Chapter 1500 Fake

In the conference room of Nuo University, Kazuki Kodo and Eisuke Akura sat on the stools with their backs straight, while Manager Matsunaga sat opposite them with four members of the investigation team from the headquarters, facing the lonely Men Yihui asked questions one after another from time to time.

"Gumen team member, can you tell me why you didn't attack the alien beast, and then left the injured Ishihori team member behind?" asked a man with a general star on his shoulder.

Koto Kazuki lowered his head and said with some guilt: "During the last mission, the light I emitted caused a little girl to be seriously injured. When I saw that alien beast again, the sound of that beast kept echoing in my ears. The crying of the little girl, I even saw the little girl with the pain and panic on her face and I just couldn't shoot for some reason."

"You mean that you have a sense of guilt because you seriously injured a little girl last time, and the pressure is too much to make you hallucinate. I understand that, right?"

Before Gumen Kazuki could speak, Captain Akura Eisuke took the lead and said: "If the normal logic and situation are followed, the Gumen team members are indeed suffering from mild battlefield syndrome, but we have to consider the situation of Goroo. Mujin also plays a role in this.”

"You're saying that Mizoro Mujin also caused hallucinations in the lone team members, thus losing their fighting spirit and even fleeing from the battlefield." Another member of the investigation team, wearing glasses and bearded with white hair, looked up at Eisuke Akura.

"This is just my guess. I don't have any evidence to prove that I can't bring Mizo Lu Muzhen here for a confrontation. However, it was the lonely team member who wiped out the regenerated beast and saved Vice Captain Saijo Kaze the day before yesterday afternoon. I I think this can fully show that the lonely team members have not lost their fighting spirit." Captain Akura Eisuke stated the facts neither humble nor overbearing, and the other two members of the investigation team couldn't help but nodded in agreement.

Manager Matsunaga raised his glasses, and then asked, "Then, team member, can you tell me about the period from when you left the battlefield to when you returned?"

"En!" Koto Kazuki nodded and then began to state what happened after he left, but he subconsciously concealed some things.

After being taken away by Nelai Jinzo, Genlai Jinzo was knocked unconscious by Mizoro Muzhenya on the way, and then he fell into a hallucination, and the dead "Saitian Riko" appeared in front of him...

"It was Ultraman who saved me and brought me out of the darkness. Otherwise, I would still be immersed in the illusion created by Shinya Mizorogi." Finally, Koto Kazuki said with great gratitude.

After listening to the experience told by Koto Kakki, the five old people sitting opposite looked at me and I looked at you. What Kono Kakki narrated was really unimaginable.

It's not that they don't believe it, but they don't dare to believe it. If Mizo Lugi really has such a strange ability and the power enough to fight against Ultraman, then TLT really has nothing to do with him.

Several people got together and exchanged in low voices, but they still felt that regardless of whether what Koto Kakki said was true or not, one thing was certain that Mizoroki wanted Koto Kakki to do something.

Based on the idea that what the enemy wants to do must be destroyed, several people decided to keep Koto Kakki in TLT. After all, if he is released, it will be delivered to the door.

Even if there is something wrong, after all, it is inside TLT, and it always has some advantages on its own territory.

Gumen Yihui watched those big guys gathered together and whispered, their decision would be related to his future fate, which made Gumen Yihui couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

After the consensus was reached, Manager Matsunaga raised his head and showed a bright smile to the nervous Ikki Gumon: "Captain Wakura, you can take the Gumen team back. It is better for the lone team members not to go out alone recently."

"I see." Eisuke Akura stood up, nodded to several people, then turned and walked towards the door of the meeting room, Kodo Kazuki also stood up hurriedly, bowed to the five people and followed Captain Eisuke Akura walked out of the conference room behind.

"Click!" The door of the meeting room was gently closed, and the manager Matsunaga looked at the words recorded in his hand based on Kodo Kazuki's narration with a solemn face.

"Mizorogi Shinya... the demon Mephisto..." Matsunaga's quiet voice echoed in the conference room: "He has powerful power and strange abilities that we humans don't have, and he can pull people into The dark realm of the illusion, the control of alien beasts... Such an enemy is really terrifying, and he must be eliminated as soon as possible, otherwise the future of mankind will be destroyed."

