Ultraman Senki

Chapter 153 The Last Light

"The sun is blocked by the black fog, and the temperature is getting lower and lower. There are still many monsters raging in the sky above the city. Is our human civilization coming to an end?" A host on the TV said in despair : "Guys, good luck to everyone."

The host couldn't help wiping away tears, and suddenly raised his head in astonishment, his words were full of excitement: "Everyone, everyone, look! Look at that! It's Ultraman, Ultraman started fighting monsters again, Ultraman is here to save us. We have hope again, come on, Ultraman!" The host shouted excitedly, and following his words, the TV screen turned, and it was three huge The giant of light and the even bigger monster fought together.

"Ultraman didn't lose, they are still fighting!"

"With Ultraman here, we won't die."

"Come on! Ultraman!"

"..." The children and some adults gathered in front of the TV to cheer Ultraman again, but some people stood there motionless and lifeless.

"It's useless, I can't win anyway!"

"If I had known earlier, it would be better to perish in Qijiela's dream. At least it's useless and painful!"


"Ha!" Xiaoyi flew up and cut off the two tentacles immediately with a hand blade. Dagu clasped his hands together and released a cross beam of light that scattered the incoming tentacles. Xingye stretched out his arms with a cutting light blade Flying forward, it cut off all the tentacles in an instant and hit Gatanjiehe's body.

"Ang!" Gatanjehe roared, and more black mist surged up from the bottom of the sea, pressing towards the three Ultraman, squeezing their space for movement.

"Damn what is this?" Xiaoyi looked at the black mist that almost completely surrounded them in surprise.

"Little wing, be careful, those black mist are very weird, don't touch them." Dagu reminded, punching a tentacle that suddenly jumped out of the sea to the side.

Gatanjiehe opened his mouth wide, and the black-purple energy in his mouth was constantly gathering, obviously intending to amplify his move.

The three hurriedly gathered their energy and sent out three rays of light to hit Gatanjiehe. Gatanjiehe opened his mouth and spit out a black-purple light that collided with the three rays of light.

The rays of light emitted by the three Ultraman's joint efforts were no match for the black-purple light, and they kept moving towards them.

The three of them hastily increased their energy output in an attempt to resist the ray of light that obviously possessed enormous destructive power, but they were still pushed over little by little.

Gatanjehe's huge body squirmed and the black mist on the surface shrank suddenly, and the black-purple beam of light suddenly expanded, crushing the three Ultraman's light beams and then bombarding them.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" The three Ultraman flew upside down and fell hard on the sea surface, splashing three huge water jets.

Gatanjeh waved his tentacles proudly and jumped from the bottom of the sea to the three Ultraman who were still struggling to stand up in the sea. The black mist was continuously absorbed by him, and the broken tentacles quickly regenerated.

As soon as Dagu's legs stepped on the bottom of the sea, they were entangled by two tentacles, and a giant clamp sprang out from the side and clamped Dagu's neck, almost completely blocking Dagu's vision.

Xiaoyi hurriedly wanted to go to the rescue, but before he took a step, he was entangled by three tentacles, and his waist and arms were completely trapped.

Xingye waved his lightsaber and cut several tentacles that were trying to entangle him in half. When he raised his right arm and was about to slash at the giant pincers that entangled Dagu, a tentacle shot out from the sea water behind him. Wrapped around Xingye's right arm, Xingye turned around in surprise, a giant clamp suddenly jumped up and clamped Xingye's neck from behind. Pulling it back forcefully, Xingye was pulled down to the ground by the huge force and dragged along in the sea water.

"Oh!" Xingye waved his arms wildly, but he couldn't use any strength. He broke several stone pillars along the way and drew a long ravine on the seabed.

With both arms, Dagu concentrated the energy in his body on it and pulled it hard, tearing off the tentacles behind the giant pincers. His legs were deeply sunken in the sea mud and he tried his best to resist the huge force from above.

"Ugh!" Dagu gritted his teeth and moved his legs back with difficulty, the tense tentacles were instantly torn off.

The arm blade of Xingye's right arm flashed and a light blade spun out and cut off the tentacles behind the giant pincers. He hurriedly stood up and saw that Dagu and Xiaoyi had stood up and looked at Gatanjiehe vigilantly.

Xingye took two steps and stood side by side with Dagu and Xiaoyi.

"If this continues, we will still lose." Dagu was a little anxious, knowing that if he loses again this time, human beings will really perish.

"It doesn't matter. Isn't my appearance the best proof? This shows that human beings are not extinct." Xiaoyi said relaxedly.

