Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1484 The Land of Light

"Die to me." Komon Kakki's eyes were bloodshot, and he crazily attacked Mizoroki Shinya. His heart was completely filled with anger. Has begun to long for power, he wants power to destroy this demon and avenge Lizi.

Mizoro Muzhen also waved his hand lightly and sent Gumen Ikki flying again. Gumen Ikki rolled on the ground more than ten laps before stopping, his clothes and hair were covered with grass clippings and mud.

"It's such a useless guy, he can't do anything, he can't save anything." Mizoroki also said loftily, the darkness around Koto Kakki's body was about to completely envelop Kodo Kakki's body.

But Koto Kakki didn't realize it, and knelt on the ground with a face full of pain, clenched his fists with extreme anger, and his tone was mixed with frustration: "I'm really useless...I can't do anything..."

Ji Yazhun barely opened his eyes, his pale face was still covered with sweat, and the pain from all over his body let Ji Yazhun know that his body had not been fully repaired. But Ji Yazhun struggled to sit up, stretched out his hand and grabbed the evolution trustee floating aside.

"Shua!" Endless rays of light bloomed from the evolution trustee, instantly illuminating the entire sea of ​​light, and a dazzling beam of light rushed into the void at an extremely fast speed, and then appeared in the dark realm.

'jingle! 'A clear and pleasant sound rang in the ears of the desperate Guto Ikki, like the sound of heaven, calling Guto Ikki back from despair, he raised his head blankly, a red giant shining with golden brilliance all over his body Standing in the darkness, it is like a bright light in the night illuminating the surroundings.

"Giant of Light!" Koto Kakki stared blankly at the Ultraman who was emitting his own light in the darkness, and an anxious voice came from this bright giant to Kono Kakki's ears : "Gumen, don't be dominated by an angry heart, otherwise you will be swallowed by darkness and bound in darkness forever."

Nexus raised his arms as he spoke, his body was full of light, and the endless light radiated from his body to the surroundings, dispelling the surrounding darkness, and the originally pitch-black land where the light passed instantly turned into a radiant glow. The earth is as bright as gold.

Under the radiance of this endless light, the darkness that enveloped Guto Yihui receded like a tide, while the light rapidly expanded its own domain. shrouded in golden light.

Under the shroud of this dazzling golden light, Gumen Kazuki suddenly shuddered, looked around as if he had just woken up from a dream, and was surprised to find that the ground beneath him was emitting a radiant brilliance like gold.

Ikki Koto stood up slowly, and looked at Nexus who was constantly emitting light. Under the light of this light, Ikki Koto's cold heart was warmed up little by little as if under the sun. stand up.

Mizorogi looked at Nexus who was exuding radiance with a gloomy expression, and said with displeasure: "The phase interference will end here." As he said that, Mizorogi raised his hands, and the endless darkness Emanating from his body, it rushed towards the ever-expanding golden land like a tiger descending a mountain.

The increase in darkness caused the light to stop moving forward. After a few seconds of stalemate, the light was finally defeated and began to retreat slowly, retracting into Nexus' body.

"Hmph," Mizo Lu Muzhen also showed a smug smile on his face, "Your little light is really powerless in the face of darkness."

Just at the moment when the light was about to be completely wiped out, a golden streamer flew down from directly above Gudo Ikki, and landed in front of Gudo Ikki in an instant, wrapping Gudo Ikki inside without the slightest hesitation He Zuo rushed back to the sky in an instant, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

"What? It's you again." Mizolu Muzhen's face changed drastically, but the speed of this golden streamer was so fast that he had no time to stop it. Then it disappeared, and Mizoroki Shinya's angry roar echoed in the dark field.

In the real world, the zoo has been blocked by the police. More than a dozen police cars with flashing lights are controlling the main intersection, and no one is allowed to pass through. Many vehicles are blocked at the intersection, and many people who can't wait turn around. up.

The car that Genlai Jinzang was driving was also blocked here, he rolled down the glass and looked ahead, then got out of the car to inquire, walked up to the policeman blocking the intersection and asked, "Officer, what happened?" ? Why is the intersection blocked?"

A policeman said: "I'm sorry, the beasts from the zoo have escaped and are being captured. For your safety, please go around or stand outside the cordon."

"Oh!" Gen Lai Jinzang nodded, returned to the car directly, picked up a map and began to study it, pointed the area of ​​the zoo with his right index finger, then looked up and looked around the buildings around the zoo, and directly chose a map. The tallest building rushed all the way.

In the zoo, more than a dozen people with various instruments were walking around the place where Gumen Yihui disappeared under layer upon layer blockade, and large trucks were parked there. Various instruments are connected in the instrument.

Saijo Kaze, who was wearing the uniform of the Night Raiders, was asking the memory police who were in charge of monitoring Gumen Kazuki: "Is this where the Gumen members disappeared?"

"Hi," a memory policeman nodded, and then played the video, explaining from time to time: "There was another man who disappeared at the same time. I compared the database and suspected it was Shinya Mizorogi."

"Mizoroki..." Saijo Kaze clenched his hands tightly, a flash of anger flashed in his eyes, at this moment, Saijo Kaze's voice suddenly sounded in Mizoroki's ear: "Fuze, you are here!" Human beings are so fragile, just a simple hallucination can make him collapse."

"Why did you do this to him?" Saijo Kaze turned around and said to the air, while scanning his surroundings to find the source of the voice.

But Saijo suddenly turned around and spoke into the air, which startled the memory police officers. Following Saijo's line of sight, there was nothing at all except the tiger and lion in the cage more than ten meters away, so Saijo Who is the wind talking to, is it talking to the headset?

Mizoroki Shinya's voice resounded all around, and it was impossible to find where the voice came from.

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