"But the current strength alone is not enough to destroy Mephisto. The million cannon is currently our strongest weapon, but neither the firing speed nor the moving speed of the million cannon Chester is far behind the devil Mephisto, I'm afraid..." The member of the investigation team couldn't continue talking.

"Currently, Ultraman is the only one who can deal with Mephisto," said the old man with glasses. "Although I really don't want to say that, we humans really have nothing to do."

"The power of Ultraman...that's right, only the power of Ultraman." Manager Matsunaga raised his head, and a cold light flashed in his eyes hidden behind the glasses: "That power can defeat alien beasts and Demon Mephisto, if humans get that kind of power... then the alien beasts are nothing to worry about."

When Manager Matsunaga said the last four words, his tone was firm and firm.

"Ultraman...power." The four people from the headquarters looked at each other and nodded silently one by one. The old man with the highest military rank said in a deep voice: "Matsunaga, on behalf of the headquarters, I authorize you to mobilize all your powers. Considering the necessary human and material resources, the research on the anti-exotic beasts at the headquarters is not going well, we must do everything possible and use all power to preserve the future of mankind."

"I will do my best to protect the future of mankind."

The night shrouded the earth, and the sky was covered with as many stars as sand grains, making the dark sky look not so deep, but rather beautiful.

The police lights inside the dam under the sky flickered, and everyone hurried out of their rooms and rushed to their respective jobs.

The door of the war room opened again and again, and except for Saijo Kaze who was on duty, the other four team members quickly ran in.

The holographic projection in the war room has gathered the figure of Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki in white clothes. After seeing all the people, Xingye started to talk about the situation of the alien beast disaster: "Five minutes ago, I found it at point 447 in the fifth area. The shock wave of the alien beast, compared with the amplitude and frequency of previous fluctuations, it is judged that the appearance of this time is a new alien beast."

"Then you should attack as soon as possible." Saijo Feng urged anxiously, she didn't want to delay for a second.

"This time the alien beast gives me a different feeling from the alien beasts that have appeared before," Xingye warned with a serious face: "Sometimes what the eyes see may not be true, when you can't judge, you have to believe in yourself heart of."

"Believe in your own heart?" The five members of the night raid team looked at each other and felt a little confused, completely unintelligible.

"Okay, attack!" Knowing that this is not the time to discuss this, Akura Eisuke immediately got up and gave the order to attack.

Although the four members of the night raid team didn't understand Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki's words, they followed the order and quickly ran to the equipment area.

Akura Eisuke quickly installed the hard armor plate on his body, but looked at Gumon Kazuki, and said in a deep voice: "Gumen, is there any problem?"

"Captain, I will no longer be dominated by hatred," Koto Kazuki said firmly: "Anger will only hurt myself and others. I want to defeat the alien beast and the demon Mephisto, but I won't be pregnant again." fought with hatred."

"Yeah!" Captain Eisuke Akura nodded in relief, looked left and right to see that the team members had already stood on the ejection elevator, and shouted: "Move out!"

"Swipe!" The five ejection elevators rushed along the track to the hangar above.

Xingye stood in place and stared at the empty war room, and then the holographic projection dissipated. On the screen on the left side of the combat information center, the names of candidates for fitness were displayed, and the photo of Gumen Yihui had been moved from the candidates to the queue of the first echelon.

Three chrome Chesters flew through the night sky quickly, and they approached the place where the alien beasts were located. On a big rock below, Mizuki, who was wearing a black windbreaker, also looked up at the place where the alien beasts were. Three familiar fighter jets.

"You guys are here, then the prelude to the apocalypse is about to begin, please wait and see, and witness how this world slides towards the dark abyss." Shinya Mizoroki's face was full of pride and a proud smile , with a look of winning. However, the five members of the night attack team knew nothing about it. They drove three fighter jets to the predetermined combat location quickly, but there was no trace of the alien beast except for the endless dark forest on the ground. The vibration waves of the alien beasts became extremely weak.

