Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1510 The Blurred Truth

The sound of keyboard tapping reverberating in the combat information center suddenly stopped, Xingye raised his head, then closed his eyes, consciousness instantly appeared in the sea of ​​light.

In the sea of ​​consciousness full of light, Ji Yajun was struggling to stand up almost instinctively. The figure of Xingye appeared in front of Ji Yazhun, and the words he said were transmitted to Ji Yazhun's mind through consciousness: "Your body has reached its limit, you can no longer fight, pass on the light."

"No, I can still fight," Ji Yazhun's tone was weak but revealed firmness: "I... haven't completed my atonement yet."

Nexus clenched his fists tightly on the ground, supported his body and stood up from the ground little by little. He raised his head and looked at the alien beast Grugrim, who was still rushing into the Meta Domain, and growled. With a sound, he stood up with his last strength, and then he swung his right hand, and the Nexus armament on his elbow immediately shone brightly, condensing into a silver light cable and rushing silently towards the alien beast Grugrem.

The light cord came in an instant, wrapped around the waist of the abnormal beast Gruglem, and quickly circled it a few times, wrapping it tightly around the abnormal beast Gruglem.

"Ugh!" Nexus pulled the light cord in his hand with all his strength, and the sudden huge force flew back the 50,000-ton alien beast Gruglymura, and then Nexus flew over the top of his head and fell heavily on the hill four to five hundred meters away, allowing Nexus to block between the alien beast Gruglem and the void in the Meta domain.

Not waiting for the alien beast Gruglem to stand up, Nexus immediately raised his arms and crossed them together in front of him, gathering all the energy in his body without any remaining energy, and then immediately stood up in front of him. Raised his arms, a bright electric light shone between the two forearms, and then raised his arms high above his head to form an inverted figure-eight, and his arms were enveloped by extremely dazzling light.

"Ha!" Nexus yelled, his arms formed an L-shape, and an ultimate ray shining with azure blue light roared towards the alien beast Glugrim.

The alien beast Glugrim hastily opened the protective barrier, but the protective barrier, which was strong enough to defend against a million cannons, was smashed to pieces in front of the ultimate ray, which was as fragile as paper, and then the ultimate ray was castrated. The reduced bombardment was on the body of the alien beast.

The ultimate light that exhausted all the remaining energy of Nexus blasted the alien beast into molecules, and dissipated as quickly as dust in the sky.

"Huh! Huh!" Nexus's chest heaved violently, and his body standing on the ground was also shaking, as if he was about to fall down at any time.

In the combat information center, Xingye opened his eyes and sighed, no matter how hard Ji Yazhun tried, his body would not allow him to continue fighting. Xingye opened her lips and said in a low voice: "The third term...will you accept it?"

A photo of a teenager was displayed on the main screen, and he was smiling happily in a suit of overalls.

"Ultraman..." The Delta driven by Koto Kazuki slowly flew past Nexus. Ultraman's body is still so huge, even if he looks down from the air, he still looks like a mountain. The feeling is daunting.

But Koto Kazuki saw his body shaking slightly, making people worry that he would fall to the ground again in the next moment. Thinking of the scene when he met Ultraman for the first time, Gudo Kazuki couldn't help but surge in his heart A feeling of sadness. He felt that he seemed to understand Ultraman, no, Ji Yazhun, Ji Yazhun, like him, had lost a loved one, and was burdened with unbearable pain and unforgettable memories. Even so, they still did not give up the struggle, worked hard to suppress the sadness and pain, and fought hard against the alien beasts for the happiness of others.

However, Gumen Yihui felt that he was lucky in comparison. During his most painful time, his comrades in the night raid team were constantly encouraging and comforting him. Ji Yazhuan, who was also burdened with pain, also tried his best to pull him out of the darkness. come out.

But what about Ji Yajun? No one understands the pain in his heart, he fights alone, licks his wounds alone, no one shares his pain, no one understands his loneliness.

Nexus raised his head and stared at the Delta flying beside him, his eyes met with the eyes of Guto Kazuki who was watching him through the glass of the cockpit, Naxus nodded, There was a dazzling light all over. In this radiant brilliance, the Meta Domain dissipated together with Nexus' huge body.