"But how do you know that you are from the future and not a parallel time and space?" Xingye asked back: "The future depends on our efforts rather than luck."

"The future of mankind depends on our efforts!" Dagu roared and gathered all the energy in his body to prepare for the final fight. Xiao Yiyi immediately nodded and followed Dagu to prepare for the final attack. Xingye also took a deep breath to gather the energy in his whole body. In fact, Dagu and Xingye had no chance of winning this battle, but human beings were already facing the crisis of extinction. They had no time to hesitate and could only use their lives to win. a possible future. Just because they are humans too are humans living on this planet.

"Human beings will never perish," Xingye roared, combining his arms into an L shape and releasing the ultimate ray: "How could such a thing be allowed to happen!"

Dagu and Xiaoyi released light at the same time, and the three rays converged into a huge stream of rays in the middle. The gold and silver colors formed a spiral beam of light that was as huge as Ultraman. The blue and red rays of light rotating in the spiral beam of light.

Gatanjeh's huge back absorbed the black mist frantically, and the surrounding black mist suddenly cleared up, and Gatanjahe absorbed it all in one breath. Then Gatanjehe opened his mouth and spit out a huge black-purple beam of light.

The underground refuge that had always been extremely noisy has now become extremely quiet, and everyone is staring at the picture with bated breath, even those desperate people before. Survivors all over the world are waiting for the results, but seconds will decide the fate of this planet, these human beings.

The two beams of light collided under the eyes of everyone, and there was no loud noise in an instant. The surrounding sea water sank in an instant, exposing the seabed as deep as 20 meters, and surrounding Gatangie and the three Ottos. Man formed a huge hemispherical waterless zone, and all the sea water was pushed there by the huge impact. Gatanjiehe's tentacles are unobstructed, and everyone who sees his true face can't help but gasp. His huge body is supported by four thick legs. There are countless tentacles growing on his abdomen, which is a symptom of intensive phobia. People spit it out at first glance.

"Ugh!" The three Ultramen supported with great difficulty, and the energy in their bodies was continuously sent out to compete with Gatanjaer's beam of light.

The collision of the two rays of light is incomparably gorgeous and shocking, but the intense sparks mean massive energy consumption. The energy in the three Ultraman's bodies quickly bottomed out, and the color timer on the chest quickly lit up red, but even so, none of the three Ultraman dared to let go.

"Hmm!" Xiaoyi knelt down on the ground weakly, but he didn't intend to let go of his arm at all, and he still worked hard to deliver energy.

"He wants to consume Ultraman with his energy." Ju Jianhui raised his head in disbelief and thought that the monster was just a monster, but now he was surprised to find that the enemy had a lot of intelligence and could formulate tactics. Now she understands why the enemy stays in the sea all the time, because its body is too large and its speed is too slow. But in the sea, not only will there be less buoyancy, the sea will bring convenience to its tentacles for concealment and sneak attack.

"The enemy is not a wild beast, but a creature with high intelligence!" Director Sawai sighed, a trace of despair flashed in his eyes, and he had planned to use his wisdom to defeat the enemy, so he made a device to replenish Ultraman's energy. , and has been installed on the plane to take off at any time to replenish energy for Ultraman, but now it seems...


An earth-shattering explosion sounded, and the three Ultraman finally failed to resist Gatanjae's beam of light.

A gigantic pothole suddenly appeared on the seabed, and the three Ultramans collapsed powerlessly on the seabed, and the surging seawater poured in and quickly submerged the three Ultramans in the pitch-black seawater.

"Ultraman lost again."

"This time there is really no hope!"

Xingye shook his head and struggled to stand up with his hands and feet moving indiscriminately. The same was true for Dagu and Xiaoyi beside him. Everyone knelt there powerlessly and gasped for breath.

"Dagu, do you still remember how the super ancient giant of light defeated this guy?" Xingye said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Dagu nodded: "This is really the last battle, it's a pity that you got involved, Xiaoyi."

"No, I am really happy to be able to fight with Dad and Uncle Xingye. I am also an Ultraman and will never back down." Xiao Yi said firmly.

"Then come on! Let me show you the determination of human beings!" Xingye clenched his right fist and stood up desperately.

Xiaoyi and Dagu also struggled to stand up, and the three of them stood side by side in a row, although they were weak, they stared at Gatanjiehe without any fear.

The colorful timers on the chests of the three Ultramans suddenly burst into bright light, and the dazzling colorful light was extremely dazzling and very beautiful.

"What's this?"

Ju Jianhui and the others suddenly widened their eyes. This was the light emitted by the ultra-ancient giant of light last seen in the screen when it sealed Gatanjae with its life.

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