Chapter 1376 The Arrival of THE ONE

"No problem, the toxicity has been tested, and it can completely destroy THEONE's cells." Mizuhara Sharo said with certainty: "The last time I was at the Iwo Jima base, I caused a lot of damage to THEONE. According to calculations, as long as fifty rounds of poisonous bullets hit THEONE, he can be eliminated."

"That would be great, we'll punch him with 500 holes!" The young officer showed pleasure on his face, and said in a vicious tone: "Everyone check the equipment, pay attention to concealment, and only start after hearing my order." gun."

The room much larger than the stadium was extremely silent. All the soldiers hid and held their breaths. Hundreds of soldiers hid inside and no one made a sound. Everyone was waiting for the order.

Mizuhara Sara stared at Shunichi Maki who was full of anxiety on the monitor screen. In the screen, Shunichi Maki sat there motionless with his head lowered, without any reaction at all.

Maki Shunyi felt as if he was in a state of half-dream and half-awake, and his body's feelings about the outside world gradually disappeared, and illusory images appeared in front of his eyes again, but this time these illusory images did not disappear immediately, but continued to deepen. with.

The black in the pupils has disappeared, replaced by pupils exuding silver radiance, and the surface of the body under the clothes is also flowing with thin silver lines, like a big net that completely envelops Shinaki Shinichi inside.

I don't know how long this drowsy state lasted. When Shinaki regained consciousness, he found himself in a dark void, but it was not dark in front of him. There were hundreds of aurora-like light bands emitting a faint light , illuminating the surroundings.

"Here..." Shinaki felt that the picture in front of him became blurred. He felt as if he had been here before and saw the silver giant, but this memory became very I just vaguely remember being here, but I can't remember the specific details.

'Buzz! 'The crisp sound like water flowed in Zhen Mu's ears, and a huge Y-shaped gemstone appeared in the void, exuding crimson brilliance, and then with this crimson gemstone as the core, it radiated countless waves towards the surroundings. The silver lines quickly drew together, condensing into a silver giant.

"Silver...giant! That's right, this is it." Shunichi Maki murmured in a low voice. When he saw this silver giant for the first time, Shunichi Maki was sure that he had seen him before. Passing by in succession: a planet that exudes blue light like a sapphire, an endless blue sea and sky, a city that exudes bright light under the sea, monsters that are crazily destroyed... Countless strange memory fragments are stuffed into Zhenmu one after another. In Shunichi's mind, Maki Shunichi felt bursts of pain in his brain.

"Accept these lights, Maki, and save this planet from the crisis of extinction." A boy's voice sounded in Maki's ear, making Maki's consciousness trance for a while, and he saw the silver giant turning into a streamer flying When he came over, Maki Shun felt a silver streamer rushing into his body in front of his eyes.

Before he had time to react, he felt a burst of heat suddenly appear in his body, and it quickly spread throughout his body, just like taking a sauna. Then Maki felt an extremely powerful force rising from his body, giving him the illusion that one punch could break the world.

But outside the basement, it became extremely restless. While everyone was waiting nervously, the light spot representing THEONE kept approaching, and the sound of dull footsteps approached from far away.

'Boom! Boom! ’ The heavy footsteps beat on everyone’s hearts like a drum, and people couldn’t help but feel nervous. Many soldiers were holding the steel guns in their hands tightly. Now only the weapons in their hands can give them a sense of security.

'Boom! ' With a loud bang, the east wall trembled suddenly, a huge protrusion suddenly appeared on the originally flat wall, and then there was another heavy impact, and the reinforced concrete wall collapsed with a 'hula la'. A big hole of three or four meters.

A huge monster with a height of more than three meters passed through the half-meter thick reinforced concrete wall, and walked towards the basement in the center of the room with heavy steps. This monster knew that the target he was looking for was there.

Amidst the dull footsteps, soldiers poked their heads out one by one slowly, and with the help of the dim light, they saw the extremely ugly monster in the middle of the room. It's a bit like Gesla in the movie, but only over two meters tall, with ugly spines all over his body, and his lizard-like head is extremely ugly. The thick tail dragged on the ground, and the hard scales rubbed against the ground to make a harsh '嗤啦! Scoff! 'the sound of.

All the soldiers raised the cold steel guns in their hands, silently aimed at the monster below, and moved slowly as the monster moved. As long as there is an order, countless bullets will attack the monster, killing him. Strain into a sieve.

The monster walked all the way to the middle of the room, its small eyes fixed on the steel gate that was poured together with the concrete floor under its feet.

"Fire!" A loud shout suddenly sounded in the silent room, and with the sound, the searchlights around the room were turned on in unison, illuminating the dark room as brightly as day.

The sudden flashing of the light dazzled the monster's eyes and temporarily blinded him. Immediately, there was a burst of crackling gunshots like fried beans in his ears. All the soldiers pulled the triggers, the muzzles of the guns lit up with hot flames, and the bullets whizzed through the air and hit the monster's body.

Bullets from all directions hit monsters that couldn't stand still. The dense bullets pierced holes all over his body, and a stream of pus-like mucus flowed out of the holes, splashing everywhere. A very bad smell permeated the air.

But the soldiers ignored it completely and just kept pulling the trigger. When the magazine was empty, they immediately threw it aside and picked up a new magazine to continue firing. Streamers of light flew out from all directions, hitting the monster's body, and the bullet casings jingled and fell to the ground, crisp and melodious like a symphony.

"Ang! Aang!" The monster roared under the impact of the dense bullets, and couldn't do anything else.

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