Chapter 1416 Battle in the Tunnel

Xingye tapped the keyboard quickly, activating the four nearby celestial eyes that were on standby one by one. The 365 celestial eyes do not operate at the same time. The five celestial eyes are in charge of an area. will start working at the same time. The five SkyEye systems are working together, and more and more detailed information is transmitted here through the SkyEye, and the screens behind them quickly swipe through rows of data.

"Alien beast vibration wave, sure!" Xingye said, pressing the red button next to it with his right hand, and said to the communicator: "We found the alien animal vibration wave, and the night raid team dispatched immediately."

'Om! hum! ’ The red light in the combat room flickered, and amidst the sound of the siren, the four members of the night attack team jumped up immediately and strode towards the equipment area. The hangar was also busy amidst the sound of sirens, and began to prepare for the attack.

'call out! call out! ’ Two fighter jets quickly rushed out from the launch port opened on the dam, and immediately disappeared into the night after turning on the optical camouflage.

Xingye tapped the keyboard quickly, entered the metropolitan security management system through the TLT system, connected all the cameras in the fifth area, and found the alien beast within a few clicks.

The place where the alien beast appeared was a small gas station. The fluctuations of the alien beast continued to intensify, but this small gas station was still very calm. There was even a truck parked in the gas station on the surveillance screen. Ready to refuel.

Xingye immediately connected to the communication of the night raid team: "Night raid team, please pay attention, the location of the alien beast's activities is in the gas station, it is best to drive him out of there and carry out the annihilation operation."

"Understood!" Eisuke Wakura said as he manipulated the fighter jet and began to slow down. The lights of this small gas station on the edge of the road can already be seen under the fighter jet. This light is too conspicuous in the dark land. .

Two fighter jets with optical camouflage turned on descended to a place less than ten meters from the ground. The infrared feedback image was already displayed on the front glass of the cockpit. Terrified humans.

"Help! Who will help me?" The owner of the gas station is a middle-aged man. His hands are firmly grasping the railing on the ground. Even though his fingers hurt like they are broken, he will not let go. The driver of this car was eaten by the monster behind him. Even though his whole body became weak from fright, as soon as the monster's tentacles entangled him, his hands firmly grasped the railing.

'call out! Tom! '

The middle-aged man suddenly heard the sound of breaking through the air and the sound of an explosion, and the huge force entangled his legs disappeared all of a sudden, making him unprepared and directly lying on the ground, but he couldn't care less about the pain and turned over in a hurry When he got up, he saw that terrifying monster disappearing into the night along the road as if fleeing.

"What happened?" The middle-aged man, who escaped death, gasped heavily, raised his arm tremblingly and wiped the sweat from his head and face.

The surveillance probe above his head transmitted the captured images along the line to Xingye, and Xingye quickly sent the location of the gas station and the photo of the middle-aged man to the memory police, and they will take care of the follow-up matters.

"The Alien Beast has moved away from the gas station and started to fight." The Mingjin Chester Alpha has already driven the Alien Beast away from the gas station with a small laser bomb, and the Mingjin Chester Beta has come from the side to annihilate the Alien Beta. Raw beasts.

"Wait a minute," Starry Night's voice sounded from the helmets of the four members of the night attack team at this time: "There is a tunnel fifty meters ahead, drive the alien beasts into the tunnel and then carry out the annihilation operation to prevent the alien beasts from being fragmented." Dropped elsewhere and cannot be recovered."

"Understood!" Eisuke Wakura nodded, and re-formulated the battle plan: "The Alpha will continue to drive away the alien beasts, and the Beta will go to the other end of the tunnel to prevent the alien beasts from escaping."


'call out! call out! call out! ’ One after another very conspicuous laser beams fell from the sky, hitting the back of the alien beast one after another, causing the alien beast to run forward continuously, and soon ran into the tunnel.

Two fighter jets landed on the road at both ends of the tunnel, which was only 100 meters long, and then the cockpit opened, and the four members of the night raid team jumped out of it, and strode into the tunnel from both ends.

Although the three-to-four-meter-tall alien beast is as huge as a pile of jelly, its squirming speed is not slow, much faster than ordinary humans galloping. Just when the alien beast ran more than half of the distance in the tunnel, seven or eight plasma bombs suddenly hit him.

'boom! boom! The sound of a thunderous explosion echoed in the tunnel, and the flames from the explosion illuminated the tunnel red, revealing the figure of Saijo Kaze and Heigi Shiori. The extra-large gun kept firing plasma bombs, bombarding the body of the alien beast, blasting big holes one after another in the jelly-like body of the alien beast.

The alien beast screamed and hurriedly turned its bloated body around, as if it knew the strength of the two people in front of it, it didn't intend to attack at all, but ran towards the direction it came from at the fastest speed.

Just as the alien beast turned around, it saw five or six streaks of light rushing towards it, instantly hitting the alien beast's body, and the flames of the explosion almost swallowed most of the alien beast's body.

'Ang! Oh! ’ The alien beast roared in pain, and seven or eight tentacles suddenly protruded from the originally smooth abdomen, and they extended quickly, and went straight towards Wakura Yingsuke and Ishihori Mitsuhiko in front.

He Cang Yingfu immediately raised the Diwai extra large gun in his hand, aimed at the tentacles stretching towards him and kept firing, 'Whew! call out! call out! ’ A series of plasma light bombs flew out, blasting the tentacles in half.

And Ishihori Mitsuhiko, Saijo Kaze and Heigi Shiori couldn't stop pulling the trigger, and hit the strange beast with a round of plasma bombs. In less than five or six seconds, the strange beast was terrified. The explosive force was blown into piles of fragments, and most of the body tissues were evaporated by the flames of the explosion. Only bits and pieces of debris remained, some fell to the surrounding ground, and some stuck to the top of the arched tunnel.

"The target has been eliminated, and the mission is completed." He Cang Yingfu, who was wearing a respirator, glanced around vigilantly, but there was no trace of the strange beast's activity in the night vision device, so he issued an order, and the four of them stood up slowly. body, hanging the Diwai extra-large gun in his hand on the equipment belt around his waist.

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