Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1437 The Mystery Explorer

In the hangar of the Fort of Liberty, hundreds of ground crews are maintaining and maintaining Ming Chester. A man with gray eyes, beard and hair is wearing a greasy overalls and a hard hat, holding a tweeter Roaring and directing a group of young men in the distance to climb up and down the Mingjin Chester Gamma, they were very busy.

"You're still so energetic, Chief Koda," a young boy's plain voice suddenly sounded behind the old man, making Chief Koda startled for a moment, and then he turned around. Flat smile.

"Oh, it's the explainer, what's the matter?"

"How is the refitting of the Mingjin Chester Gamma completed? When will it be put into use?" Xingye stepped forward, staring at the large hole in the belly of the plane in front of it, revealing countless numbers of different thicknesses inside. A wire of the inscription Chester Gamma.

"The test has already started. If everything goes well, it will be put into actual use in ten hours."

Xingye nodded, and then said: "Mingjin Chester's six spare planes have already taken off from the headquarters, and they will arrive at the base in two hours, and there will be three spare planes in one month, you have to do a good job in receiving them .”

"Are there so many at once?" Chief Maintenance Officer Koda couldn't help but adjust his glasses. He was very surprised that there were so many of them. He knew a little about this kind of fighter jets, and they were expensive to make. He didn't expect the headquarters to be so willing.

Xingye didn't speak. The generosity of the headquarters this time has something to do with the recent appearance of two giant alien beasts in the Kanto area, not to mention the appearance of Ultraman in the Kanto area. So the headquarters made a decision to strengthen TLT-J's combat effectiveness at all costs to deal with the alien beast disaster and... Ultraman.

The senior management of TLT North America Headquarters is also divided into two factions regarding the current intensified alien beast disaster. One group thinks that alien beasts are a disaster that will destroy human beings and must be completely eliminated; but the other part thinks that alien beasts are also intelligent. , belonging to intelligent creatures, if there is dialogue, maybe a peaceful solution can be found.

The second statement has not been around for a long time. No one ever said that when humans had the absolute upper hand in the battle against the alien beasts. However, since a year ago, the speed of evolution of alien beasts has accelerated, and the gap between humans and alien beasts has gradually been caught up. Now, two giant alien beasts like THEONE have appeared in the Kanto area one after another. After TLT estimates It is found that it is impossible for human beings to destroy this kind of alien beast with conventional weapons.

In addition, Mizorogi, who had died before, appeared again and showed the ability to control the alien beasts, which made many TLT executives think that the alien beasts could communicate. After all, Mizorogi was talking Ah, and showed a lot of wisdom, without the appearance of other alien beasts at all, which made some TLT executives feel that they can communicate with the alien beasts through Golumu, understand the purpose and requirements of the other party, and then negotiate , to end this endless war of alien beast disasters with no end in sight.

Maintenance Chief Koda waited for a long time and didn't see Xingye speak, but stood there as if lost in thought, and said involuntarily: "The explainer..."

Xingye woke up from his contemplation, turned his head, and said with a faint smile: "The Mingjin Chester Gamma will reach an unprecedented speed of Mach 5. No related experiments have been conducted on this kind of high-speed low-altitude flight. The speed of 1,700 meters per second is a great test for the aircraft, and the maintenance work must not be sloppy."


Xingye nodded, and the body of the holographic projection dissipated immediately. Chief Koda shook his head, picked up the loudspeaker that had just been put down, and continued to yell at the group of boys in the distance.

The bustling streets of the city are full of bustling crowds, and most people spend their time in a peaceful life and busy work, and no one is looking for the truth hidden behind the world. But this is just the vast majority of people. There are still some people who look no different from others, but they are tirelessly looking for things that the world wants to hide.

Just like this fat uncle who sneaked behind Ji Yazhun, if he was thrown into the crowd, he would not be conspicuous at all. That obese body, round pancake face, paired with a pair of earthy eyes, squatting on the ground is an old farmer, squatting on the side of the road is a homeless man...it can't attract anyone's attention at all.

But if you look at the newspaper in his hand, you will find that he is unusual. A stack of more than ten newspapers in his hand have been cut, and the headlines on them are all recent accidents in various places: the village was attacked by wild animals, A fire broke out in a brewery, a mysterious disappearance at a gas station, a sudden forest fire caused a large area of ​​trees to be burned...

Ji Yazhun's face was flat, he squeezed through the crowd, and walked towards the small square beside the road. Ships were slowly wandering on the bay in the distance, Ji Yazhun sat on a seat facing the sea, holding a new newspaper published today in a daze.

The above report was about the forest fire that broke out at noon yesterday, and it was accompanied by a clear photo. Most of the forest was covered by the fire, thick smoke shot straight into the sky, and the raging flames reflected most of the sky red.

"In order to cover up the intentional burning of the forest..." Ji Yazhun clenched his hands holding the newspaper tightly, crumpling the newspaper.

"The forest fire that erupted suddenly, is it really strange? How could there be a forest fire at this time?" The fat man came over, smiled and said to Ji Yazhun: "There are really many strange accidents like this recently, right? , Ji Ya-kun."

Ji Yazhun ignored the man, folded the newspaper directly, and looked up at the sea in the distance. The fat man didn't care about Ji Yazhun's attitude at all, he walked over and sat beside Ji Yazhun with a smile: "Why is there such an expression, we've known each other for so long, come, have a can of coffee."

Ji Yazhun raised his hand to block the canned coffee handed by the fat man, and said in a flat tone: "Mr. Genlai, I have already quit my job at the newspaper, so you don't have to think about getting any news from me."

"Really? Since you have already resigned, why are you still investigating?" The man named Gen Lai Jinzang looked at Ji Yazhun with a smile, put his right hand into his pocket, and opened the recorder.

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