Chapter 1399 Calm

After the visitor's spaceship stopped, it fired hundreds of small beams of light towards the sky, shining on the satellites in space far outside the earth. After receiving the beams of light, these satellites immediately sent these messages to nearby satellites. beam of light.

After multiple transmissions from one satellite to another, a huge optical network composed of interconnected beams of light soon enveloped the earth, and at the same time a strange wave swept across the entire earth. Other than humans, other human beings fell into a half-dream and half-awake state in an instant. This state did not last even a second. Many people even thought that they were just stunned for a moment, and didn't care at all. They even didn't know that part of the memory was missing in their minds. .

However, there are many people who spent a long period of time in this daze, and they saw different things, but they also lost this memory after waking up, did not notice this at all, and continued to live. Leading their own ordinary lives.

The visitor's spaceship turned on optical camouflage, and came to the Shinjuku area under the alternate "escort" of fighter jets from various countries. This is the place where fear is the most dense, and memory erasure cannot erase the negative energy contained here.

"Launch particle fluctuations." The translucent crystal in the middle of the spaceship glowed with crimson light. In this light, all the negative energy gathered in this area was absorbed by the spaceship, and many alien beasts still in the city emitted With a sound of mourning, the originally fat body deflated quickly like a deflated balloon, and then turned into piles of ashes.

The jellyfish life forms are talking with Xingye, they are manipulating their spaceships to carry out a series of tasks, and naturally feel the light particles emitted by Xingye through their spaceships.

"What was that just now?"

Xingye said with emotion: "It is the seed of light, which can trigger the light contained in the human heart, and then the seed of light will absorb light particles and dust, improving the synchronization rate of light."

"Are you guiding them?"

"No, it's their hearts that guide them whether they walk into the ruins." Xingye closed her eyes and looked at these humans wandering in the sea of ​​consciousness. They were selected from all humans in the world. When needed, it will become the carrier of light, and fight against those alien beasts that humans cannot deal with.

But... Xingye's face couldn't help but become gloomy. No matter what, human beings can't carry Noah's light, and there may even be no one who can exert the power of Nexus' glorious form. Although Dark Zaki is also weak now, but in case that guy regains his strength, Noah must be dealt with.

Even though the power of light can be strengthened with the help of the human mind, in the end, it still cannot carry Noah's light, unless... it can reach a 100% synchronization rate with the light, and it may be possible to carry Noah's power, but such It is impossible for human beings to exist.

Huge projects have been vigorously launched all over the world, and secret bases have been built in many places. A lot of technology leaked from visitors through Alan K. Kudo, and after being obtained by humans, related research began. However, countries soon discovered that practical laser guns, ultra-high-speed Mach fighter jets, high-energy missiles and other weapons manufactured according to the information provided by the visitors could not be put into war.

These weapons are composed of many complicated parts, and without exception, they all need to complete complex calculations according to the smart chip provided by the visitor. Once the smart chip is removed, these weapons are like scrap iron, but when the smart chip is installed cannot be used in warfare.

So far, the countries know why the visitors said that these weapons can only be used in the battle against the alien beasts, and the smart chips loaded on the weapons must detect the reaction of the alien beasts before they can be used. Therefore, countries had to suspend large-scale manufacturing, and only manufactured a small amount of weapons to equip the TLT branches of various countries.

Xingye didn't care about these things after finishing the activation of the seeds of light, and handed over the rest to the jellyfish life form. When Xingye activated the amnesiac on the visitor's spaceship, he discovered a whimsical plan - Prometheus, using the excellent genes known to humans to construct embryos, just like building blocks to create the desired human beings.

Such a plan is divided into three steps. The first step is to optimize human embryos to remove inferior and harmful genes, while the second step is to use embryos as a scaffold to add excellent genes, and the last step is to go directly from existence to non-existence at the genetic level Produce the best embryos.

Once the plan is completely successful, human beings will be able to create the life they want at will, just like God, but the dream is good, but the reality is also cruel. So far, Prometheus has only touched the edge of the second step. It is unimaginable that the success rate of genetic manipulation on embryos is so low.

The original purpose of this plan was to create people with superpowers, so that they could talk to visitors. Unfortunately, the plan has been carried out for thirteen years and has not succeeded in creating any person with superpowers, so that the conversation with visitors is cut off. Thirteen years, which led to such serious consequences.

After the Shinjuku incident, many people thought of the visitor who had warned mankind overnight, so the Prometheus project, which has always been loved by grandma and uncle, suddenly became a popular project. After all, although Alan K. Kudo also has telepathy, no one can be sure whether he will one day be unable to communicate with visitors like the people of Kaiben. Especially now that the earth is facing the crisis of large-scale invasion of alien beasts, it is necessary to maintain communication with visitors at all times. If there is a crisis and cannot communicate with visitors in time, it will be very dangerous. After all, visitors With a lot of high technology in hand, it is very necessary to maintain communication with visitors from any angle.

However, Xingye has seen a glimmer of light from the Prometheus project, and maybe it can be used to complete human beings capable of carrying Noah's power.

The world has returned to calm, and the things related to the alien beast and the silver giant have never been mentioned by this world again. The world has returned to its former peace, and peace is so taken for granted in this world.

However, there are too many unknowns and concealments behind the maintained peace. The branches of TLT countries have stepped on the right track and started to exterminate the alien beasts in their respective jurisdictions. Among them, the activities of alien beasts in the Shinjuku area are the most frequent, and other places The alien beasts are incomparable in both quantity and quality, and there have been no alien beasts in most areas for half a year.

However, even though the activities of alien beasts in the Shinjuku area are frequent, they have dropped too much compared to before, and there will be only one attack every few days. However, the Prometheus project has unexpectedly made amazing progress. In just half a year, five qualified embryos were obtained in the second stage. For this reason, the Institute has already started the third phase of the project, trying to combine different fragments of genes, and everything is going very smoothly.

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