Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1461 Unknown Way Ahead (Two in One)

PS: I'm too lazy to divide chapters, so I posted them together

With the help of the night vision goggles in the goggles, Koto Kazuki shuttled through the dark jungle. The Diwaite pistol in his hand had been converted into an anesthetic bomb, and the figure in white was getting closer and closer to him. The sky was shrouded in night, and in the pitch-black forest, it was completely invisible. Now there was a figure in white walking stiffly in this remote mountain and old forest, coupled with the cold wind blowing head-on. This environment, this atmosphere, is simply a natural horror movie.

Even though Koto Kakki knew that this figure was a human being, goosebumps still appeared all over his body, and his throat moved a few times. Koto Kakki calmed down and breathed a sigh of relief, aiming the Diwait pistol at the slow-moving man. A figure in white clothes walking slowly.

But Koto Kakki didn't pull the trigger for a long time, and the doubts on his face became more and more serious. The outline of this figure in white gave him a very familiar feeling, but for a moment he couldn't remember who this person was. who?

Gumen Kazuki thought about it and loosened his right index finger that was holding the trigger, and then he walked towards the white-clothed figure who was only twenty meters away. He wanted to see who this person was? Why does it give him a sense of familiarity?

Just when Koto Kakki walked towards this white-clothed figure, ‘Phew! ’ A soft sound sounded behind him, and the figure in front of him fell down in response, lying powerlessly on the thick dead branches and rotten leaves. "Oh?" Komon Kakki turned his head in surprise, Saijo Kaze was standing behind him holding the Diwaite pistol firmly in both hands, Saijo Kazuki lowered his arms and looked coldly at Komon Kazuki: "Why don't you open the gun?" A gun? What if he sees the Assault Chester? Don't you dislike memory erasure?"

"Uh..." Gumen Yihui opened his mouth, his lips trembled a few times, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth: "I'm sorry!"

"These three words are the most unheard on the battlefield. A slight mistake may cause irreversible consequences, understand?" Saijo said, walking over Guto Kakki towards the place where the man fell. Men Yihui hastily followed and walked forward together. The further you go there, the more Koto Kazuki's brows are wrinkled, and the closer you look, the clearer the figure is. The figure is lying on the ground in a white dress, and the familiar face makes Koto Kazuki's brain It exploded with a bang, looked at the man who fell on the ground in astonishment, and blurted out: "Lizi?!"

"You know him?" Saijo Kaze turned his head and looked at Gumen in surprise, Gumen Kazuki ran up, hurried to Saitian Lizi's side, knelt down and picked Saitian Lizi up from the cold ground . 'Clap! ’ Koto Kazuki’s action made Saitian Riko’s right hand hang down feebly, and her five fingers spread out to reveal a silver iron plate in her hand. "Huh?!" Saijo Kaze couldn't help frowning, bent down and picked up the silver-white iron plate, and looked at it in front of his eyes. The blood on his face turned rosy and disappeared instantly, and he looked at the familiar man with a trembling right hand. nameplate.

The name engraved on it is hers, blood type and address are exactly the same as one of the two nameplates on her neck, but shouldn't this nameplate be in the hands of that man?

"Has she been in contact with that man?" Saijo Kaze's eyes widened, and he looked at the girl who was hugged by Koto Kazuki in astonishment. The five fingers of his right hand tightly held the nameplate. Very whitish.

Gumen Kazuki was also full of doubts and bewilderment, he had too many questions to be answered, why did Lizi appear in this deep mountain and old forest in the middle of the night? Why did Saijo's face change drastically when he saw what Lizi was holding? Who is that man in her mouth?

But in the end, Koto Kakki could only hug his girlfriend tightly, bury all the doubts in his heart, and then hurriedly called the Fort of Liberty to send a medical team.

In the dense forest less than a hundred meters away from here, Mirogi wearing a black windbreaker looked at Saijo Kaze with a smug smile on his face, and his tone was full of expectation: "That's it, Feng, the more hatred you have in your heart, we The distance between them is getting closer." "Hoo!" There was a slight piercing sound, and an incomparably shining golden light blade flew from a distance, whirling back and forth in the dense jungle, rushing towards the Ditch Lumu.

