Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1393 Hesitation

"The demon has been wiped out by this silver giant. Although he looks a lot different from before, he is indeed the silver giant who fought this monster in Shinjuku before." The host's extremely excited voice came from the TV. : "The city is safe, everyone is safe, and the monsters have been completely wiped out."

'Victory... ah! Nexus let out a sigh, silver radiance glowed all over his body, and slowly dissipated under the shining of the setting sun, turning into starlight all over the sky, as beautiful as fireflies flying all over the sky, but equally short-lived, not for a while The beautiful starlight of Kung Fu disappeared, and no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find even a little brilliance.

The original aurora-like band of light in the sea of ​​consciousness where Shinki is located has almost disappeared, and the entire space is so dim that there is almost no brilliance to be seen, and a few dim rays of light gather together to form the figure of Starry Night. It's just that the current image of Starry Night is really not very good, the body is glowing with silvery white light, and even the hands and feet are blurred into a translucent appearance.

"You..." Shinaki looked at Xingye in astonishment, then remembered what Xingye said before, and asked in a jerky tone: "Am I... already dead?"

Xingye looked at Zhenmu and said slowly: "I suspect that there are still alien beasts hidden on this planet, Zhenmu, the battle is not over yet, I need your body so that I can continue to fight on this planet..."

"Then take it," Shinaki Shinichi agreed without the slightest hesitation, "I already understand that it is fate to meet you. I am a fighter pilot, and I cannot choose my own plane. If a malfunction occurs, even if you have superb technology, it will be useless, and you will still die. I have already recognized this fate while flying a fighter jet in the blue sky. You are the best partner I have met. Therefore, I will not regret it of."

Xingye said in a flat tone: "I don't know where the alien beast is? I don't even know the scale of the battle will be like this? Besides, there may not be many humans on this planet who are suitable to carry my light. It is very likely that I haven't found the next one who is suitable for me. Human beings alone, your body has completely collapsed, you...do you really not regret it?"

Sanmu pursed his lips for a moment, raised his head and sighed: "If possible, take Jimeng to take a flight in a fighter jet driven by Sanmu. This is my promise to him."

"Jimeng...is your son?" Xingye lowered his head slightly, clasped his hands tightly together, and said in a flat tone: "Since it is the father's promise, it should be the father who fulfills it, don't let the son Disappointed, accompanying him to grow up is what a good father should do."

"You..." Shinaki raised his head and looked at Xingye in surprise. Before he could say anything, he fell into the feeling of falling again, and his body fell towards the tunnel-like passage. It was pitch black before his eyes.

Xingye stood there quietly looking at the empty sea of ​​light. The battle just now had completely exhausted his energy, and it was very difficult to maintain his current form now. But Xingye is not going to continue fighting with Shinaki Shunichi as one mind, otherwise Jimeng will lose his father. Although it is difficult, it is still possible to find a human being who can fight together, but Jimeng only has one Father.

"Maki, goodbye." Xingye said silently from the bottom of her heart, then slowly closed her eyes, the human form slowly gathered into a ball of light suspended there, exuding a bright silver light.

In Shinjuku City, it is a busy scene. Although the alien beast and the silver giant have disappeared, the damage caused still exists. Hundreds of buildings have been destroyed and turned into ruins, and more than ten blocks have appeared collapsed to varying degrees. Shinjuku's urban functions have almost been lost, and it relies entirely on the army to maintain order.

Even though it was already dusk, a large number of construction machinery continued to drive into Shinjuku to clean up the gravel and building ruins on the street, the traffic police went to the street to direct the traffic, and the hospital was also at full capacity to receive injured patients.

And in the ward of a hospital, Rong Zi sat on the edge of the bed and quietly watched Ji Meng who was lying on the ward sleeping soundly. There was no smile on her face, and she was more dazed. What she saw today surpassed her previous half of her life. Scary monsters that could only be seen in movies appeared in the city. Her husband turned into a giant tens of meters tall to fight the monsters. The city, the bombardment of the explosion...

Rongzi didn't dare to think about it anymore. She didn't even know if her husband would come back. In the past, Maki was a fighter pilot. Every time she heard the knock on the door, she saw a strange officer telling her: "Please Sorry..."

After finally waiting for Maki to retire, only a few days after the happy and happy days, this kind of thing happened again, Rongzi didn't know what to do? What would the family be like if Maki were really lost?

"Crack!" There was a crisp sound of opening the door, Rong Zi hurriedly wiped away the tears she shed, then raised her head to look at the door, she was stunned immediately, the tears she just wiped away could not help but flow out again, choked up and shouted Said: "Maki..."

Shinaki looked at his wife guiltily, walked up to her, knelt down, and hugged his wife with both hands: "Rongzi, I'm back, and I won't leave you and Jimeng again."

"Yeah, yum!" Rong Zi couldn't help nodding his head, and the tears that he had endured for a long time finally couldn't help but flow down.

Shinaki hugged his wife tightly, enjoying this warm moment, but it was not long before the sound of the door opening broke again. The two turned their heads to look, and Mizuhara Sara, who had changed into a normal suit, was standing at the door quietly watching Shunichi Maki.

"Thank you!" Suhara Sara said.

"No, we should thank him," Shinaki shook his head for a moment, looked up at the starry sky outside, and said hoarsely to Sangzi, "He has already left."

Mizuhara Sharo stared at Maki for a while, nodded silently, and bowed: "Excuse me, there will be no more in the future."

"Yeah!" Maki Shun nodded and said nothing.

'Crack! ’ The door closed again, and Rong Zi asked curiously, "Who is he?"

"A friend from the universe," Shinaki Shinichi said with great emotion: "He has gone back, back to where he should be."

"Oh!" Rongzi nodded in confusion, and didn't ask any further questions. For her, it was the best result for her husband to come back safely, and she didn't need to worry about the rest.

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