only suppressed. There is no other way but to do this." Xingye flew to Lidorias again, and before he got close, he raised his hand and shot several light blades fiercely. It landed on his body and knocked it down from the air, and it hit the ground fiercely. The ground shook violently, and the people on the ground lost their balance and almost fell to the ground.

"Stop! Don't hurt Lidorias!" Haruno Musashi yelled at Xingye and made a big turn regardless of the weight on his body, and the pressure of overload pressed him heavily on the back of the chair.

Xingye raised his arms and gathered the energy in his body to emit a faint silver light. His arms joined together and a cross beam of light shot out from his arms, rushing towards Lidorias who was standing up not far away.

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