Chapter 1493 The Unseen Future

"Gumen, the past cannot be changed, but we can work hard to reverse the future. Being immersed in the sorrow of the past can only cover your eyes and prevent you from seeing the future." Ji Yazhun said softly, staring at the lake.

"But even if we change the future, the people in the past will never come back, and Lizi will never come back to me." Gumen Kazuki shouted loudly: "The past cannot be changed, so what is there in the future?" significance."

Gumen Kazuki said and turned around and ran towards the dam. Ji Yazhuan hurriedly stood up and wanted to chase after him, but after only two steps, the evolution trustee in his hand suddenly shone with a strong light, which surprised Ji Yazhun, and immediately turned and ran To the left, a mountain range of more than ten meters high jumped in front of him, and soon he disappeared into the jungle.

At the same time, a red light representing an alarm flashed inside the Fort of Liberty, and the piercing sound of the alarm made everyone run to their posts.

All the screens in the combat information center flickered red, and the vibration waves representing the alien beasts were constantly beating, and the main screen in front of Xingye also showed light spots one after another, and each light spot was Represents a alien beast.

"How come there are so many?" Xingye looked at the light spots that kept appearing in amazement. Although the vibration wave strength of these alien beasts is not high, it is estimated that the alien beasts are only seven or eight meters tall, but if they can spawn so many If it is a small alien beast, why not directly synthesize a giant alien beast?

But in any case, these small alien beasts are easier to destroy than giant alien beasts, thinking that Xingye has already issued a warning order: "Traces of alien beasts have been found in many places, and a first-level alert order has been issued. Night raid team A , Team B, and Team C attacked immediately, and all the guards and MPs rushed to the scene immediately, and there are many areas that need to be blocked this time.”

After the issuance of the first-level alert order, the Fort of Liberty became busy. Black cars drove out of the Fort of Liberty. Orders were issued from here, and all the police stations in the cities near the place where more than a dozen alien beasts appeared all responded. When the order to dispatch came, police cars sped on the road and blocked the traffic intersections in the area where the strange beasts appeared.

Such a big movement naturally alarmed many people, especially those who have been paying attention to the root cause of this matter. He hurriedly drove to catch up with the police car heading out of the city, and took out a map to study the route, wanting to know Where might these police cars be going?

Ji Yazhun ran quickly in the dense forest, holding the shock wave launcher tightly in his hand, looking around vigilantly with his eyes, suddenly he jumped up, and a tentacle-like thing popped out from the depths of the dense forest like lightning, viciously It hit the place where Ji Yazhun had just stood, smashing the ground into a deep depression.

Ji Yazhun kicked hard on the tree quickly, and while turning around, both hands were already holding the shock wave launcher tightly, and quickly pulled the trigger, one after another, the light bullets hit the alien beast that was only three or four meters high. Holes were blown out one by one on his body.

'boom! ’ With a loud noise, the small alien beast was blown to pieces, and Ji Yazhun took a breath, then changed direction and ran towards the next location.

Xingye, the combat information center, immediately canceled the warning of the alien beast disaster at this location, and at the same time notified the processing team: "165 alien beasts in the third area have been wiped out, and the sweepers immediately went to the scene to collect all the fragments of the alien beast."

In the conference room, Manager Matsunaga was reporting to the headquarters about the extremely serious alien beast disaster. Alien beasts appeared in multiple places at the same time, and they were still exterminated twice. This made many people in TLT fall into a trap. panic. If the future alien beasts will appear like this alien beast even if they are eliminated, then it is impossible to win the war between humans and alien beasts. After all, you cannot kill an opponent who can be resurrected infinitely .

Even though it is known that this alien beast appeared due to the regeneration of remaining cells, no matter how powerful TLT's cleaning team is, it is impossible to clean up every cell, unless it throws high-explosive bombs at the area where the alien beast appeared, and uses super explosives to clean it up. The strong pressure and heat will turn everything there into nothing, but this is simply impossible.

Manager Matsunaga sighed, then looked up at Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki who appeared in the room in white clothes: "I heard from the people at the headquarters that you have the ability to predict the future, so can you tell us about the future of mankind? ? Does humanity have a future?"

"Predicting the future... is actually nothing surprising. Humans can now predict the weather in advance, so in the eyes of the ancients, this is a prophecy." Xingye said softly: "It's like we know the operation of every planet in the solar system After the orbit and period, it is easy to get the trajectory of each planet. Isn’t this a prediction of the future? The relative future only needs to analyze the trajectory of each particle based on the quantum field, and then synthesize the movement of these particles The impact it will bring, then what you see is the future."

"I only know that we are in a worrying situation now." Administrator Matsunaga rubbed his forehead and shook his head in great pain: "The cells of the alien beast Northfield can regenerate indefinitely, if the future alien beasts do the same If... no, even now if we can't destroy the alien beast Nosfell, I'm afraid there will be no future for human beings at all."

"No, the secret of the regeneration of the alien beast Northfield has been solved. There is a gland in his body that stores a hormone similar to the regeneration hormone of the gecko. It is because of that that he can continue to regenerate. So as long as the It’s enough to block this process, the research institute has already started it, and I believe there will be results soon.” Xingye said calmly: “No matter what happens, alien beasts are not out of the category of creatures, and they will always find something to target. method. What we need to pay more attention to is the demon Mephisto. I don’t think Mizorogi is the mastermind behind all this. Then who gave him the powerful dark power and for what purpose? If we don’t consider These, but blindly using alien beasts as opponents, then the future of mankind will be truly dark."

"Did you see anything?" Manager Matsunaga pondered for a moment, then looked up at Yoshizawa Ryoyu who was standing there.

"The source of darkness and evil in this world does not lie in Gorogi Shinya, but is hidden in an unknown place." Yoshizawa Yoshiyuki said firmly: "If the source of darkness is not eliminated quickly, this world will be destroyed. devoured by darkness."

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