"Here we come!" Golumu raised the corner of his mouth, revealing a mocking smile, jumped two or three meters high, and easily dodged the light blade, but the golden light blade still rubbed against the hem of his windbreaker. After that, the corners of the clothes were torn apart, and the tattered pieces of cloth fluttered down.

And that golden light blade continued to rush forward unabated, cutting off more than a dozen trees along the way, the fracture was smooth without a single burr. The dozen or so trees fell down almost at the same time, colliding with the surrounding branches, and a series of 'click! Click! ’ The sound of branches snapping.

Such a big movement immediately alarmed Koto Ikki and Saijo Kaze who were about to go back, Guto Ikki was stunned for a moment, and looked down at the girlfriend in his arms who still hadn't moved, but Saijo Kaze turned around without any hesitation He ran towards the direction of the sound, holding the Diwaite pistol in his right hand and quickly installed the accessories on the armed belt around his waist with his left hand.

The leaping ditch landed lightly on the ground, even the soft dead branches and rotten leaves under the feet did not sink, it was as light as a feather. Mizo Lumu turned his head to look to the left, and said with a smile: "You have finally woken up, the origin of light, but...it seems too late, the darkness has spread to the whole world, and this planet is about to usher in a new era. The ruler, the king is coming back."

"You?" Xingye stood in the jungle, looking at Mizolugi coldly: "Have you ever seen a puppet show? The puppet stands on a brightly lit stage, receiving the attention of thousands of audiences below. Praise, but every movement of them is made by people hiding behind the scenes with strings."

"Hehe," Golumu smiled indifferently, and glanced at Xingye's illusory body: "It's really sad, it turned out to be like this, and you, who lost your light, are so downcast, it's really pitiful. .”

"At least I'm still me, what about you? The devil who fell into the dark abyss, he doesn't even exist." Xingye hung his arms at his sides, staring at the opposite man who had been completely soaked in darkness. "I remember I almost entered that ruins, but it doesn't matter, I will take back what should belong to me." Mizo Lugi said to himself with a smile, or the two of them were in the same place. He said to himself.

"No, you will never be able to step into the ruins, the light there will only make you feel fearful and small." Xingye's hanging right hand slowly gathered light energy, and suddenly raised it with a wave, turning into a golden light blade with extreme Fly to Goulumu at a fast speed. "Huh!" Goromu's mouth curled up to show a disdainful smile, a black-purple light flashed in his hand, and a long stick-shaped thing condensed in an instant, with a thick dark light lingering on it, and the particle feather was instantly condensed. broken.

"Is that all you can do? It really disappoints me," Mizuki shook his head in disappointment while holding the dark evolutionary in his hand: "What else can you do without the light?"

"Kill you!"

'tread! tread! ’ Loud footsteps sounded, and Feng Saijo ran over at the fastest speed with a Diwaite pistol in his hand. The night vision device of the goggles clearly showed the two figures standing here.

Saijo Kaze glanced at Xingye in astonishment, the other party's illusory figure like a shadow made Saijo Kaze feel that she might be dazzled, but immediately her attention was on Mizorogi beside him. "Crack!" Diwait's pistol was aimed at Mirogi immediately, Saijo Feng gritted his teeth and glared at Miroki: "Mizorugi..."

"Long time no see, Feng, I'm back!" Mizo Lumu looked at Feng with a smile on his face, but all he got was Feng's extremely angry eyes. Feng stared at this familiar man and the familiar smile on his face, holding a dick The hand of Wette's pistol couldn't help shaking. "What's the matter? I haven't seen you for a long time. I miss you very much." Mizo Lugi looked at Kaze Saijo with a smile: "I have never forgotten you." "Bang!" Kaze directly pulled the trigger, but the laser fired However, it was directly blocked by Mirogi, and did not cause any trouble to Mirogi at all. When Mirogi focused on Saijo Kaze, Xingye immediately moved, and his figure appeared in the ditch like a whirlwind. Beside Lu Mu, raised his right leg and kicked Gou Lumu.

