Chapter 1502 The Temptation of Darkness

'Boom! Tom! ’ When the alien beast Garubus flew up, the two heads on both shoulders suddenly shot out several high-heat flame bombs, hitting Nexus who was only four or five meters away. Facing the howling high-heat flame bombs, Nexus tried his best to dodge, but the distance was too close, and the time he was given to dodge was very short. Even though Nexus tried his best, he was still caught by two high-heat flame bombs. The bullet hit the chest.

'boom! boom! ’ The explosion sounded, and Nexus was blown up with a scream, and hit the ground heavily on his back, making a dull impact sound, and almost at the same time the sound of the alien beast hitting the ground followed. Both Nexus and the alien beast immediately got up from the ground and rushed towards each other again. With a muffled 'bang', the arms of Nexus and the alien beast touched each other. Together, the two huge figures began to wrestle, pushing each other and refusing to take any step back. After a stalemate for only a second or two, the powerful legs of the alien beast moved slowly, pushing Nexus back and forth. With the blessing of the dark domain, the alien beast's ability strengthened and Naixus However, the strength of Kessus was suppressed, causing Nexus to lose to the alien beast in terms of strength.

The strange beast swung its arms vigorously, the huge force forced Nexus to take a few steps to the left, and the strange beast took the opportunity to fire several high-heat flame bombs, Nexus rushed forward on the spot Rolling over, narrowly escaped the attack of these flame bombs. Quickly got up, and immediately waved a particle feather and hit the strange beast's shoulder. Fierce sparks splashed and made the strange beast take two steps back.

At this moment, ripples suddenly appeared on the edge of the dark field, and then the combined large fighter assault Chester burst in. Ishihori Mitsuhiko quickly reported the situation: "The phase mirror has been broken through. Judging by the energy distortion rate, this is the dark field."

"Sure enough, Mirogi is here too?" Eisuke Wakura's eyes suddenly became extremely cold.

Assault Chester roared past at a distance of less than 100 meters from the ground, and Nexus and the alien beasts standing on the ground confronting each other came into their eyes, and then Assault Chester quickly pulled up Going to the sky, then turned the nose of the plane in the high air conditioner and swooped down towards the alien beast below.

"Start the battle." After Kagura Yingsuke issued the combat order, Kodo Ikki, who was in charge of the attack, immediately locked the alien beast standing on the ground, and then pressed the attack button, and the laser cannons on both sides of the wing were fired immediately. Several high-energy lasers roared and rushed towards the alien beast below.

'Boom! Boom! Boom! ’ A series of laser beams exploded on the body and surroundings of the alien beast, exploding with extremely violent sparks, and the powerful energy attack made the alien beast howl in pain. The swooping assault Chester fired seven or eight lasers in succession before pulling up at a distance of less than fifty meters from the ground.

And when the assault-type Chestella rose up, Nexus immediately launched an attack towards the unsteady alien beast that had been hit by a series of attacks, and hit the alien beast's chest hard with a straight punch. On top of that, the alien beast that was beaten backed back again and again, and then jumped up, kicking the alien beast one after another on the shoulders, kicking the alien beast directly, and smashing it heavily on the hill beside it, smashing the hill It was smashed into rubble and dust flying all over the sky.

"Great." Koto Kazuki was very happy watching this scene. He is now fighting side by side with Ultraman.

"Gumen, you are very proud." Mizoroki who was standing in the distance also sneered, and the one-eye on the small head on the shoulders of the strange beast who was standing up slowly was shining red.

Turning the nose again and starting to dive towards the ground, Koto Ikki in the assault Chester was about to press the attack button, but was shocked to find that several Ultraman and alien beasts appeared in the scope, and Constantly changing it is impossible to determine which is true.

"Gumen, hurry up and attack." Hiraki Shiori shouted angrily. You must know that even if the assault-type Chester dived from a height of four to five hundred meters, in this rapid fall, there were only five people. The six-second attack time is all, if you miss it, you have to lift up and fly to a high altitude, then turn the nose and dive down again.

"Uh..." Gumen Kazuki also knew that time was running out, so he had to select a strange beast and press the attack button. Out of caution, he did not use the laser cannon, but chose a less powerful laser cannon.

