Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1458 Dark Domain

The three fighters each fired a few correction lasers at each other, and then the cockpit of the Gamma bounced out, while the Beta flew over immediately and stuck in front of the Gamma with the help of the guided lasers, and the auxiliary machinery immediately retracted , so that the gamma number and the beta number are tightly linked together.

Afterwards, the Alpha plane also flew back and merged with the Beta backwards. The cockpit ejected from the Gamma fell from above and got stuck on the upper end of the Gamma.

Although the three fighter jets have been merged into one, the five people are still checking the condition of the fighter jets. After all, this is the first actual combination, and if something goes wrong, it will be troublesome.

"The energy supply system is normal."

"The weapon control system is normal."

"The engine system is normal!"

"..." The system self-inspection and manual inspection were soon over. This time the combination was very successful. The Assault Chester was running normally without any problems.

"Very good, let's break into the US Tower field." Following Eisuke Wakura's order, light and dark light flickered all over the Assault Chester's body. After the light reached a certain frequency, the head of the Assault Chester disappeared suddenly. , and then the fuselage also disappeared into the real world.

However, the five people sitting in the fighter jet clearly felt the difficulty of breaking into the Meita field. The numbers on the altitude display are also changing crazily, one will be one hundred thousand and one will be zero.

However, this situation didn't last long, it was only five or six seconds, but for the five members of the night raid team sitting in the assault Chester, it seemed like a lifetime. The shaking of the fuselage made them very worried about whether the fighter jet would crash, and it was the first time to rush into the subspace. No one knew whether it would succeed or not, and what would happen to them if they failed.

The light outside the cockpit flashed, and the originally bright and distorted colorful light suddenly dimmed, and the violently shaking fuselage also calmed down, and the altimeter also displayed the number 125.

The five people involuntarily turned their eyes to the right, looking at the red giant not far away and the dark Ultraman opposite him.

"Is this the Meita domain?" Gumen Yihui kept looking around as if Grandma Liu had entered the Grand View Garden. The space was gray and very dim. Come bright.

What is even more eye-catching is the land of this space, there is no flat place at all, there are towering hills and sunken valleys everywhere, and what is even more weird is the hills with gradients and erected mountain walls There is a trace of light in the sky, and the layers of light make people think of the tall buildings in the city at night.

"We're coming in." Ishihori Mitsuhiko showed a smile on his face, looking extremely happy, typing quickly on the computer keyboard in front of him with both hands, looking extremely busy. The faces of the others also showed joy. Being able to enter the Meta field means that they no longer have to wait outside like last time.

Not far away, Dark Faust and Nexus have already fought fiercely together, and turned into a red youth form. With the addition of light from the Meta Domain, Nexus can be said to have suppressed Dark Faust .

With one punch, the powerful force compressed the air into ripples visible to the naked eye, and quickly attacked Dark Faust with an indomitable momentum. And Dark Faust hastily raised his arms and folded them in front of him, 'Boom! With a muffled sound, Nexus hit Dark Faust's arm with his right fist, and the terrifying impact came from Dark Faust's arms, directly knocking Dark Faust out. It rolled over ten laps on the uneven ground before stopping.

"Damn it!" Dark Faust glared at Nexus angrily with his dark eyes, at this moment the assault Chester rushed in, Dark Faust stood up, and his anger disappeared without a trace Without a trace, he said to Nexus: "Do you think your light is very powerful? See how I dyed it black."

Speaking of Dark Faust, he raised his arms and crossed them in front of his chest, and then stretched them apart. The body of Dark Faust immediately shone with dark purple light, and there were many impurities in the dark purple light. black spots.

'call out! call out! ’ The bottom of the meta field suddenly turned dark purple, and it infected the golden part at an extremely fast speed. In just three or four seconds, the golden meta field turned into dark black.

"Huh?!" Nexus looked around in astonishment. He felt that the Meta Realm had suddenly become extremely strange. If it was a warm environment just like spring, now this dark field seems to be surrounded by a cold wind. winter.

Moreover, the surrounding darkness oppressed him vaguely, making Nexus feel uncomfortable as if his body was bound, or as difficult as jumping into the water suddenly from land.

"Hahaha, this is the endless dark realm. As the light, you have no chance of winning here." Faust, the dark fly, said incomparably proudly, with a look of winning.

The assault-type Chester of the night raid team was flying towards this side, and suddenly the light around him dimmed, and the darkness that was originally like black clouds overwhelming the city, now turned into night, if it weren't for the hills on the ground, If it still emits a faint light to provide a small amount of light to this world, I am afraid that this place will really be completely dark.

"What's going on?" Wakura Yingfu looked around in amazement, the aurora just now disappeared, and there was only this endless darkness left, which made people feel very uneasy at first glance.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko kept typing on the keyboard, and said eagerly: "I don't know what happened? The nature of the Meita field has completely changed. If it was positive just now, it is now negative."

"Darkness... Domain!" Saijo Feng stared coldly at the two giants not far away who were wrestling together again, especially the dark Ultraman who was full of incongruity. Nexus waved his hand and punched, and Dark Faust followed him with a punch without dodging or evading. The black and red iron fists collided together, making an earth-shattering collision sound. The hills within 100 meters instantly shattered, and countless rubble flew to the surroundings. Inside the shattered hills were not solid earth and stones, but neatly arranged quadrilateral hollows.

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