Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1505 Cruel Law

While several people were talking, the lights in the room dimmed, and then a white beam of light was projected down to condense Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki's holographic projection. At the same time, the table in the conference room was also opened left and right to reveal the flat and smooth unknown material below. desktop.

"What is this?" Gudo Kazuki was very curious. He had been in the night raid team for more than half a year, and he never knew that the most conspicuous conference table in this war room could be opened.

Xingye walked forward, and with his footsteps, the dim meeting room gradually lit up, and then the light converged into a map, and then several beams of light rose around the table, and the 2D map instantly increased in height to become With three-dimensional graphics, there is actually a large holographic projection display hidden under the conference table.

"These are all kinds of data collected during the battle. According to the analysis, this alien beast code-named Gruglem has the ability to travel through different mirror spaces. That is to say, sometimes even though he seems to be in this world, In fact, they are still in the mirror space of another layer. After being attacked, they can escape to other phase spaces, which is why the spider missiles fell through.”

"An alien beast that can travel in different phase spaces..." Captain Cang Yingfu's brows were all frowned: "If he can't attack, it is impossible to defeat him."

"How about the Meta Realm?" Saijo Kaze said suddenly: "Isn't the Meta Realm just a different phase space created by Ultraman? If we drive the alien beasts into it, we can prevent the alien beasts from escaping. "

"In other words, if there is no Ultraman, can we not destroy this alien beast?" Komon Kazuki suddenly said angrily, he really didn't want Ultraman, no, Ji Yazhuan fought so desperately, every time The battle left him covered in bruises, and Koto Kakki really wanted him to rest, even for a while, so that his wounds would heal a bit and not hurt so much, so that he would not have to drag his scarred body to fight desperately with alien beasts fighting.

"No, the battle plan against Gruglem has been formulated, and the new technology cross-phase trap that inhibits the phase-shuttle ability of the alien beasts has begun to be installed."

As Xingye spoke, the holographic projection on the desktop changed, revealing two high-voltage transmission towers among the high mountains.

"Although the alien beast Gruglem has fled to other mirror spaces, but the new Sky Eye system has been launched, although it is not so smart in a hurry. But his vibration waves can still be tracked intermittently, That's enough for us to judge his course going forward."

Following Xingye's words, a projection of a small alien beast Gruglem appeared on the three-dimensional map, and it was moving towards the two huge high-voltage electricity towers.

"Install a high-power phase amplifier on a high-voltage transmission tower, and the high-voltage power supplies the huge energy needed. When the alien beast Glugrim passes by here, the instantly enhanced phase energy will destroy the alien beast. Gruglem's phase shuttle moves the organs. Taking this opportunity to ambush the million cannon Chester on the opposite side can fire the million cannon on the ground to destroy the alien beasts."

After Xingye finished talking about the plan, the battle room was quiet for a while, and everyone was digesting the content of the plan. After a long time, Koto Kakki asked, "But even if we can monitor the progress of the alien beasts, how can we ensure that the alien beasts are able to move forward?" The beast must have passed through the middle of this high-voltage transmission tower, which is only 100 meters wide."

"He must have passed by here," Xingye said in a flat tone, "Because this is a mountain pass, and ten kilometers away is a satellite city with a population of 100,000 people. After the extension of the route of the alien beast Gruglem, it will definitely pass by." will pass through this mountain pass."

"He wants to hunt here." He Cang Yingfu immediately reacted and said eagerly: "If there are so many people, what should we do if we miss?"

"Then don't miss it, and completely wipe out the alien beast Gruglem with one blow." Xingye said in a very flat tone, as if saying that the weather is good today, "Why don't you move these people to a safe place? ?” Ishihori Mitsuhiko said with a gloomy face, questioning.

"If there is no bait on the hook, no fish will be hooked. What's more, it is not a simple matter to relocate a small city with a permanent population of 100,000 for no reason. The speed at which he is advancing, I am afraid that he will arrive at the combat site before the relocation work is halfway through, and it will cause even greater confusion by then."