'call out! call out! call out! ’ A series of green energy bombs were launched and quickly flew to the ground. Nexus was preparing to attack the alien beast again, when suddenly there was a sound of breaking through the air above his head, Nexus hurriedly raised his head and saw a series of green energy bombs flying towards him, Nexus He was completely unprepared and saw these energy bombs exploded around him and on his body. The flames and dust splashed one after another engulfed Nexus, making it impossible to see the scene inside clearly.

"How could it be?" Gumen Kazuki looked at this scene in astonishment, his heart was full of guilt and doubts, why did he become an Ultraman when he clearly aimed at a strange beast just now?

"Damn it, is it an illusion again?" Gumen Kazuki gritted his teeth, feeling extremely angry in his heart, but there was nothing he could do. If the eyes couldn't believe it, then...Thinking of this, Gumen Kazuki suddenly thought of Before departure Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki's words: "Sometimes what the eyes see may not be true. When you can't judge, you have to believe in your heart."

"Believe in my heart..." Gumen Kazuki was a little at a loss, he didn't know how to trust his own heart, and how to distinguish the illusion in front of him if he believed in his own heart? He actually attacked Ultraman just now, which made Koto Kakki very unforgivable.

"Hehe, did you see that? Wind," Mizoroki said with a little pride, "Humans are really too weak, and the alien beasts will be at a loss if they show a little ability casually. If this is the case, they will not be able to defeat them at all." Of the alien beasts. I can easily control the alien beasts, Feng, come to my side, you can get stronger power than me, and it is easy to destroy the alien beasts in the world."

When Gorogi Shinya was speaking, the alien beast had already launched an attack on Nexus. While running, the small heads on his shoulders kept spewing out clusters of high-heat flame bombs, and Nexus started from the assault. After reacting to Chester's attack, the alien beast's attack was within reach.

'Boom! Boom! Boom! A group of flame bombs hit Nexus's body and burst out with a strong flame light. Nexus couldn't help backing up after successive attacks, humming in pain, and was finally blown up by two flame bombs. He fell hard on the ground on his back.

Nexus knelt on the ground clutching his chest in pain. He really wanted to stand up immediately and continue fighting, but the severe pain stimulated his nerves to twitch like a twitch, making Nexus unable to stand up for a while.

'Boom! Boom! The alien beast walked over with heavy steps, grabbing Nexus' shoulders with both hands and pulling Nexus up from the ground, Nexus struggled feebly but couldn't break free from the alien beast's grip Imprisonment.

The alien beast raised its paw and slapped Nexus on the shoulder fiercely, 'Bang! ’ With a muffled sound, Nexus’ body sank suddenly, his shoulder hurt as if it was broken, and his right hand drooped feebly. The small head on the left shoulder of the alien beast sank suddenly, and its wide-open mouth fiercely bit Nexus' right arm. The jagged canine teeth were extremely sharp, even though Nexus' steel-like skin He couldn't resist it either, and was bitten through directly.

"Ugh!" Nexus cried out in pain, his right arm immediately lost his senses, his left hand shook violently, but he couldn't break free from the grip of the alien beast's arm at all.

At this time, the assault-type Chester began to dive down again, but it still happened last time. There were several figures of Ultraman and alien beast, and it was impossible to tell which one was the real Ultraman and which one was the real Ultraman. It is a real alien beast, so it cannot attack at all.

"Damn it! What should I do?" Koto Kazuki shouted anxiously, but there was nothing he could do about it.

"Gumen, don't panic," Hecang Yingfu shouted: "I will let the assault Chester get as close to the alien beast and Ultraman as possible, remember, even if it is an illusion, your eyes can't tell the difference. , but Ultraman is Ultraman and alien beast is alien beast, use your intuition to judge."

"Yeah!" Koto Kazuki closed his eyes, and the scene when he met Ultraman for the first time, the battle between Ultraman and the alien beast appeared in his mind... Ultraman has been fighting with the alien all the time. The beasts fought desperately.

"Ultraman..." Gumen Kazuki suddenly opened his eyes, all distracting thoughts and hesitation in his heart disappeared, and he devoted himself to the observation, even though this time was only less than ten seconds, but Gumen Men Yihui was extremely firm in his heart, he must find the alien beast, and he wanted to help Ultraman, just in response to Ultraman's desire to protect human beings.

