Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1469 Distorted

The people in the rooms on both sides of the corridor, some were running around in the room, some were yelling constantly, and some were slamming pillows against the walls of the room... and it was even more terrifying. The frightening thing is that some parts of these people's bodies show alienation without exception. Some have arms that swell two or three times like tree roots, and the burst blood vessels are clearly visible, and the fingers are even more unhuman, like a mallet; some people's heads are rotting like zombies, and the black muscles hang down randomly But this person did not die, but smashed the surroundings crazily...

Shuto Saya stepped forward and walked to Gumen Kazuki, and said in a sad tone: "They used to be a member of the night raid team like you, but they were the night raid team in the early stage of TLT establishment. I don’t know much about it at all, and the equipment is poor, but they still protect the peace of mankind from being harmed by alien beasts. Some people were injured by alien beasts while performing tasks, and the alien beast factors entered their bodies and caused Some of them were infected because of long-term missions and constant contact with alien beasts... It was their sacrifice that allowed TLT to know the characteristics of alien beasts and how to select team members to resist alien beasts. The infection of the beast factor caused the casualty rate of the night raid team to plummet."

"Our memory police can erase the memory of alien beasts in human minds, but we can't erase the characteristics of alien beasts in these people." Shuto Saya said with great sadness: "But there is one person who can, and the one contained in her blood This kind of particle can eliminate the cells of alien animals, and naturally relieve their pain, so that they can become normal people, return to their families, and be able to reunite and live a happy life.”


"Saitian Riko is not in our hands, and we don't know where he went?" Suto Saya said very sincerely: "At noon today, two of our people were injured by her. It is unknown whether we can wake up, and then she will He was taken away by an unidentified man who jumped directly onto a building more than 20 meters away and disappeared from the surveillance cameras outside."

"Wait a minute, Lizi hurt your people?! How is that possible?" Gumen Kazuki felt that Shuto Saya's words were more fantasy than the Arabian Nights. Although the memory police were not as strong as the night raiders one by one, they could deal with two or three There is nothing wrong with being a big man, how could he be beaten by such a delicate girl like Lizi so much that he can't take care of himself. He also jumped more than 20 meters, which is simply a test of whether Koto Kazuki's IQ exceeds ten.

"The details have been sent to your armed Bereg. You go back and think about it carefully. We just want to take her blood samples, hoping to find a vaccine to deal with the disaster of alien beasts." Shuto Saya continued: " We sent a lot of people to protect Saitian Lizi, but the other party...is probably not a 'person'."

"What did you say?" Koto Kazuki clenched his fists anxiously, hating his own powerlessness for the first time, and didn't say anything to Shuto Saya, and hurried out of here, he didn't want to stay here any longer. He was afraid, afraid that he would not be able to bear the wailing of these people and make a painful decision.

Gumen Kazuki drove out of the base restlessly, and no one stopped him. The black vehicle was driving on the road at the fastest speed. wonderland.

But Gumen Yihui didn't have the slightest intention to appreciate the beautiful scenery in his heart. He felt as if his brain had been thrown into a washing machine. All kinds of thoughts filled Gumen Yihui's brain, making him feel My brain is about to burst like a balloon.

The armed Bereg on his left arm repeatedly played two videos taken by the hospital. One was his girlfriend knocking two middle-aged men into the air with a wave, and the other was an unidentified man holding Lizi. He jumped out of the range of the surveillance probe and disappeared instantly.

For a while it was Lizi's smile, for a while it was the 'people' struggling in pain in the room, and for Lizi walking in the dense forest in the dark night, Guto Ikki was completely confused, he didn't know his own what to do? Don't even know where to go?

"Are you confused?" On a high mountain next to the road, Mizo Lugi in a windbreaker looked at the crazy vehicles driving on the road with a smile, and put his right index finger on his temple: "Let me guide you, Let you find the truth you want to know."

A picture suddenly appeared in the mind of Gudo Kazuki who was driving. In a hut deep in the mountains and dense forests, Saitian Riko was lying quietly on the bed with her eyes closed, with a peaceful smile on her face, as if falling into a hut. Like an angel in the world.

"Riko..." Koto Kazuki didn't even have time to think about why he 'see' these pictures, he turned around sharply and drove towards the place where he faintly felt the appearance of Saitian Riko in his mind.

In the deep mountain forest outside the city, a tall wooden house stands on top of two big rocks. Several steel pillars are deeply rooted in the boulders, supporting the small wooden house. In the house, Xingye stood beside the bed and raised his right hand, releasing a bright light in his palm, which shrouded Saitian Lizi like the starlight falling from the Nine Heavens Galaxy.

The light lasted for more than ten seconds before Xingye withdrew his right hand, shook his head lightly, his face was full of confusion and entanglement. Still like that, Saitian Lizi didn't have any dark aura, otherwise she would definitely collide with the light that I just injected into her body. But if she is not Dark Faust, why does Mizorogi pay so much attention to her, and just now in the hospital, Xingye saw with his own eyes that Saitian Lizi used the shock wave to send the two memory policemen flying away from such a distance, then No matter how you look at it, power is not something that a little girl has.

"I don't understand, I don't understand, what's going on?" Xingye was tangled up and down in the room, trying to figure out why Saitian Riko deserved Mizorogi's attention, but she And how did she burst out with such a powerful force? Is she Dark Faust?

'Wait a moment? A flash of light suddenly flashed in Xingye's mind. He felt as if he had caught something. Xingye felt that he might have thought wrong at the beginning. He thought that Dark Faust, like the demon Mephisto, was Dark Zaki in order to expand himself. Made by the forces of the world, but what if it is not?

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