"But...but..." Koto Kazuki couldn't say a reason for his objection after a long time. He works in the rescue team and knows that people often don't hear anything at all when they are in extreme panic. According to the instructions, they will only instinctively run towards a place they think is safe, but sometimes this will cause greater chaos and casualties.

He Cang Yingfu took a deep breath, and said in a heavy tone: "This means that this battle can only succeed and not fail."

"That's right," Xingye continued: "And it should be noted that there is a time limit for the use of the phase booster, and the time limit is one minute."

"Is it only sixty seconds?" Saijo Kaze, who was always unhappy, also widened his eyes in surprise: "How is this enough time?"

"Isn't that enough? Sixty seconds is enough to do a lot of things," Xingye smiled slightly: "Even if it's to destroy a monster."

"Monster?" Shiori Hiraki glanced at the combat staff member strangely, isn't it a strange beast? How can it be called a monster? Xingye didn't say anything more, but continued to talk about the battle plan: "The million-dollar cannon will land on the ground in advance, in order to ensure that the alien beast can be eliminated with one blow. Two high-concentration energy replenishment devices will be added for Give Mega Cannon Chester, let Mega Cannon quickly gather energy to reach maximum power, if necessary, you can exceed 12% power to maximize attack power. Wait behind the high-voltage transmission tower for the alien beast Gru After the Grim phase controller is destroyed, destroy the alien beast Gruglem with one blow. This is the whole content of this battle, and the relevant facilities have already started to be installed, and you all have to prepare as soon as possible."

As he said that, Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki's holographic projection dissipated, leaving five members of the night raid team sitting around the conference table looking at the three-dimensional map of the battle site in silence. Gumen Kazuki was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth and said, "Captain, don't you care about those 100,000 people in order to eliminate the alien beasts? What if the alien beasts don't pass by the predetermined place? Wouldn't the 100,000 people become alien creatures?" Are the beasts wantonly preying on their targets? Using them as bait, are we really protecting them?"

He Cang Yingfu sat there with a very bad expression, and was silent in the face of Koto Kazuki's news. After a long time, he stood up abruptly as if he had made up his mind, and walked towards the outside. The four of Saijo was left sitting there, watching this 'perfect' plan in relative silence.

He Cang Yingfu went directly to the conference room, without calling for a report or anything, he just pushed the door and walked in. Sure enough, the manager Matsunaga was sitting there with a tired face, and the documents on the table in front of him were scattered all over the place. Both are.

Hearing the sound of the door, Manager Matsunaga raised his head, and couldn't help being taken aback when he saw Kazukura Yingsuke approaching aggressively, and then reacted as if he hurriedly raised his hands to gather up the scattered documents on the desktop, and frantically collected all the documents It doesn't matter the order at all. Even so, Eisuke Wakura caught a glimpse of one of the documents which clearly read: Shinjuku incident...

"Do you understand the rules? Are you free to come in here? Why didn't you notify in advance? Don't you even know the most basic etiquette of knocking on the door?" Manager Matsunaga reprimanded angrily.

"I don't understand, I don't understand at all why 100,000 people are used as bait to attract alien beasts?" He Cangyingfu stared at Manager Matsunaga unyieldingly: "Is it possible to eliminate alien beasts compared to 100,000 people?" Are living beasts more important? If it’s at the expense of human beings, then what’s the point of eliminating the living beasts?”

Manager Matsunaga stood up slowly, and said with a blank expression: "We have made all preparations. As long as the night raid team does not make mistakes and wipes out the alien beasts in one fell swoop, there will be no casualties. Sometimes casualties are It is unavoidable, whether it is you or me, or the people around you, even if you stay at home, there will be disasters from the sky."

"But I still don't agree with using people as bait. Every victim represents a broken family. What's the use of winning such a battle?"

"But it saved the remaining 9,999 families," Matsunaga administrator looked at Wakura Eisuke coldly: "I don't care about your rudeness this time, what you have to do now is to formulate a complete plan. I guarantee that there will be no mistakes in destroying the alien beasts. Bringing too much personal emotion into the battle will make your judgment wrong. If you don't want to, it doesn't matter, I will let the B team participate in the battle .”

