Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1427 Unexpected Attack

The alien beast screamed in pain, and the tentacles on both sides of the mouth-like crack in front of it stretched nearly 200 meters, directly penetrating the roof of a factory building. When the tentacles retracted, there were already many five people.

"Help, someone will save us." These workers shouted in horror, struggling desperately, but it didn't work, their bodies swayed with the waving tentacles like fluff in the wind.

"It's this trick again! Damn it!" Captain He Cang Yingfu glared at the alien beast angrily. Although the hostage-taking trick is old-fashioned, it works. At least it made it impossible for the night attack team to launch an attack. After all, the tentacles of the alien beasts were swaying erratically. If the attack hits the hostage...

'hiss! hiss! The alien beast roared non-stop, and the five big holes on its body were slowly healing, but within five or six seconds, the wound that was originally three or four meters wide shrunk by half, and I'm afraid it would be completely broken after a while. healed.

"No, if an attack is launched, these two people will be sacrificed." Komon Kazuki held up the Diwaite large gun in his hand and couldn't pull the trigger for a long time, not only him, but also everyone else.

Eisuke Wakura immediately said to the communication device on the helmet: "CIC, something unexpected happened, please give me instructions!"

"There is no alternative. Even if you break the tentacles of the alien beast and fall from such a high place, there is still no possibility of survival." Xingye looked at the big screen and said in a flat tone, and at the same time fixed his eyes on the fast The speed is close to the other energy fluctuation of the factory.

Ji Yazhun jumped up and jumped onto the alcohol tank more than ten meters high. Standing on the high place, he quietly stared at this extremely huge alien beast, and whispered: "The time to fight has come."

After the night attack team below heard the instructions from the combat information center, Koto Kazuki shouted eagerly into the headset: "How can you just give up saving them like this?"

"Gumen, we can't save them. You have to understand this. Sacrifice is inevitable." He Cang Yingfu was also unhappy, but he knew that the instructions from the combat information center were the most correct. Such a huge alien beast It's not easy to win, let alone save the five hostages from this huge alien beast.

Saijo Feng took two steps forward, raised the Diwaite large gun in his hand, and aimed at the alien beast in the distance, his right index finger was already on the trigger. Koto Kazuki was shocked, and hurried over to stop Saijo Kaze's attack: "No, vice-captain!"

"Get out!" Saijo waved his hand impatiently, throwing Guto Kakki aside, and inadvertently caught a glimpse of a figure standing on an iron can on the left from the corner of his eye, which was particularly conspicuous against the dim street lights below , and the silhouette of this figure is very similar to the figure seen at the scene of the previous alien beast incidents.

"It's him again..." Saijo Kaze was startled, and immediately raised the armed Bereg on his left arm, adjusted to the tranquilizer bomb, and aimed at this figure. Before she fired the anesthesia bomb, she saw the figure raised his right hand, and the thing held in his hand suddenly burst into an incomparably bright red light, piercing the night sky like a small sun, and turning the surroundings into daylight.

This strong light naturally attracted the attention of the other four members of the night raid team. All of them turned their heads to look in the direction of the light. Under their gaze, a stream of red light dragged a long comet tail like a comet. , took off from the iron tank to an altitude of three or four hundred meters and then landed on the ground. The red light quickly converged, revealing the figure of the silver giant half kneeling on the ground inside.

"It's him... Ultraman!" Koto Kazuki had a happy smile on his face, while the others were all dumbfounded. They had heard Koto Kazuki say that he was saved by the silver giant, but They all thought that this was a hallucination of Koto Kazuki under extreme fear. However, Guto Kazuki's 'illusion' appeared in front of everyone now, that huge body and the bright silver light emanating from his body didn't look fake at all.

Nexus stood up slowly, and then made a fighting gesture towards the alien beast. The alien beast roared loudly, and kept waving the tentacles that bound the hostages in its hands, as if threatening What does it seem like.

Nexus moved slowly, staring at the alien beast with bright eyes, looking for an opportunity to attack.

"Silver Giant..." and Captain Eisuke Cang moved the Diwait large gun in the hands of Nexus' body, and shouted into the headset: "CIC, there is an even bigger accident. Suddenly a silver giant appeared, asking for guidance."

"I've seen it, stop taking action for now, and wait and see." Xingye tapped the keyboard quickly, lowered the height of the two sky eyes by another hundred meters, and aimed all the detectors at the Nai transformed by Ji Yazhun. Xersus, collecting the data of Nexus.

Nexus moved a few steps, and suddenly jumped up. At the same time, he stretched his right hand forward, and a strong light emerged from the palm of his hand, which condensed into a long silver light cable, and rushed towards the alien beast at high speed.

The restraining light caught the five humans in the tentacles of the alien beast with lightning speed, and as Nexus pulled hard, the five people were taken away from the alien beast by the restraining light, and then Nexus right hand With a flick, the restraining light in his hand fell on the ground. When the light was taken back by Nexus, five people were lying on the ground in a haphazard manner, already in a coma.

"Hurry up and save people!" He Cang Yingfu hurriedly beckoned others to rush to the location of these survivors, and CIC told them to stop their actions and wait and see what happened. Now the survivors were rescued from the alien beast by the silver giant. Although they haven't figured out what happened so far, Captain He Cang Yingfu felt that it was the right way to take the survivors out of here as soon as possible.

"Hiss! Hiss!" The alien beast with nothing in its hand roared angrily at Nexus, and its voice was full of anger. The existence of hostages was his trump card, but they were taken away so easily, which made the alien beast furious, and yelled at Nexus crazily, wishing he could tear Nexus apart.

"Ha!" Nexus made a fighting gesture at the alien beast, and then strode towards the alien beast. Just when he had only taken three or two steps, a stream of light suddenly shot from the ground. It flew up and hit Nexus on the back, and violent sparks erupted, making Nexus feel a pain in his back, and at the same time, a violent explosion sounded in his ears.

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