Chapter 1404 Unknown

Outside the factory, four people wearing blue clothing, black protective vests, black hard body armor, and belts stood at the factory gate. They all held large guns that were nearly one meter long in their hands. Wearing a multifunctional helmet on his head, he stared at the silent factory in front of him through the protective goggles with night vision function.

Ishihori Mitsuhiko quickly tapped the armed communicator Bereg worn on his left forearm, then raised his head and sighed, shaking his head at Captain Eisuke Wakura: "Captain, there is no life response in the factory."

"Be careful, go in in two teams, Ishibori, you and me, Kaze, follow Mizorogi." Captain Kazukura Yingsuke thought for a while and quickly issued a combat order, and the four divided into two teams, one left, one right, two All the passages led to the huge factory in front of him, and the buildings hidden in the darkness were as daunting as the devil's mouth.

Soon there were thunderous explosions in the factory buildings and warehouses. Groups of bright flames lit up in the factory buildings and warehouses from front to back. The four alien beasts were chased and ran around in the factory buildings. But in the end, they were overtaken by four members of the night attack team and wiped out three of them.

The remaining alien beast frantically fled into a warehouse, stood at the door and looked at the dark warehouse, Saijo Kaze and Mizorogi chased into this warehouse with an area of ​​more than 3,000 square meters without any hesitation. warehouse.

But what greeted them turned out to be a group of expressionless workers, which made the two of them stunned and looked at each other. Didn't the analysts and tactical experts of the night raid team just say that there was no life reaction inside the factory? But how could anyone be here now?

A group of workers carried wrenches, steel pipes and other things in their hands and surrounded Feng and Ditch Lumu step by step, while the strange toad-like beast in the distance jumped into the corner of the warehouse and disappeared into the darkness. middle.

Feng raised the Diwait gun in his hand and said to Migou Lumu beside him without looking back: "Leave this to me, you go to chase the alien beast." Feng was about to take steps to chase the alien beast The direction of escape, but before she could take a step, Mizo Lumu grabbed her and said, "No, I'm going to chase the alien beast, and you will deal with these people."

"No..." Before Feng could finish speaking, he was stopped by Golumu, and he tore off the soldier's nameplate around his neck and stuffed it into Feng's hands: "Here's Feng, next time we meet, we will Swap over."

Feng Yi nodded vigorously in a daze, and handed the nameplate around his neck to Mizuki's hand, and Mizuki rushed to the place where the alien beast disappeared at the fastest speed.

Compared with these humans holding primitive weapons, alien beasts are the most terrifying. Feng and Mizorogi both know this truth, but they cannot let these controlled humans ignore them.

Feng Yi pulled the Diwait gun in his hand, converted the magazine into an anesthetic bomb, then raised the Diwait gun and pulled the trigger at a person who had walked less than four meters away.

'Boom! ’ With a muffled sound, an anesthesia bomb hit the man, but the man only shook his body slightly, and then walked towards the wind again. The high-intensity anesthesia bomb did not affect him at all.

"What?" Feng couldn't help but widen his eyes, and then subconsciously pulled the trigger again, and another anesthesia bomb was fired, but the human was still not affected by anything, and continued to walk towards her, the wrench in his hand was already high. He lifted it up and slammed it hard into the wind.

Feng immediately bent his legs to avoid the blow, and then kicked the man's ankle hard with a sweeping leg, 'Boom! ’ There was a muffled sound, and Feng’s face showed pain. She felt that her foot was as hard as kicking on a steel plate, and the foot bone was about to break.

But this person was not affected in any way, the wrench in his hand slammed down towards Feng with the sound of whistling wind, Feng hurriedly raised his arm equipped with hard armor to block it above his head.

'Boom! ' With a loud noise, the wrench smashed hard on the hard armor. The hard armor that could withstand bullets was smashed into more than a dozen fine cracks by the wrench, and the wind was also smashed by this huge force. He slid back a few meters on the ground and hit a large wooden box. He covered his arms and showed pain, and the Diwait large gun in his hand fell to the ground.

And those human beings wielding weapons are still rushing over, all kinds of weapons in their hands have been raised one after another, Feng raised his left arm enduring the pain, opened the weapon of the armed communicator Bereg, and then fired a series of electrons. slapped on these people.

Normally, a single electron beam is enough to penetrate a one-centimeter-thick steel plate, but now hitting people only makes those people take a few steps back. The electron beams scorched the clothes of these people, revealing the thick scute-like unsightly tumor-like material layer on their bodies. The few electron beams emitted by the wind hit them just now, but only on the scales on their bodies. It left a trail of scorched black marks.

"What kind of monsters are these?" Feng finally knew why the man had such a powerful force just now, because these were not human beings but monsters, monsters that people turned into.

Bereg's electron beams kept shooting, but it was of no avail at all. More than a dozen electron beams had been fired, but none of the alienated people had been killed. Even if they penetrated their scales, no blood flowed from the wounds. .

"It seems that I have no chance to return this to you." Feng tightly held the nameplate in his palm, lowered his arms in despair, and stopped struggling in vain.

"Don't give up." An ethereal voice came, making Feng stunned for a moment. Following the voice, there was a figure standing at the door of the open warehouse, and his outline was illuminated by the cold moonlight.

'call out! call out! call out! Dazzling beams of light emanated from his hands, bombarding these alienated people one after another, the thick scale armor was directly pierced like paper, and these alienated people fell down one after another completely not moving.

The weapon wrenches and steel pipes in their hands fell to the ground and made a crisp 'Ping! Ping! ’ sound, Feng looked at the man standing at the door in astonishment, and hurriedly raised his hand and pressed it next to the helmet, trying to turn on the night vision device.

As soon as she raised her hand and put it on the night vision switch on the helmet, that person had already strode towards the place where the alien beast disappeared just now. The speed was as fast as a whirlwind blowing on the ground. In the blink of an eye, it disappeared from Feng's field of vision, which greatly astonished Feng.

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