Gou Lumu's reaction was also extremely quick, and he immediately slid sideways to dodge, allowing Xingye's blow to miss, but Xingye then stepped forward and punched Gou Lumu's shoulder, hitting Gou Lumu Take a few steps back.

"See you next time." Mizolugi's body immediately merged into the endless darkness and disappeared without a trace.

"It's the same breed, the puppet also has the ability of its master to escape." Xingye kept mumbling, and had no intention of chasing Mizo Lumu, it's not worth wasting energy on him. Destroy a ditch wood, Dark Zaki can find more dark dolls, the most important thing is to ensure the continuous inheritance of light, this is the most important. The hidden dark Zaki is nothing to worry about, as long as he recovers his strength earlier than him.

"Who are you?" The Diwait pistol in Saijofeng's hand immediately aimed at Xingye, Xingye turned his gaze to Saijofeng, and then said: "Don't be controlled by hatred, only by facing hatred can you defeat it."

"Huh?!" Saijo Kaze was stunned for a moment, and then Xingye's figure was lost in front of her eyes, as if the phantom figure standing in the forest just now was her hallucination, but Xingye's words still echoed in her ears, telling her that Everything is true.

"Feng, come back to the assault-type Chester immediately, and prepare to return to the base." The voice of Captain Yingfu Hecang sounded in the helmet, Feng slowly put down the Diwait short gun in his hand, and then said into the headset: " The person who was discovered by the Lonely Sect just now is his girlfriend, and the reason for coming here is unknown, Captain, I will go to the hospital with the Lonely Sect to find out what happened.”

Captain Eisuke Hekura couldn't help frowning. This place is far away from the city and belongs to the virgin forest that is inaccessible, and why would Kazuki's girlfriend come here in the middle of the night, Eisuke Hekura nodded slowly: "I know Yes, the MP has arrived, go to your place immediately, and make sure to find out what happened."

"Understood!" Saijo said, turning around and walking towards the location of Koto Kazuki, not far above her head, there were more than a dozen thick steel cables hanging from the three Mingjin Chesters painted in gold and red. Tie down the Assault Chester below firmly, and then the three Mingjin Chesters began to rise slowly, hoisting this huge Assault Chester, before the sun in the distance rose , Flying in the direction of the Fort of Freedom.

Eisuke Wakura, Mitsuhiko Ishibori and Shiori Hiraki sat in the three cockpits of the Assault Chester respectively, checking the damage of the Assault Chester. Looking at the three golden-red fighter jets in optical camouflage, he asked curiously: "Is that Team B? Why haven't they been seen in the base?" "Because there must be a place between our war room and where they are Isolation, and our authority cannot pass," Ishibori Mitsuhiko tapped on the keyboard without raising his head, and kept saying: "It is more convenient to manage without contact between Team A and Team B."

"Okay, don't discuss this, hurry up and check the problem." Eisuke Kazukura suddenly interrupted the discussion between Hiraki Shiori and Ishihori Mitsuhiko, and the two smiled awkwardly and did not discuss this any more. TLT this huge organization.

The sun rose as promised, dispelled the darkness of the earth, and plunged everything into light. By a small stream deep in the forest, Ji Yazhun, who was lying on the grass, slowly opened his eyes, feeling extremely sore all over his body. Just the simple act of standing up made Ji Yazhun grin in pain.

Lips were cracked due to dryness, Ji Yazhun breathed a sigh of relief, stood up slowly, went to the stream and squatted down, then raised a handful of stream water with both hands, brought it to his mouth, and slowly sucked it.

The scene that happened not long ago was constantly tumbling in his mind, the dark Faust who was able to transform his Meta domain into a dark domain, his body looked extremely uncoordinated, as if Like a rag doll sewn together from a bunch of rags.

"Why are you fighting me? The dark shadow... Is that really the shadow in my heart?" Ji Yazhun clenched his fists involuntarily, then stood up, dragging his tired body slowly towards the distant place City.

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