It was dark outside, and people were coming and going in the brightly lit city. Everyone was quietly enjoying this wonderful life. No one knew that they had just walked back from the edge of life and death.

"Return to the base!" After the Delta and the Assault Chester flew around the combat site, they activated the optical camouflage system and flew towards the Fort of Liberty. They disappeared into the dark night sky in the blink of an eye. middle.

And under the night sky, Ji Yazhun closed his eyes tightly, laying motionless on the ground, his face as pale as paper was covered with sweat, and he didn't know how long he had been in a coma. He propped up his left arm, and then turned him over with force, lying on his back on the ground and staring at the shining stars in the night sky.

"Ugh!" Ji Yazhun endured the pain and slowly took out the shock wave launcher. Before he could lift it up, a few bright lampposts pierced the night sky and shone here, and then the sound of the car's engine came from afar. Then it came to Ji Yazhun's ears.

Ji Yazhun turned his head to look at the source of the sound. Two cars that almost blended into the night came quickly and stopped in front of him. The person jumped out of the car quickly, and then strode towards Ji Yazhun.

"It's them." Ji Yazhun turned his head to look at the sky, and then raised the shock wave launcher in his hand, but before he could pull the trigger, several sweepers in white rushed over and held down Ji Yazhun's right hand, Keep him from pulling the trigger.

"Let me go!" Ji Yazhun struggled feebly, before struggling twice, a white-clothed cleaner took a small instrument and tapped Ji Yazhun's neck lightly, and Ji Yazhun fell into a coma after being stunned.

Seeing that the target was no longer struggling, the sweeper in white began to report: "The target was found at 545 points, and the recovery work began."

The rear compartment door of the second car opened, and several sweepers in white clothes ran down carrying a semi-cylindrical airtight cabin, packed Ji Yazhun inside, and then carried it into the car. The two cars left here quickly, everything fell silent, and the calm and tranquility of the night was restored.

However, in a large newspaper office in Kyoto, the night was not so peaceful. In the reception room of the president, Nelai Jinzo sat on the sofa with a smile on his face, and put the photos in his hand on the table one by one. The head of the newspaper office sitting opposite him looked at the photos that Gen Laizhen hid on the table in surprise: huge monsters, unknown fighter jets, scenes of fierce battles... Every time he looked at a photo, the head of the newspaper office seemed to be shocked. After seeing more than a dozen photos, the president raised his head and looked at Genlai Jinzang excitedly: "Great, Mr. Genlai, these news are enough to shock the world."

"I also want to thank you. I am afraid that other newspapers will not be able to withstand the pressure from above and ignore these photos and let the truth be buried." Gen Lai Zhenzang took out a USB flash drive as he said: "There are still many photos I took. The photos are all here, and the rest is up to you.”

"Don't worry, Mr. Genlai, tomorrow I will use the full page to report this big news," the newspaper president holds the USB flash drive in his hand and caresses it like a treasure: "I will let the whole country know the truth about these things."

"Yeah!" Gen Lai Zang nodded in satisfaction, then got up to leave, he wanted to go home and get the camera quickly, these are not the whole truth, the most shocking fact has not been captured yet, Gen Lai Zang walking on the road With great ambition, he is ready to make persistent efforts to thoroughly expose that mysterious organization, as well as the silver giant that Ji Yazhuan transformed into.

At night, two cars mysteriously drove into the Fort of Liberty. Instead of going through the gate, they returned to the Fort of Liberty through the secret passage without anyone noticing. They drove directly to the door of the laboratory without stopping. A packaged ambulance cabin that was strictly not allowed to be explored was released.

Manager Matsunaga stood by and looked at the busy cleaner in white with great satisfaction, and then ordered: "This matter must be kept secret, and it is absolutely not allowed to be leaked. Complete his medical examination report and genetic comparison as soon as possible. Only then can memory exploration be carried out."

"Understood!" Manager Matsunaga nodded, then picked up the phone and went to a secret room to report the progress and plan of this matter to the headquarters.

Unknowingly, the night passed and the day came, Gen Lai Zangzang went out early in the morning to the newsstand at the door, looked at the newspapers on the newsstand, especially the photo on one of them was a huge monster The scene of confronting a fighter jet that he had never seen before made Genrai Jinzo nodded in satisfaction. It seems that the president of the newspaper did publish his photo, but this is only a small part of it and there are many more Well, enough for the newspaper to publish it for half a month.

