Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1473 Showdown

Koto Kakki took a step forward, grabbed the shoulder of Dark Faust with great excitement, and immediately felt the coldness in the palm of his hand, as if he was holding an extremely cold ice cube, but Koto Kakki resisted not Let go, and shouted loudly at Saitian Lizi: "Lizi, you are not like this, come back quickly, Lizi."

"I am the endless dark Faust that devours the light." The dark Faust waved his hand casually, and slapped Guto Ikki's body, directly knocked Guto Ikki out, and hit the wooden wall heavily He smashed the wooden planks down, and then the whole person lay on the ground.

Xingye glanced back at the darkness and Faust immediately turned his head to look at Miraki below, and saw Miriki showing a smug smile, and then his body blurred and disappeared. And the dark Faust in the room has already raised his arms, and his whole body is lingering in the dark light mixed with impurities. His body, which was originally about the size of a man, swelled rapidly, and Ah Jing's roof was pushed open in the blink of an eye.

"Damn it, let's go." Xingye grabbed Guto Yihui's shoulders at any time, stepped hard on the floor with both feet, flew up with Gumen Yihui, and jumped more than ten meters away, completely Away from the crumbling log cabin.

The huge dark Faust drilled out from the wooden house, and the small wooden house suddenly turned into planks and debris flying all over the sky. The dark Faust, which was 40 to 50 meters high, lowered its head and looked down. Gumen Yihui on the grass.

"Lizi...he's a lie." Koto Kazuki still hasn't come to his senses, and he doesn't want to believe that this dark Ultraman is Saitian Lizi. He would rather this be a terrible dream.

Standing next to Koto Kakki, Xingya stared up at the dark Faust. It was not Saida Riko but a puppet whose thoughts had been imposed. Xingye found out where the darkness was hidden. The darkness Faust has always been hidden in Saitian Lizi's heart. Just like a person has light and darkness in his heart, Mizorogi inspired the darkness and let the darkness occupy Saitian Lizi's heart. Inside, then manipulate these darkness.

"The game of death has begun." Mizolugi's gloomy voice sounded, Xingye turned around abruptly, Mirougi showed a proud smile to Xingye: "You can't save anything, you can only watch with your own eyes." How darkness covers the world."

"Really? I don't believe in an unchangeable future," Xingye said in a deep voice, "Gou Lumu, besides playing with people's hearts, what else can you do?"

"Creating a new world, this is... the power that suits me best, I will get your power before him." Mizo Lumu disappeared again after speaking, not giving Xingye a chance to attack at all.

"Ha!" Nexus kicked the alien beast back a few steps, and then rushed directly to the dark Faust who was looking at Guto Kazuki. The heavy footsteps of Nexus Faust turned his head around, and immediately threw his fist at Nexus.

Nexus slid to the left to avoid the blow of Dark Faust, and at the same time stretched out his hands to instantly clasp Dark Faust's right arm, and then pulled hard, pulling Dark Faust towards himself While pulling, at the same time, he took a step forward and hit Dark Faust's shoulder fiercely, causing Dark Faust to stagger back a few steps.

And the alien beast on the other side has already run over with its sharp claws, and the ten sharp claws on both hands slapped Nexus on the back fiercely. Before he could turn his head in time, he rolled on the spot, and rolled forward in a circle, and the sharp claws of the alien beast hit an empty space.

Nexus quickly turned over and stood up, immediately raised his left arm and swiped across the energy core in front of his chest. The energy core immediately burst into dazzling light, and bright water waves rushed over Nexus' body, and immediately Blooming a dazzling red light.

Nexus, who instantly transformed into a red youth form, clasped his right hand on the Nexus armament on his left arm, and the energy he drew gathered on his right fist, and then he lifted his right hand above his head vigorously.

A beam of light shot straight into the sky, exploded in mid-air, and the floating light spots fell down, quickly condensing into a hemispherical light shield that held Nexus, the alien beast, and the dark Faust inside. inside.

When the golden ball of light was formed, three fighter jets painted in dark blue appeared in the distant sky, Shiori Hiraki looked at the golden mask that disappeared instantly and said with a little joy: "Captain, Ultraman has appeared. "

"En!" Eisuke Wakura nodded, and then issued an order: "All aircraft immediately form an assault-type Chester, ready to break into the US tower field."


The three fighters immediately arranged a combined formation, and then began to regroup under the guidance of the laser.

In the field of Meta Tower, Gumen Kazuki only felt a blur in front of his eyes, and then appeared in another world. He stood on a hill, surrounded by potholed valleys and hills, and farther away It was those three huge figures.

"This is the Meita domain..." Gumen Kazuki looked at his environment in disbelief. The last time he entered here was by a fighter jet, but this time he actually stood on the ground of the Meita domain.

"Dye me with a dark color." Dark Faust suddenly raised his arms, and the black-purple light spots full of impurities spread all over his body, dyeing the Meita field in black, and after a while His kung fu becomes a dark field full of dark breath.

"Ha!" Nexus rushed towards Dark Faust at the fastest speed, so fast that the alien beasts behind him couldn't catch up with the fast-running Nexus.

'snort! ’ Dark Faust sneered, and rushed towards Nexus with big strides. The distance between the two sides narrowed rapidly, and the two raised their right fists at the same time and slammed each other fiercely.

The black and red arm vanguards staggered past each other, and the two iron fists bombarded each other at the same time. The sound of two almost connected steel collisions echoed in the dark field. At the same time, Nexus and Dark Faus A few sparks flew from De's shoulder.

The two huge figures stood there like that, as if they were supporting each other, and then Nexus and Dark Faust half-kneeled on the ground at the same time, moaning in pain, both sides gave out all their strength in the blow just now. The blow effect on the opponent is also very significant, so that neither Nexus nor Dark Faust even have the strength to attack the opponent who is close at hand.

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