"Hum!" At this moment, the crisp sound of spring water flowing rang in Gumen Kazuki's ears. Before Gumen Kazuki had time to think about where the sound came from, all the phantoms in front of him suddenly disappeared. Only the alien beast biting Nexus and the painful Ultraman remained.

"Mr. Jiya...Damn it!" Guto Kazuki's heart twitched violently, and he clearly saw the teeth of the strange beast piercing deeply into Ultraman's arm, and the golden color was like a stream of water. The light flowed down from the gap in the mouth of the alien beast.

The halo on Koto Kakki's goggles quickly locked onto the small head, shoulders and other parts of the body of the strange beast, and the assault Chester was less than 200 meters away from the ground, which was almost within a blink of an eye. Passed by, Koto Kazuki only had one chance to hit, if he missed it, he would need at least a minute to fly into the sky and dive again.

"Alien beast, let go of Ultraman." Koto Kazuki shouted, and pressed the attack button forcefully, seven or eight missiles flew out from the missile pods on both sides, roaring towards the alien. beast.

'Boom! Tom! Tom! ’ The sound of missile explosions reverberated in the dark realm, and the flames engulfed the alien beasts in their entirety, and the burst of light illuminated the dark realm.

"What?" Mizolu Muzhen also looked at the alien beasts that were precisely hit in disbelief. Garubus had clearly hypnotized them, but how could this happen.

"You can indeed deceive their eyes, but you can't deceive their hearts that are connected to each other, Mizorogi." Xingye's voice sounded from the left, which made Mizoroki startled, and nodded knowingly: "I see, yes You, but it's a pity that you will never be able to catch up with the speed of darkness, the light is doomed to fail."

"It's not the last moment yet." Xingye glanced at the distance, and taking advantage of the chance of the alien beast being attacked, Nexus raised his intact left fist and slammed it hard on the alien beast's body, knocking the alien beast back. He repelled a few steps, but the wound on Nexus' right arm was still flowing out with blood-like golden light, which made Nexus' right arm almost unable to move.

'call out! ’ Starry Night instantly turned into a stream of light and flew towards the sky, disappearing in the sight of Mizoroki Shinya and Saijo Kaze in an instant.

"The field of darkness... is really disgusting." Xingye looked coldly at the darkness like maggots attached to the light wall of the Meta field, and burst out the energy in his body.

In an instant, this light spread throughout the entire dark realm. Under the dazzling light, the dark and gloomy dark realm was directly illuminated into daylight, and the darkness that was attached to the golden wall of the Meita realm was quickly decomposed and then disappeared. and invisible. However, in the blink of an eye, the dark domain returned to the original Meta domain, and Nexus, who was a little sluggish, suddenly raised his head, and a large amount of light gathered at the wound on his right arm so that the golden light no longer flowed from the wound. Even though the pain was still there, Nexus quickly raised his arms and crossed them in front of him.

'Om! 'Endless energy rays gathered on Nexus' arms, and then Nexus raised his arms, and a strong electric light lingered between his arms, and then raised it high above the two forearms above his head. Dazzling like a little sun.

"Ha!" Nexus crossed his arms in front of him in an L-shape, the dazzling ultimate light roared past, bombarding the body of the alien beast, and the strong energy shock wave caused the body of the alien beast to shatter. , completely turned into molecules and disappeared without a trace.

The moment the alien beast disappeared, Nexus dropped his right arm weakly, and knelt down on the ground clutching the injured right arm with his left hand. His whole body was glowing, and his huge body immediately disappeared. At the same time as Nexus disappeared, the Meta Domain also dissipated, and the surrounding environment became a dense forest in the suburbs. In the distant sky, the rising sun and the beautiful morning glow around it could already be seen.

Standing in an open space, Gorogi said with regret: "I wanted you to watch a wonderful performance, but unfortunately, I was disturbed by an uninvited guest. Feng, the only one who can understand you is me, come to me Come on, let us work together to control all the alien beasts on this planet."

The Diwaite pistol in Saijo Kaze's right hand slowly hung down, facing Mizo Lu Muzhenya's outstretched right hand, he walked over step by step, watching Saijo Kaze's steps, Mizo Lu Muzhenya's face showed With a smug smile, he seemed to see the bright prospect of Kaze Saijo occupying the world with him.

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