Chapter 1381 Nexter

Just through the footage captured by surveillance at that time and the conversation between THEONE and THENEXT, so many things were analyzed, and they were all correct. This woman really dared to make a bold guess.

"You should know something too, right? It's like Takafumi," Mizuhara Sara stared at Maki Shinichi and asked, "Can you tell me about THEONE talking about THENEXT?"

Maki Shun raised his head, glanced at Mizuhara Sharo, but didn't answer, and kept thinking about what to say.

Mizuhara Sharo clicked the mouse to play a video and said at the same time: "Youdong Takafumi once said something about THEONE saying THENEXT before being swallowed by THEONE, and predicted the arrival of THENEXT three months ago."

The video began to play on the screen, and there were dense and ugly thorn-like protrusions on the face of Youdong Guiwen, which looked extremely terrifying. Youdong Guiwen said tremblingly: "It's not just this, there must be another The light will follow and come to earth, it will come, he is coming for me....he wants to destroy me...we have been fighting for a long time. he is a hindrance, a hindrance to my evolution , so we must kill him, yes, kill him, kill him..." At the end, Youdong Guiwen was already incoherent, and he shouted crazily, feeling like a deranged neuropathy.

"So can you talk about THEONE and Nexter? Only by knowing more about THEONE and Nexter can we find a way to eliminate THEONE." Mizuhara Sharo stared at Shinichi Shinichi, with He said angrily: "Remember that passenger ship you checked a week ago? THEONE boarded that ship and ate all the passengers."

"What?" Shinaki stood up from the bed instantly, and stared at Mizuhara Sharo in astonishment. He couldn't help but think of the killing scene he saw when he lost consciousness in the playground. it's blood...

"Next? Is this my new code name?" Shunichi Shinaki couldn't calm down for a long time, and he finally calmed down. Instead of continuing this topic, he talked about other things.

Mizuhara Sharo didn't force Shinichi Shinaki anymore, but explained: "It's the code name of the silver giant, you can ask his opinion, if you don't like it, you can change it."

Shunichi Shinaki glanced at his lips secretly, and said that she hadn't given up on getting information about Nexter from him, Shunichi Shinaki hesitated before saying, "Can I make a phone call with my family? I'm driving The plane never came back and they will be worried."

"We sent someone to notify your company and your family yesterday that the air force base ordered you to go back because of a problem with the fighter plane."

"Then when is the air force base planning to let me go back?" Shinaki looked at Suwon Sharo coldly.

Mizuhara Sharo glanced at Shunichi Maki with her beautiful big eyes, then walked to a chair beside her and sat down, said in a flat tone: "After eliminating THEONE, the highly toxic bullet has no effect on THEONE, I need your Use your strength to deal with THEONE, as long as you destroy THEONE, you can go home."

"I hope so." Maki Shunichi muttered, he didn't care about Mizuhara Sharo's promise, if the promises of the people in these secret departments are useful, then there is something wrong. It's nothing more than finding that they can't deal with THEONE, so they want to use Nexter to destroy THEONE.

"Nexter didn't destroy THEONE, and the situation has deteriorated further while you were in a coma." Mizuhara Sharo picked up the remote control and turned on the 20-inch TV on the table. The news was being broadcast on it, and the reporter held the microphone Standing on Tianqiao Mountain, behind him is a blockade line: "This is the scene of the Shinjuku poison gas incident. Last night in the Shinjuku underground tunnel, an unknown poison gas appeared, causing a large number of people to disappear and die. Now there is poison gas The reason for this is not clear, because the poisonous gas has not dissipated, and the rescue force has not been able to enter the underground tunnel so far. The fate of a large number of missing persons is worrying, and the authorities have not released any information on this..."

Shunichi Maki walked to the TV step by step, stared at the TV screen, and muttered in a low voice: "That guy is underground in Shinjuku..."

"That's right," Sara Mizuhara handed a report paper to Shunichi Shinaki: "Two hours after the battle between Nexter and THEONE, all the people in the fifth tunnel of the Shinjuku subway project disappeared. After the rescue team entered The whereabouts are also unknown. We sent hundreds of police and soldiers one after another, but...all lost contact amidst the gunshots and screams, THEONE is not something they can deal with at all."

"Because you have nothing to do, do you want me, who is also a monster, to deal with him?" Shinaki Shinichi's tone was full of sarcasm.

"If this continues, more people will die," Mizuhara Sharo said with pleading eyes: "No one can stop THEONE now, except you. You should know that once THEONE comes to the ground, it will cause How many lives have been lost, how many families will be broken."

Maki Shun opened his mouth, sighed, and nodded: "I understand, I hope you can fulfill your promise, destroy THEONE and let me go home."


After reaching a verbal agreement, Shinichi Shinaki and Sara Mizuhara came to the command room. The huge room is always full of various black and white display screens. A series of relevant personnel, temporarily set up the headquarters.

Seeing Maki Shunichi walk in, the originally noisy headquarters suddenly fell silent, and more than a dozen officers with bars on their shoulders stopped their work and looked at Maki Shunichi with the eyes of cherishing animals.

Maki Shunichi also noticed the scorching eyes staring at him, took two deep breaths, walked in, stood in the middle of the room and looked at the screens and instruments on the surrounding walls, a little at a loss.

More than a dozen officers looked at me, I looked at you, and made eye contact. In the end, no one dared to talk to Shunichi Maki, although they had no choice but to agree to Mizuhara Sharo's proposal because they couldn't deal with THEONE. But in their view, there is no difference between THENEXT and THEONE, and they agree that they are both inhuman monsters.

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