Chapter 15 The Lost Spaceship

Xingye was still wearing a white research uniform and was walking in the central corridor of the base with a thick document in his right hand. It was only 8 o'clock in the morning and there were already many people walking to and fro in the corridor.

As a global organization, TPC brings together elites from all over the world, and the base has the largest number of top figures in various disciplines. Along the way, what you can see the most is the scientific researchers in white research uniforms discussing academic issues with each other while walking.

Xingye walked on the road from time to time, someone greeted him. Xingye nodded frequently without stopping. It didn't take long for him to arrive at his destination - the D3 hangar.

The testing, maintenance and assembly of the Phoenix were all done here, and the testing work had already started when Xingye arrived here.

"Dr. Xingye, the Phoenix has been overhauled and ready for final testing." Yuan Ye, Xingye's chief assistant, came over and reported.

"Well," Xingye turned his gaze to the Phoenix in the center of the room: "Then let's get started!"

A test pilot saluted the starry night, put on his helmet and climbed into the cabin. The Phoenix was slowly dragged to the take-off runway by the trailer.

"The door of the D3 hangar is opened, and the Phoenix enters the takeoff runway!"

"The Phoenix has taken off!"

Xingye sat on a chair and watched the monitoring data of various parts of the Phoenix body on several screens, and the operator reported the situation of the Phoenix at any time.

"By the way, is there any news about the Jeep No. 3?" Xingye asked casually.

"Well, we have been out of contact for two months and the Space Development Bureau has basically given up searching." Yuan Ye immediately opened the information in his hand and checked it carefully.

"I told them before that as long as they wait one to two years, Max can be installed on the spacecraft after it is perfected. Not only is the speed much faster, but it also saves energy." Standing on the left side of the starry night, a person wearing glasses The researcher shook his head and sighed.

Xingye didn't speak and stared at the Phoenix's data, as if he didn't initiate the topic just now.

"Hmph, the group of people from the Space Development Agency always look so proud." A researcher said angrily, "Isn't it because they are the pathfinders of the new field plan in the future?"

"Then there is no way for them to get the TPC resources poured in. They can be satisfied only if there is demand. I haven't seen any feasible research from them!" An operator in his 20s turned his head and said contemptuously Said.

Xingye ignored all kinds of envy and hatred towards the Space Development Bureau from this group of people, because the Space Development Bureau was in need of TPC at the beginning, so the Space Development Bureau can be said to have received the support of the entire earth, and there are many subordinate departments. Therefore, that group of people were arrogant and did not pay attention to other departments at all.

But this is just the last madness. Currently, TPC is preparing to split the Space Development Bureau and split their various departments into corresponding professional departments.

"Phoenix is ​​ready to return after the test!" After two hours of flight, the test pilot completed all the tests.

"Allow to return!"

"Phoenix enters landing orbit!"

"The D3 hangar door is open and the Phoenix has entered the D3 hangar!"

From time to time, a crisp report sounded in the room.

Finally, the Phoenix landed firmly on the tarmac, and the test pilot jumped down energetically. It seemed that the two-hour flight did not make him feel tired.

A large group of researchers rushed over immediately, regardless of the fact that the aircraft engine had just stopped and the temperature was still very high, Xingye also walked over to look at the various data of the Phoenix and sighed silently.

Handing over all the work to his subordinate, Xing Ye walked to the command room with a large stack of documents.

As soon as he entered the command room, he found that the atmosphere in the command room was very tense, and the screen showed an obvious radar signal falling through the atmosphere to the ground.

"According to the current trajectory, the expected landing location is near Ludao Beach." Ye Rui quickly calculated the landing location based on the target's trajectory.

"I remember that there are equipment from the Space Development Agency." Lina stood up and said. As for why it is so clear, it is naturally a family reason.

"Yes! There is a high-purity energy reserve base built for the launch vehicles between the stars in the next century! But I heard that the energy there has recently begun to be relocated, and it will be abandoned soon." Hori said what he learned latest news.

"That's right, because of the Max power system, although the people at the Space Development Agency don't want to admit it, the stored energy has lost its proper function. The high-purity energy stored there has gradually begun to be transported to the Tsurumaki Power Station for use. Power generation." Xingye said with a slight smile.

"Issuing an evacuation alert!" Ju Jianhui ordered: "The victorious team departs!"

"Understood!" Lina, Horei and Zongfang immediately went to the hangar to take Feiyan-2 to attack.

"Understood!" Ye Rui immediately contacted the Space Development Bureau and told them the situation.

