Chapter 1446 Irony

Gumen Kazuki, who took off his blue uniform and was wearing casual clothes, glanced at the address in his hand, compared it before he stepped into the newspaper office, and asked the security guard at the door: "Hi, I'm asking, is it possible to take pictures of this newspaper?" Where is Ji Yazhun in this photo now? I have something to do with him."

"Ji Yazhun?" The security guard at the door carefully checked the phone book, then shook his head: "You are in the wrong place, we don't have a reporter named Ji Yazhun here."

"Please check again carefully," Koto Kazuki held up the newspaper in his hand, pointed at the photo on it and said, "Look, it is Hime Yajun who took this photo."

"It is indeed a newspaper published by the newspaper office, but there is really no such reporter now, probably he has resigned." The security guard shook his head: "Go to another house to have a look."

The conversation between the two was overheard by a passing woman, who came over to look at Gumen Ikki, and asked cautiously, "Excuse me, do you know Ji Ya-kun?"

"Well, I saw these photos taken by him and felt that my heart was touched, so I wanted to know more about Mr. Himeya. I want to know how he took these photos that touched the soul?" Gumen Kazuki scratched Scratching his head, he held up the photo in his hand and said, "I really want to know Mr. Ji Ya."

"I didn't expect someone to remember it now," the woman smiled, and walked to the table in the hall not far away, put the newspaper on it and flipped through it one by one, Gumen Kazuki followed and sat opposite the girl , asked with a strange face: "Why did Mr. Ji Ya resign from the newspaper office?"

The woman flipped the newspaper over to the side that reported the battlefield, and said, "Ji Yajun took this photo, which has been tormenting him and making him so miserable that he can no longer work in the newspaper office."

"Oh?! As a reporter, the photos he took...tortured him?" Koto Kazuki stared blankly at this serious girl, why did he feel so absurd? Of course the reporter had to take pictures, this was his job, but it was absurd no matter how he thought about being tormented by his job.

"When Ji Yajun first joined the job, he should be a passionate young man with a strong sense of justice and ambition. He used a camera to expose the unfair things that are full of society one by one, but... the darkness of society It is endless, and gradually Ji Yajun got tired of spying on desires, and even began to doubt whether such a dark human society is necessary." The girl recounted Ji Yazhuan's past: "He pushed himself into a desperate situation. I left here and went to the battlefield where there is only life and death. With the determination to die, I devoted myself to land occupation photography.”

"Are these the photos he took on the battlefield?" Gumen Kazuki looked down at the photos in the newspapers, each one was so shocking, the cruelty of the war and the suffering people were all on the photos reveal.

"It's ironic that what he didn't find in the peaceful world found the most beautiful smile of the girl who comforted his soul on the cruel battlefield," the girl named Sakuta Megumi pointed to the girl who was bombed on the photo. The girl in mid-air said: "Her name is Sera. She is a girl who lost her family in the war. She treats Ji Yajun as her own brother. Ji Yajun said that he spent the best part of his life in that war-torn world of death." Good time."

"I found a beautiful smile on the battlefield of death, really..." Gumen Kazuki didn't know what to say. It was clearly a battlefield representing death, but he found a beauty that was not available in a peaceful world. This has to be said It's a great irony.

"But..." Megumi Sakuta pursed his lips and sighed and continued: "One time, Ji Ya-kun went to take pictures of the battlefield and left Serra behind, but unexpectedly, Sera followed to find Hime Ya-kun. Then... Ji Ya-kun watched helplessly as Sera, whom he regarded as his younger sister, fell on the battlefield, and Ji Ya-kun was also hit by bullets."

"Ji Ya-kun has always blamed himself and felt guilty about this matter, and felt that if it wasn't for him, Sera would not have come to the battlefield to find him, and then stayed on the battlefield forever." Sakuda Megumi said here, showing a smile on his face. A mocking smile: "But what is even more ironic is that these photos that make Ji Ya-jun feel incomparable pain and regret have been praised all over the world, and have also been nominated for famous awards abroad. Everyone is praising Ji Ya-jun and praising him for not being afraid Life and death went deep into the battlefield to take photos exposing the cruelty of war, but no one saw Ji Yajun's pain and regret."

"That's why he quit his job in the newspaper office." Koto Kazuki pursed his lips, sighed involuntarily, and stared at the photos on the desktop. To others, these photos were just photos of the battlefield. But for Ji Yazhun, it was an unbearable painful memory, but such a painful memory has become his honor, which has to be said to be a deep irony.

"He anesthetizes himself with alcohol every day, only in this way can he temporarily forget that nightmare memory," Sakuta Megumi's eyes were a little red: "Every day is spent in a drunk dream, but he still can't get rid of that nightmare. Nightmarish memories. Until one day he disappeared, disappeared from all of our sights, and no one knew where Ji Ya-kun had gone."

"Probably because he wants to leave this sad place. As long as he goes to a place where no one knows him, no one will mention the photo. He wants to forget this painful memory." Koto Kakki said with great emotion.

"Probably," Sakuta Megumi raised his head and continued, "He came back suddenly half a year ago. I went to him and once he told me that he couldn't sleep well at night. He would wake up because of the dream of the girl. In the dream, he was in a dense forest, and the girl's cry echoed in his ears, just like the cry of looking for him on the battlefield that day, which made Ji Ya-kun feel very painful. And... that dream grew by itself."

"Dreams is it possible?" Gumen Kazuki felt as if he had heard the Arabian Nights, that dreams could still grow.

"Ji Yajun said so. He followed the girl's call and kept walking in the dense forest. There was mist everywhere in the dense forest. Every time he dreamed of this dense forest, he would be far away from the voice calling him. A little closer. Then, in the dreams he didn’t know how many times, he saw a relic, an unbelievable relic that he had never seen before.”

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