He clenched his fists with Cang Yingfu, then took a deep breath, and said firmly: "I absolutely do not agree with this kind of battle that uses people as bait, I will do my best to destroy the alien beasts, alien beasts If you want to pass, you have to step on my dead body first. But administrator, what we are risking our lives to protect is the future of mankind, not an organization called TLT."

After speaking, Eisuke Hekura strode out of the meeting room, leaving Manager Matsunaga staring at the closed door for a long time.

"He has a big temper, and he also has personal persistence and bottom line." Xingye's faint voice sounded in the meeting room.

"But with too many personal emotions, it is impossible to execute orders meticulously. I said that I can't tell them the truth." Manager Matsunaga had a bit of blame in his tone.

"This kind of thing can't be hidden at all. Rather than pursuing responsibility afterwards, it is better to let them know in advance, and it will also put them under some pressure. I believe they will fight with all their strength with a city of 100,000 people behind them." Xingye said with a faint smile He smiled and said: "If we need to be able to carry out orders thoroughly, then we should simply use drones. Real fighters are not cold machines but flesh-and-blood people. Their objections and indignation make me very happy. At least they are real fighters." For the sake of humanity."

"You're always right." Administrator Matsunaga shook his head and sat down, rubbing his temples with some headaches.

"It seems that the work this time is not easy. Indeed, this is the first time for such a large-scale mission. From the radio control to the large-scale blockade of the mission area and the borrowing of related facilities, it is much more troublesome than the suburban scenic spot last time. , Thank you for your hard work, administrator."

"I just hope that our battle will go well this time." Administrator Matsunaga put on his eyes and lowered his head and asked with some seriousness: "If... If the battle fails, what should we do if the alien beast breaks through our defense line? Then But with 100,000 people, if something goes wrong...the consequences will be disastrous."

"It doesn't matter, we still have the last line of defense, and we will never let the alien beast pass."

"Oh, why didn't I hear it? Is it the B team or the newly formed C team?" Manager Matsunaga asked with some doubts as he stroked his glasses.

"That's Ultraman." Xingye's tone was very flat, as if to say that tonight's dinner was very good, and Manager Matsunaga, who was completely ignoring the sidelines, opened his mouth wide in astonishment: "Ul...Ultraman?!"

Although it is said that Ultraman has been fighting alien beasts for a long time, the top management of TLT basically does not consider Ultraman when formulating combat missions. After all, this is an uncontrollable factor, and uncontrollable means variables. Terman made a battle plan, but Ultraman didn't come, which is embarrassing. But now Xingye actually said that the last line of defense for this combat mission is Ultraman, which is simply too bold, what if Ultraman doesn't show up.

Xingye saw what Manager Matsunaga was worried about, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, he will definitely show up."

Immediately the holographic projection dissipated, leaving Manager Matsunaga sitting there alone sighing, then picked up the documents gathered together on the table and continued to look at them. Many of these documents were inaccessible to him before, but because of the information he proposed A lot of information related to the plan can be accessed, and he has also learned a lot of absolutely confidential things.

No matter how unwilling he was, the battle plan was proceeding in an orderly manner, and the roads around the barren mountain area in the battle zone were all blocked. At the same time, because of the need for high-voltage transmission towers and the currents to be transported, high-voltage transmission towers need to be transformed, and cities along the line will naturally have power outages before the start of the battle.

In a small restaurant on the street, Genlai Jinzo with messy hair was sitting there eating ramen noodles. His clothes looked like they hadn't been washed for several days, but his eyes to explore the truth were still bright. As long as time hears accidents that may be related to that organization, it will run over immediately, but most of them are real accidents, but Genlaishizang has no intention of giving up at all, and is still vigorously pursuing that mysterious organization , vowed to bring it out.

The TV in this small hotel is broadcasting the news: "The power transmission equipment of the Iiyama Mountain Range has failed, so there will be a power outage in the nearby area. In order to ensure everyone's safety, the faulty area will be blocked. Citizens and friends Please don't worry, the Electric Power Bureau is doing its best to repair and troubleshoot, and I believe the power supply will be restored soon."

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