And at this moment, the object didn't slow down at all and crashed straight into the sea water.

The huge impact set off a huge tsunami, which hit the shore and destroyed all facilities tens of meters near the beach.

"What is that?" The staff of the Space Development Agency was wondering what this thing that fell from the sky was, when the phone rang.

And that object stood up from the seawater, and it turned out to be a silver-gray monster all over.

Those who saw the monster ran away as soon as possible. Only some important staff remained at their jobs and closed some important facilities, but they were also ready to escape at any time.

The monster walked towards the shore through knee-high sea water, and kicked away the two tall buildings blocking the road. Stepped over the burning ruins and walked straight to the energy storage tank.

Before Feiyan No. 1 arrived here, Dagu and Xincheng discovered the monster, and rushed to this side immediately, and finally arrived before the monster destroyed the energy storage tank.

"The previous UFO was this monster," Dagu said while turning on all the weapon systems on Feiyan-1.

Feiyan No. 1 drew an arc and came to the side of the monster, and the monster was startled by Feiyan No. 1 flying past, but then ignored it and continued to destroy the facilities and houses blocking the road.

A few laser beams were fired from Feiyan No. 1 and hit the monster's back, but only a few sparks splashed, and the monster continued to advance and destroy.

"Damn it, the defense power is too high and Feiyan No. 1 can't deal with this monster at all." Xincheng, who was sitting in the back manipulating the weapon, hammered the chair resentfully.

"Buzz..." A familiar engine sound reached Xincheng and Dagu's ears, and they turned their gazes over there in surprise. Sure enough, the huge body of Feiyan No. 2 flew over through the clouds and mist.

"Listen, launch an attack together from the front of that guy." Zong Fang reviewed the situation and formulated a tactic.


The two Feiyan flew side by side, turned to the front of the monster and attacked the monster that was still destroying everywhere.

Several lasers and several missiles accurately hit the monster. The flames soared into the sky and almost engulfed the monster. Sparks splashed all over the monster. The huge impact force made the monster retreat a few steps.

But the monster didn't care about Feiyan's attack at all. Instead, it bent down and pierced the energy storage tank with sharp claws. The hard reinforced concrete outer layer was easily torn open, revealing the blue energy storage inside. Can.

The monster looked a little excited and shook its body against the Feiyan laser and missile. With both arms, the tips of its claws stabbed fiercely into the energy storage tank, and the liquid energy flowed out along the gap, and quickly vaporized and dissipated. in the air.

But the energy quickly ceased to flow away. The monster's claws quickly absorbed the energy in the storage tank, and it took only a while for the energy storage tank to bottom out.

The monster's body trembled after exhausting its energy. The armor on the surface of the body was originally somewhat dark, but now it became very bright, and the gaps between the scales became undetectable.

"Activate the automatic defense system DCS immediately," said the director of the energy storage station anxiously, who has been observing the behavior of the monsters. "We must keep the energy storage tank."

"Understood!" Several people rushed to their posts immediately, and with their concerted efforts, the defense system DCS was quickly activated.

When the monster was about to go to the next energy storage tank, several tall white poles scattered around rose up and emitted lightning to both sides. A dozen tall poles were instantly connected together by the electric light, and the electric light reflected on the monster's face, turning the monster blue.

The monster shook its head and looked at an electromagnetic net formed by the defense system DCS, and the transparent light bulb-like thing above its head suddenly flashed a light.

A defense system that was running normally stopped suddenly, and no matter how the technicians fiddled with it, it couldn't be restarted.

The monster waved its huge claws and slapped another energy storage tank fiercely, and the outer cement layer immediately shattered. The monster repeated its tricks to absorb the energy of this energy storage tank.

The two Flying Swallows were desperately attacking the monster, and they could get some results before, but after the monster absorbed two cans of energy, it could no longer cause any damage to the monster.

The monster walked towards the last two storage tanks, broke the outer cement layer and inserted it into the energy tank. Unexpectedly, no energy was absorbed by him, and his limited brain could not understand why. Reluctantly knocked on the energy tank but there was still no energy.

The monster shook its head and walked towards the last energy storage tank, but it still looked like this without a trace of energy in the storage tank. Feiyan No. 2 opened its belly when the monster leaned over and pierced its claws into the energy tank.

"Texas beam launch!" Following Zongfang's order, a thick beam hit the monster.

(Thanks to the Book Friends God*Six Paths Immortal for the 588 book coin reward)

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