Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1491 Mephisto's Game (Subscribe)

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"Ugh!" Nexus growled, trying hard to maintain the energy output, fighting against the dark light waves that kept moving forward. Mephisto sneered at Nexus who was struggling to support himself, and he even took a leisurely look at the pair of mutants running on the left.

The two of them carried the little girl and ran to the open space. The ground immediately shook rumblingly, and then collapsed in a large area. In the swirling soil, a mouse-like strange beast waving its claws and crawled out of the ground. come out.

The two mutants immediately hugged the little girl one after the other, and then the two fused with each other to form a meat ball to wrap the little girl inside, and then the alien beast grabbed the meat ball and stuffed it Into the hollow crevice on the forehead.

"Northfell, the alien beast? How is it possible? Wasn't he wiped out?" Shiori Hiraki looked at the alien beast that came out of the ground in astonishment. It fell through the folds of his skin and hit the ground.

"It's not that it's still alive, it should be said that the remaining active cells have regenerated." Ishihori Mitsuhiko quickly called up the research data of the Institute of Biology on the cells recovered from the Xenobiotic Beast Northfel.

"Chrome Chester's energy has dropped to 37%, and the assault ray can't reach full power," Koto Kazuki couldn't help but sighed as he looked at the remaining amount of Chrome Chester's energy displayed on the screen, and he just attacked Mephistopheles with full firepower Too much energy was consumed, and the remaining energy was no longer enough to combine into an assault Chester and use the assault ray.

"Then try the new formation," Xingye's voice sounded in the helmets of everyone in the night attack team: "Using the million cannon Chester form does not need to maintain flight, the energy consumption will be less, and only need to use 25% energy firing a megacannon can reach the power of an assault-type Chester's full-power assault ray."

Eisuke Wakura nodded, and then issued an order: "All prepare for the million-cannon form."


The three fighter jets immediately started to take action, their flight speeds were constantly decreasing and their flight altitudes were also decreasing at the same time. The Gamma served as the base, the Beta became the main body, and the Alpha served as the control cabin. The three Chromium Chesters transformed from three fighter jets into heavy tanks in just over ten seconds.

Driven by the caterpillars, Chester walked on the uneven ground, advancing until he was 200 meters away from the alien beast, and the night raid team five sitting in the three cockpits People are nervously preparing for the launch.

"The million-cannon horizontal maintenance device is ready." Following Ishihori Mitsuhiko's words, the firing angles of the two long main guns of the million-cannon Chester were fixed.

"The energy is filled, and it can be launched!" Shiori Hiraki, who was sitting in the Gamma, was in charge of the energy.

"Countdown to launch, ten seconds!" Koto Kazuki said, his hands were already on the launch button, and at the same time, the eye goggles showed a synchronous aiming system, and the halo locked the moving alien beast.

The collision between the cross storm and the dark light wave finally reached its peak. There was an explosion with a "boom!", and a turbulent energy shock wave swept across the surroundings. Layers of soil were lifted up, and big trees were uprooted one by one. The ashes of the burning forest flew in all directions under this shock wave, and scattered in a fluttering manner.

And Nexus and the demon Mephisto were also thrown out by the impact of the explosion. The explosion point was the closest to Nexus, causing Nexus to fly three or four hundred meters before falling to the ground, clutching his chest Moaned in pain.

Mephisto was also uncomfortable, the shock wave of the explosion made him feel as if his chest had been run over by a road roller, and he almost didn't come up in one breath. After rolling on the ground more than ten laps before stopping, all the trees along the way were crushed into sawdust, and a road with a width of 40 to 50 meters was pressed out in the forest.

Mephisto took a few breaths, and then turned his head to look at the alien beast in the distance. Directly in front of the alien beast was a heavy tank painted in dark blue. Two long laser cannons were facing each other. For the alien beasts that keep coming.

"That's it, use your anger to attack." Mephisto said with a little complacency, watching Gudo Kazuki sitting in the cockpit bursting out with spiritual power.

With both hands pressed on the attack button, the smile of Riko Saida suddenly appeared in the mind of Ikki Kodo, which made Ikki Kodo's heart ache, and the happy smile of the family who helped take pictures in the zoo. But now because of the alien beast, everything has changed, not only they but also more happy families were destroyed by the alien beast.

"I will never forgive you. Go to hell." Koto Kazuki shouted, and pressed the attack button forcefully. The energy of the million cannon Chester was continuously injected into the weapon system. Dazzling light lingered on the long cannon barrel, and after the energy reached the limit, two laser beams emitting bright light were launched.

"Impossible!" Nexus just got up and saw this scene. Ji Yazhun was so anxious that he hurriedly ran there, but he only took a step when he saw the slightly bleak void With a flash of light, the million cannon instantly hit the alien beast.

The terrifying energy impact cracked the scales on the surface of the alien beast, and then the muscle layer also began to collapse. Energy penetrated continuously along the gaps between the alien beast's cells, driving the alien beast's body from Collapsing from outside to inside.

'Shua! ’ The energy core in Nexus’s chest suddenly lit up, emitting a bright light towards the forehead of the alien beast, forming a translucent light shield, enveloping the little girl inside.

'boom! ’ With a loud noise, a cloud of flame mushrooms rose into the sky, and the bright light that erupted illuminated the surroundings like a small sun, and countless fragments of strange creatures, large and small, scattered down and randomly fell all over the ground.

Looking at the flames soaring into the sky in front of him, Guto Kazuki smiled, and said to himself in his heart: "Lizi, I eliminated a strange beast, and I will destroy more strange beasts in the future." Shengshou, I won't let the strange beast hurt that happy smile again."

"Hehe, the game has come to a successful conclusion." Mephisto glanced at Nexus, who clenched his fists and was extremely angry, with a smile, and turned around, his huge body disappeared immediately.

Nexus did not pursue Mephisto, but stood there with his head bowed, his fists clenched, 'Crack! Click! ’ made a noise, and after standing there for a few seconds, Nexus disappeared.

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