Genlai Zhenzang flipped through the other newspapers on the newsstand with a bit of complacency, and immediately his face changed drastically. He hurriedly grabbed a few newspapers and read them: A huge water monster appeared in Tokyo Bay...Kappa appeared in the capital... .The corpse of a suspected dinosaur was found on the beach near Osaka... More than ten newspapers reported various reports that sounded like fantasy novels. At first glance, this is like one person's hype, which will cause topics, but if one hundred and one thousand people hype it together, then no one will pay attention to which of these hyped news is true and which is false.

After all, the people are more concerned about things that are directly related to them. Whether there are monsters in this world is not that important to them. Too much attention.

"Damn it, they must have done it. Controlling information means controlling the right to speak, using this kind of nonsense news to cover up the facts." Gen Laizhenzang suddenly understood why the monster was huge in size and the movement of the battle was also very loud. Never heard of it, I'm afraid it's not only because of amnestics, but also because of true and false news.

Just like this time, even though he photographed the truth, it is mixed with a bunch of fake news, and the public will not spend energy to distinguish it, which makes his news also become fake news, and then silently resolved the crisis.

All of a sudden, he looked to the left without any trace at all. Two people in black suits in the crowd walked towards this side calmly. Although they seemed to be going to work, their gazes were From time to time, I looked at Gen Lai Shi Zang, obviously for Gen Lai Shi Zang.

Genlai Jinzang turned around and looked to the right, a woman he had seen before came towards him with two men in black, obviously planning to block him here one after the other.

"Did you find me so soon?" Gen Lai put down the newspaper in his hand without any hesitation, and ran into the store in front without the slightest hesitation, then ran towards the back door desperately, ignoring the clerk's obstruction He ran directly into the alley from the back door, and then ran along the alley, trying his best to shake off the tail behind him.

He has been a reporter for so long, reporting news will always offend people, so Genlai Shizang was prepared for this situation and even planned several escape routes. It didn't take long for him to run out of the alley and ran to the side of the road to prepare in advance. A good car opened the door quickly, got into the car and hurriedly started the car to merge into the traffic flow.

"No, it's too dangerous to keep these things only with me. Once they catch me, the truth will be covered up again." Gen Laishanzang thought while driving the car, and reached out to open the storage box on the car Come on, take out a mobile phone from inside, and quickly dial Sakuda Hui's number: "Miss Sakuda Hui?"

"Mr. Nerai," Megumi Sakuta, who was sitting in his office, looked around and whispered, "Did you write the front page news of this morning's Daily Sports News?"

"Yes, these are the real world that was covered up, but it was mixed up by those dinosaurs, water monsters, and kappa, and it didn't have the original effect at all." Gen Lai Zang said angrily, but more helplessly .

He is also an old fritter in the press, and he is no stranger to this kind of practice to confuse the public. If he wants to cover up the real facts, he should first release a lot of the same fake news. For example, if an alien spaceship is discovered in a place, then It was reported that various alien spaceships also appeared in other places, and then various experts called beasts to conduct various analysis and demonstrations, and finally came to the conclusion that these alien flying saucers were just people's misreading. Naturally, the real flying saucer sightings Also became the same is an illusion.

"I'm being chased by people from that organization. If possible, I want to meet you. It's in the park last time. I have something for you at eight o'clock tonight. There is also something about Ji Yajun. He and this time It has a lot to do with the incident. That's it, see you tonight."

Gen Lai Jinzo hung up the phone in a hurry, then turned and drove towards another road, and looked at the rearview mirror from time to time to see if there was a car following him. He had to make sure everything was safe before he could meet Sakuta Megumin .

Although the report of Gen Lai Jing Zang is mixed with a lot of fake news, it is not so conspicuous, and not many people pay attention to it. However, there were very few people who saw his report and acted immediately. They wanted to find this person who held a lot of facts and truths before that mysterious organization.

And the memory police also mobilized all forces to find the reporter who took the photo of the alien beast. He must erase his memory and get back all the photos and the bottom plate. Then the relevant departments also mobilized and began to delete the photos and related photos on the Internet. information, it is important to minimize the impact before the news spreads.

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