Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1385

"Maki, she is..." Rong Zi glanced at the female officer, and then looked at Maki beside him with probing eyes.

"BCST, Mizuhara Sara," Mizuhara Sara introduced himself expressionlessly, not looking at Yoko at all but staring at Maki Shunichi: "Can we go?"

Shinaki lowered his head for a moment, nodded silently, and said to Rongzi with some guilt: "I'm sorry, I will be back soon, and when Jimeng recovers, I will definitely take him on the plane I drove."

"Father, I will work hard to get better. You must leave me a pilot seat on the plane." Jimeng who was on the hospital bed opened his eyes and said very weakly.

"Jimeng..." Shinoki rushed to the side of the hospital bed, clasped Jimeng's little hand tightly with both hands, and said with some sobs: "Father won't go anywhere, but will stay here with you."

"The highly toxic bullets for THEONE have been completed, and every minute of delay will allow THEONE to evolve one more point..." Mizuhara Sharo said indifferently, before he was interrupted by Maki Shunichi roughly Maki Shunichi growled angrily: "My son is still on the hospital bed, and I'm not going anywhere."

"It's up to you." A calm male voice came from outside the door. An officer in uniform walked in, followed by two soldiers with automatic rifles. The guns pointed at Shun Shinaki who was sitting by the bed one.

"You..." Shinaki glared at these people angrily, and stood up "Teng". The three who just came in couldn't help but backed up a few steps in fright, and directly hit the wall. They were the ones who survived The soldiers who came down saw Shinki turn into a ten-meter-high giant in an instant, and they couldn't take care of themselves after beating THEOE fat.

'Buzz! ’ A clear sound like the sound of running water suddenly resounded in the room, which shocked everyone. They looked around suspiciously and did not understand where the light sound came from.

Simultaneously with the sound of Zhenmu, Xingye's eager voice sounded next to his ears: "Shenmu, I feel a strange beast, he is just below the hospital."

"What did you say?" Zhenmu Shunyi's face was full of shock, and then he turned his head to look at his son lying on the hospital bed. The hospital here is full of patients, and it would be a disaster for the alien beast to appear here.

"What's wrong?" Mizuhara Sharo hurriedly asked Maki, "What did you find?"

"He is here, THEONE is here," Shinaki Shinichi immediately said to Mizuhara Sharo, "He is right under the hospital."

"What?" The officer who came in later widened his eyes, his eyeballs were almost popping out, he picked up the walkie-talkie and shouted: "Send the first to seventh teams over here immediately, and notify the hospital for emergency evacuation, hurry up, be quick."

Rongzi stood up with a puzzled face, looked at the panic-stricken crowd, looked at Maki and asked, "Maki, what happened? What THEONE?"

'call! Before Maki could answer, the picture flashed in front of him, and a black and white blurry perspective appeared. He was walking staggeringly in the dark basement, surrounded by natural gas, water pipes, and cables of various thicknesses. The perspective turned to the top, and then It slammed into the ceiling.

'Wow! There was a loud noise, the sound of the floor collapsing suddenly sounded outside the ward, and the screams of the people passing by, several people hurried to the door, and just ran out when they saw the originally smooth floor more than ten meters away. There was a huge collapse, and several patients were frightened and collapsed to the ground. The nurses in white medical uniforms hurriedly helped the patients up, away from the collapse.

'Crack' A mud-stained arm suddenly protruded out of the cave-in, grabbing the edge vigorously, and then the other hand also protruded out, and then a person crawled out of the cave-like cave-in.

His naked upper body was stained with mud, and even his face and hair were covered with mud. He was only wearing a pair of tattered trousers, which could be described as not covering his body. The man raised his head, looked towards Shinichi Shinaki, stared blankly at Sharo Mizuhara, and said tremblingly, "Sara... Sharo, I'm so hungry, why am I here Woolen cloth?"

"There is movement..." Mizuhara Sharo opened his mouth, looked at this familiar person, his lips trembled twice, lowered his head to look at the suitcase in his hand, and opened the suitcase in his hand silently Come, revealing a pistol with a special shape and more than ten bullets packed in the box.

"Youdong Guiwen?" The young officer looked at the familiar figure in astonishment, and Youdong Guiwen, who had turned into a monster, turned back into a human appearance, just like the THENEXT next to him. Thinking of this, the young officer suddenly became vigilant. He chose to cooperate with THENEXT because THENEXT can restore the appearance and sanity of a human being, unlike HTEONE who has completely lost his sanity. But now it seems that there is no difference between the two of them, and they can both return to human beings. , then this THENEXT...

Thinking of this, the young officer couldn't help but glance at Maki Shun next to him, and he couldn't help but raise his vigilance in his heart.

"What happened?" Youdong Guiwen walked towards here tremblingly step by step, his tone full of doubts: "Why am I here? Shaluo, tell me what happened? Where is this place? "

Suwon Sharo's face, which had always been extremely indifferent, is now full of sadness, with red eye circles, he lowered his head and looked at the pistol in his hand: "It's moving, this place...is heaven!" said Suwon Saro Luo suddenly raised the gun in his hand, aimed it at Guiwen and pulled the trigger without hesitation.

'boom! ' A gunshot echoed in the corridor for a long time, and the loud gunshot shocked the whole hospital. Many people who were originally in the room hurriedly opened the door and looked outside, wanting to know what happened It's over.

'Well! Youdong Guiwen's movements froze, he lowered his head in disbelief, looked at his chest, a bullet was stuck in his muscle, and then there were several gunshots, and bullets hit him one after another , but without exception, they were all stuck, unable to penetrate Takafumi's body at all.

Youdong Guiwenka looked at the bullets on his chest, suddenly raised his hand, pinched the flying bullets directly, let go, and the bullets fell to the ground with a "clang" sound .

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