Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1434 Rescue

Eisuke Wakura and Mitsuhiko Ishibori, who were trying their best to save the Mingkinchester Beta, heard a dull impact sound, and then Mingkinchester, who was falling, shook violently a few times and then stopped falling, as if It's already landed.

"What's the matter?" The two hurriedly raised their heads to look around, and then they were stunned at the same time. The glass around and above the cockpit was all occupied by bright silver light. Even the sunlight in the sky couldn't compare with this light. The silver brilliance converged to form a silver giant.

"Ultraman?! No way?!" Eisuke Kawakura's eyes almost popped out, and then he felt that the Mingjin Chester Alpha started to fall again.

"He's... Ultraman?!" Koto Kazuki was more surprised than the others, he just saw with his own eyes that the person standing on the high hill turned into a beam of light, and then knocked the alien into the air. The living beast also caught the falling Mingjin Chester Alpha.

Nexus carefully placed the fighter in his hand on the ground, and then stood up. The alien beast beside him had already stood up from the depression on the ground, and the creases on his body kept falling down. soil, small branches, etc.

"Ha!" Nexus made a fighting gesture towards the alien beast, slowly moved his feet, and watched the alien beast vigilantly with his bright eyes. And this time the alien beast didn't attack in a hurry, it also lightly shook the long tentacles on its hands, and at the same time kept moving its body to compete with Nexus, the movements of the two equally huge figures were even more surprising similar to.

"The last one was defeated by Ultraman, but this one still learned Ultraman's attack. Is there any connection between them?" Xingye stared at the picture displayed on the screen. The living beast has fought, and was entangled in learning Nexus at that time, and if this strange beast can do it, then it means that there may be a similar spiritual connection between the different living beasts, or someone connected them , such as the demon Mephisto...

A map was displayed on the screen in front of Xingye. While typing the keyboard quickly, he said to the headset: "The K784 highway has been blocked, and the information of the relevant personnel has been transmitted. The memory police and security forces immediately found them and carried out Amnestics..."

Nexus on the left screen has already strode towards the alien beast, and the alien beast is not to be outdone and rushed back towards Nexus. The distance between the two sides is rapidly shrinking, and the alien beast is running. At the same time, the right hand was already raised high, and the long tentacles were ruthlessly thrown towards Nexus.

Nexus was not afraid at all, and suddenly rolled forward, and the tentacles that cut through the air quickly passed over Nexus' back with a howling sound. Nexus also used this forward roll to avoid the blow, and immediately got up and raised his legs and kicked at the back of the alien beast.

The huge force coming from its back made the alien beast unstoppable and staggered forward for several steps, almost falling to the ground. Nexus has quickly turned over and stood up, striding towards the alien beast, and rushed behind the alien beast before the alien beast took a stand.

Raising his right hand, he slashed down fiercely with the palm of his hand like a knife, and slashed heavily on the back of the alien beast, splashing violent sparks, and a large part of the place where the knife was slashed was dented immediately.

"Hiss!" The alien beast roared in pain, and then Nexus punched the alien beast on the neck again, causing the alien beast to roar twice again. It suddenly opened left and right, and turned into something like a huge mouth. Before Ultraman could react, a raging flame was ejected from this huge gap, which instantly bombarded Nexus' body.

The high temperature and strong impact brought by the heat wave sent Nexus flying at once, and flew three to four hundred meters in the air before falling into the jungle and crushing a large area of ​​trees to the ground.

"Hiss!" The alien beast turned around and roared at the fallen Nexus. At the same time, the tentacles on the top of its head began to gather flame balls again, attacking Nexus.

Nexus didn't even have time to stand up and rolled to the left in a hurry. The place where he was just now was hit by a flame ball, and it exploded with a bang, and a raging flame burst out from the jungle The verdant forest near the explosion point was instantly ignited.

The alien beast walked over with heavy steps, and slammed down the tentacles of its right hand against Nexus on the ground. The piercing sound made Nexus roll and dodge again, without standing up at all. time.

'Snapped! '

The tentacles of the alien beast hit the ground fiercely, and the ground immediately shattered and split into several deep ravines, and at the same time, smoke and dust splashed all over the sky.

Nexus immediately raised his leg and kicked the alien beast's knee. After kicking the alien beast back a few steps, a scale fish turned over and stood up. The alien beast had stabilized its figure. And rushed up again.

Nexus did not evade but rushed forward, clutching the two arms of the strange beast with both hands, and stepped on the ground with both legs, leaving deep footprints on the ground one after another, wanting to The alien beast pushed back.

However, what Nexus didn't expect was that the power of the alien beast was not inferior to him at all. He tried his best and still couldn't make the alien beast retreat a little. You must know that Nexus completely suppressed the alien beast last time, but this time it is evenly divided with the alien beast, and no one can do anything to the other.

'call! Shiori Hiraki flew the Mingjin Chester Alpha roaring over the heads of the alien beast and Nexus. She turned her head and glanced at the two huge unidentified lifeforms wrestling with each other below, and then said to He yelled into his headset, "Captain, what should we do now?"

Captain Hekura Eisuke climbed out of the cockpit, holding the Diwait large gun in his hand, the goggles had been raised, and his eyes were fixed on Nexus who was fighting with the alien beast, but his heart was full of bewilderment. The silver giant saved them just now, but he didn't know why Ultraman saved them.

"Captain..." Shiori Hiraki called out again: "Which one should I fight? Alien Beast or... Ultraman, or like last time, just watch."

Saijo Kaze and Koto Kazuki in uniforms hurried over, holding Diwait long guns in their hands. They did not carry hard armor plates this time, but used the accessories on their bodies to hold Diwait The pistols are combined into Diwai special long guns.

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