Captain Eisuke Wakura thought for a while before giving the order: "Vice-captain, Gumen team member and I, the three of us will go down to the ground to find the alien beasts, and team members Hiraki and Ishihori will be in charge of providing cover and intelligence support in the air. .”

"Understood!" As he said, the Alpha and Beta, which were originally neatly arranged in three aircraft sequences, flew out of the forest, found a slightly flat ground, and landed slowly.

Wakura Eisuke, Saijo Kaze, and Kodo Kazuki quickly jumped out of the cockpit, holding the Diwaite large gun in their hands, and quickly gathered together, and then followed Ishibori in the Gamma floating in the air. According to Mitsuhiko's instructions, he walked towards the place where the signal of the alien beast was strongest.

The three of them marched alternately in skirmish formation, the dark dense forest was quiet, only the occasional chirping of insects and the slight 'sand! sand! ’ sound, other than that, this quiet dense forest is terrifyingly quiet.

However, Eisuke Wakura and the other three ignored it, and followed Mitsuhiko Ishibori's command to a relatively sparse jungle. Carefully searched the jungle, but did not find any trace of the existence of strange beasts.

"Ishihori, is this right? Why is there nothing?" Saijo looked at the empty jungle in front of him and frowned.

"But that's where the vibration wave of the alien beast discovered by the detector came from," Ishihori Mitsuhiko's voice from the helmets of the three looked extremely puzzled and puzzled: "What is this? Zi... Unidentified interference...Zi...Zi..."

Afterwards, the three people's headsets were filled with the endless electric mic-like sound, no matter how much they shouted to Cang Yingfu, they couldn't hear a reply, and then a scream came from above their heads, canceling the gamma number of the optical camouflage It flew over the heads of the three of them whistling, clearly indicating that there was nothing wrong with the fighter jet.

"There is a source of communication interference here," Captain He Cang Yingfu hastily raised the Diwai super large gun in his hand. At this moment, the ground shook violently, making people feel like they couldn't stand still.

Amidst the mud and grass flying, a huge sunken pit appeared in the jungle. Giant trees around the pit fell into the sunken pit one after another, and a huge alien beast with three heads crawled out from under the ground. , that way people can't help but think of the three-headed hell dog in myths and legends.

"The alien beast... attack!" He Cang Yingfu yelled, and the three of them raised the Diwait large guns at the alien beast Garubus almost at the same time, and the plasma bombs rushed towards the alien beast. The alien beast, Garubus, hit the alien beast's body and splashed sparks.

And the Gamma flying in the air also launched an attack on the alien beast at the same time, one after another laser bombs hit the alien beast's body, blasting gaps in the alien beast's body one after another, a huge amount The fragments of the alien beasts were completely burned in the raging explosion flames.

Under the concerted attack of the night attack team, the alien beast was continuously retreated by the blast, and its scales and armor were scorched black. Finally, its huge body fell to the ground with a loud bang, and then exploded, turning into a sky full of monsters. Flying debris.

"Successful, it has been blown to pieces by us." Gumen Kazuki's face was filled with joy, feeling extremely happy and joyful that he had defeated another alien beast.

"Yeah!" Captain He Cang Yingfu nodded, his face was also full of joy, and he was about to say something, when suddenly he caught a glimpse of an equally huge giant alien beast appearing in the distance from the one that was wiped out just now. The alien beast was only more than a hundred meters away, and the ugly three heads and hideous body all showed that this alien beast was the same as the alien beast just now.

"Damn it," Ishihori Mitsuhiko waved his arms angrily, "Does this guy have the same regenerative ability as the alien beast Northfel? No, he is much stronger than the alien beast Northfel. How to overcome it?"

PS: I woke up at 9 o’clock yesterday morning and haven’t slept in the middle. I feel like I’m going to become a fairy. In the nearly 40 hours, I used my mobile phone to type. I guess there are a lot of typos in a hurry. Book friends are considerate For a moment, when I have time, Xingsha will come back and correct these typos. Now Xingsha just wants to sleep for a while.

The reason why I work so hard is because I think that this book has not been interrupted for a day since it was opened, and I don’t want to interrupt it when it is almost finished. zzZ

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