Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1466 The Beginning of Fall

Shuto Saya hesitated for a moment and said, "Administrator, there is one more question, what about the lonely team members?"

"I will do his job. If not, erase his memory." Manager Matsunaga said in a questioning tone: "The headquarters of Lizi Saitian attaches great importance to it and has sent people here. This is related to the future of mankind. Whether it can continue, there must be absolutely no problem. If there is any emergency, I authorize you to use the MP-3 amnestic device."

"Yes!" Shuto Saya nodded, hung up the phone, and walked towards the direction where Koto Ikki disappeared. Misawa Hiroyuki hurriedly followed, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised to reveal a smile, and then he returned to his original paralyzed expression. He followed Shuto Saya without missing a step.

Standing in the fast-moving elevator, Gudo Kazuki was extremely restless, and his mind kept replaying the words he just heard in the corridor: "Lizi, why is this happening?"

As soon as the elevator door opened, Gumen Kazuki ran out immediately, ran to the garage and opened the door, and drove out of the dam at the fastest speed along the garage. Not long after driving out, the armed Bereg on Koto Kazuki's left arm rang, and Koto Kazuki hesitated for a moment and still connected.

Immediately, the voice of the manager Matsunaga came from the armed Bereg: "Gumen team member, since you already know, let me tell you."

"What are you going to do to Lizi?" Koto Kazuki said to Armed Bereg with some annoyance.

"No, we won't do anything to Ms. Saitian Riko. On the contrary, we will do our best to protect her," Matsunaga administrator said with discretion: "Although it is unbelievable, she is indeed the most important thing we humans have defeated at present. The only hope for alien beasts. You have been in contact with TLT for a while, and you have seen how harmful alien beasts are to humans. So, team members, now there is a person who can make humans defeat alien beasts and no longer be affected by alien beasts. What will you do when the opportunity of harm is in front of human beings?"

"I..." Koto Kazuki's hands holding the steering wheel were clenched all of a sudden, his ten fingers turned white from excessive force, and his mind suddenly became messy. He really wanted to refute that the words of the administrator Matsunaga were wrong, but his heart told him that the words of the administrator Matsunaga were correct. If the words of Shuto Saya were true, then Lizi was really the hope of human beings to defeat the alien beasts. .

It has been three months since he joined TLT, and he has also seen many scenes after the rampage of alien beasts. The number of survivors is very small. If...if the alien beasts disappear, then...it will be true No one will be hurt anymore.

Koto Kazuki's mind was in a mess, two thoughts were intertwined and collided crazily, making Koto Kazuki's mind a mess, and he didn't know which one was right and which one was wrong.

At this time, after the vehicle driven by Gumen Kazuki turned a corner on the road with a width of three to four meters, a minibus suddenly appeared on the road ahead and parked obliquely in the middle of the road. Men Yihui couldn't help being taken aback, this empty car kept approaching, making Gu Men Yihui's eyes move his neck closely following the change of angle.

"This is..." Gumen Kazuki murmured in a low voice. When he came to the Fort of Liberty for the first time, he also encountered an empty car, and the people inside were all eaten by strange beasts. If it wasn't for Ultraman, I'm afraid he would end up in the same way, but their relatives could only pay homage to the empty valley.

The car that was also parked on the road was quickly left behind, but Gu Men Yihui couldn't forget this scene anyway, all the things in his mind overlapped together. He knew that TLT had memory police responsible for amnesiacs, which erased the memory of everyone who saw the alien beast. Is the order established in this way really correct?

The suspicion in Koto Kazuki's mind became more and more uncontrollable. Is it really right to erase human memory at will? Is it really for the victims? Or... just to make it easier for those people to deal with the accidents caused by these alien beasts. He doesn't know, he doesn't know at all.

Outside the hospital, Saitian Riko was sitting on a chair, wearing a hospital gown, staring at the distant flower garden in a daze. And not too far away from her, two memory policemen are always watching her.

Among the people coming and going in the hospital, no one noticed that suddenly there was a figure, Xingye came out from the light shining on the earth, wearing a coat with a hood on his body, Gujing Wubo glanced at it Around, I found Saitian Riko sitting there.

'call out! ’ Xingye’s eyes sparkled with golden light, and he looked at Saitian Lizi through the crowd, but what disappointed Xingye was that Saitian Lizi didn’t find any dark power at all. Unlike Gorogi, the dark aura emanating from his body couldn't be concealed at all.

"No dark power?" Xingye couldn't help but frowned. If Saitian Lizi was really a new dark giant, how could he not be able to detect the dark aura? Could it be that he was thinking wrong? But how did Saitian Riko appear in the deep mountains and dense forests far away from the city?

And the two memory police who were monitoring Saitian Lizi, one of them suddenly raised his hand to answer a phone, nodded, then waved to the person next to him and walked towards Saitian Lizi together, and at the same time, his right hand was inserted into the clothes No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it's here to send warmth.

One of the men walked over, bent down, and said to Saitian Lizi: "Miss Lizi, go back to the ward. If there is no problem with this examination, you can be discharged from the hospital."

"Oh!" Saitian Lizi answered absent-mindedly, then stood up, and walked towards the hospital building not far away with these two lonely colleagues. Just after taking two steps, Saitian Lizi stopped suddenly. After stepping down, his eyes became dull again.

"What's wrong?" The two memory police officers suddenly became nervous, and saw Saitian Lizi turned around stiffly, suddenly waved her hand, obviously did not touch the two men, but the two of them flew out directly, a row It flew more than 20 meters and directly hit the wall of the hospital behind. Amidst the muffled 'bang', two human-shaped holes were knocked out of the hospital wall, and there were bursts of exclamations inside.

The surrounding crowd also suddenly panicked, and moved away from Saitian Lizi in a 'swish'. Everyone looked at Saitian Lizi standing there with sluggish eyes in horror. Many people picked up their mobile phones and started calling the police.

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