Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1512 Capture

In the empty combat room, Koto Kazuki walked in from the door bored, and saw Ishihori Mitsuhiko sitting there with a seldom a bad face, and the computer screen in front of him was shining brightly showing something.

"What's the matter? Team Ishihori, your complexion is very bad." Koto Kazuki walked forward with concern, and before he could reach Mitsuhiko Ishihori, he saw on the computer screen that Ji Yajun was placed by several white-clothed cleaners On a bed in a room that looked like an operating room, Ji Yazhun in the picture was lying there motionless with his eyes closed, being bound by a white-clothed cleaner.

"This is..." Gumen Kazuki stared at the screen in disbelief with his eyes widened in astonishment, his whole body almost climbed onto the screen.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko sighed in displeasure: "I don't know which area the surveillance footage I captured in the base's internal data is from. I tried to find it, but I just found this."

Speaking of which, Ishihori Mitsuhiko opened a report on the analysis of Ultraman's power, and the signatory was Manager Matsunaga.

"Why?" Koto Kazuki couldn't understand, Hime Yajun ninja fought desperately with pain and pain, but TLT was not only not grateful, but also wanted to conduct an experiment on Hime Yajun to analyze the power of Ultraman. Men Yihui felt that this was simply ungrateful.

"It seems that Hime Yajun has been captured to the base," Ishibori Mitsuhiko continued, "It should be because Hime Yajun was exhausted from fighting the night before, and he couldn't even summon his flying machine. I should have thought of it a long time ago. We You should have looked for him then."

"Bang!" Koto Ikki slammed his right fist heavily on the steel tabletop, causing pain, but Koto Ikki didn't feel the slightest bit, the pain and disappointment in his heart made him unaware of the pain in his body.

Can the TLT, which attacked Ultraman silently guarding the world so neatly, really be able to protect human beings?

For the first time, Koto Kazuki had a slight suspicion of TLT. In his opinion, if a person has no bottom line, then the stronger the person's ability, the greater the harm to other people. The expansion of this point is the same in the organization. .

Reminiscent of how he used a small town with a population of 100,000 as a bait in order to eliminate the alien beasts, Koto Kakki still can't imagine what would have happened if Ultraman hadn't appeared.

Saijo Kaze, who was thinking about coming back from the training ground, also walked in, and then saw Ishihori Mitsuhiko and Koto Kazuki standing or sitting with livid faces, walked over strangely, and saw something on the computer screen that made Saijo Kaze His cheeks trembled a few times, his lips moved before he could speak.

"Why did they do this? Don't they know what Mr. Himeya has been doing all the time?" Koto Kakki asked with a confused face, as if he was asking himself or others.

Mitsuhiko Ishihori said as an excuse for TLT: "Perhaps it's because the alien beasts have been destroyed by Ultraman all this time, so they want to hold this powerful force in their hands. After all... Himeya will not obey the command of TLT." .”

"Maybe it's to fight against Mizorogi. After all, Mirogi puts a lot of pressure on us. I and the lonely team members have been seduced by him. He is a lunatic trying to drag the world into darkness together." Saijo Kaze said suddenly Said: "And Ji Yazhuan's body has reached its limit, maybe because he doesn't want to lose Ultraman's power, so he wants to solve the mystery of Ultraman's power."

Gumen Kazuki suddenly turned around and ran towards the door, Saijo Kaze hurriedly shouted: "Gumen, what are you doing?"

"I'm going to find the administrator. It's wrong to treat Mr. Himeya like this, absolutely not." Komon Kakki said and ran out of the war room.

"What a naive guy." Fuze Saijo was impatient, and hurriedly followed him. At the same time, he had great doubts about Koto Kazuki's IQ and EQ. If you think about it with your toes, you can see how it is possible for a night raider at the headquarters to In a few words, he gave up the research on Ultraman's power.

In the laboratory, Manager Matsunaga was instructing the researchers to prepare for a new experiment, when he glanced inadvertently, a figure in white appeared beside Ji Yazhun on the surveillance screen.

"The explainer?! How did he know about this place?" Manager Matsunaga couldn't help being surprised. This laboratory is secret, and he remembered that there was no virtual projector installed here. Why did the explainer still appear here silently? ?

Xingye stood in the room and stared at Ji Yazhun lying in the room, his thoughts connected to Ji Yazhun's consciousness: "Why don't you resist? You don't even have the strength to escape, do you?"

"I don't know, maybe I also want to know why I was selected by this power? What is the meaning of giving me this power?" Ji Yazhuan said very weakly: "I have been fighting with strange beasts, but many times I am not at all. What is the meaning of my fighting if it is too late to save those who were killed by the alien beasts?"

Xingye said softly: "Just a bond is also a kind of bond, linking people and people, people and Ultraman. The power of Ultraman is never a punishment, but a responsibility."


"Your body has reached its limit. If you continue to fight, you will die."

"I have already prepared for this kind of thought. Before I find the answer, I can't die."

"The answer? The answer to what question?"

"The ugliness in a peaceful society and the beauty in the battlefield of life and death, which one is real?" Megumi Sakuda suddenly appeared in Ji Yazhuan's mind. She had asked similar questions before, and Ji Yazhuan knew that girl had always liked Looking at him, but he left to go to represent the battlefield of death, where he found the most beautiful things in the world, and then lost them.

Ji Yazhun couldn't help but wonder why he wanted to go to the battlefield? Tired of the ugliness or dull work of a peaceful society?

Before leaving, Ji Yazhun said to Sakuda Megumi who kept him: "I want to go there to shoot the battlefield because I think this is what I should do. I want to let people living in a peaceful society know the cruelty of war. Even if it costs my life, I will not hesitate.”

"I want to pursue..." Ji Yazhun stopped talking, and he suddenly realized that he didn't know what he wanted to pursue. He went to the battlefield not so much to shoot the truth as to escape from peace. There are endless ugliness and sins hidden in the world. Those things are not something that he, a small reporter, can change. No matter how many photos he takes to expose these things, the sins exist there.

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