Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1370 Lost Memory

"Yongzi," Shinaki looked at his wife, showed a relaxed smile, and said calmly, "Don't worry, I'm fine."

"Father, it's great that you're awake." The little boy ran to the real wood bed and said happily.

Shinaki reached out and stroked his son: "Dad will be able to play with Jimeng soon."

"Yeah!" Jimeng nodded her head vigorously.

After a series of checks, Shunichi Shinaki was in complete health without any abnormalities. The doctor holding a large stack of checklists looked at Shunichi Shinaki in amazement: "It's unbelievable. The fighter jets are all broken. You only have a little skin. There were no other injuries from the trauma, it was a miracle."

"Hey, did my fighter plane fall?" Shinaki was stunned for a moment, but he tried hard to think about it and had no memory of it at all. He just remembered launching a missile, and then the missile exploded. After that, he didn't know anything. .

"You don't know?" The doctor looked at Shunichi Shinaki in surprise, shook his head and didn't say much, signed Shunichi Shinaki's discharge consent form, and handed it to Shunichi Shinaki.

After packing up his things a bit, Shinaki Shinichi, who was wearing a military uniform, carried the package and walked out of the hospital with his son and his wife Yoko. The bright sunshine shone on Zhenmu's body, so that Zhenmu couldn't help showing a relaxed smile. This thrilling flight was his last flight mission. If there was no such accident, he should be discharged safely.

A military vehicle was parked on the side of the road, and the window was opened to reveal Cangshima's face. Cangshima shouted at Zhenmu who was standing at the entrance of the hospital: "This is Zhenmu."

"Ah, Cangshima!" Shinaki walked over with his wife and children, opened the door and sat in the car, and said with a smile after the car started: "Thank you very much, Cangshima, for coming to pick me up."

"It's nothing," Cangshima said with a smile, and then said: "By the way, Maki, the base requires you to report the accident three days ago, and then go through the discharge procedures."

"No problem, send Rongzi and Jimeng home first, and I will go to the base with you."


In the room at the base, Shinaki sat on a chair with his back straight and meticulous in his sitting posture. He reported the events of that day to several leaders who came to investigate the cause of the accident very seriously: "Second-class air force lieutenant, Shunichi Shinaki, The 204th Flying Squadron of the 7th Aviation Regiment of the subordinate unit was ordered to execute the 2014th flight order three days ago."

"Tell me the specifics of the mission, in detail!" said an officer with two bars and one star.

"Yes!" Shunichi Shinaki gathered his thoughts and began to report: "First Lieutenant Cangshima and I took off in two planes. Five minutes after takeoff, we entered the attack position. After the call was invalid, the lead plane Cangshima was ready to launch an attack. , but there was a malfunction, the Kurajima machine left the battlefield, and I fired two missiles at the UFO, hit the target, and then..." Shinaki Shinichi tried hard to think about the situation at that time, but his mind was completely blank. memory.

The bodies of several officers sitting across from Shunichi Maki immediately tensed up. Two of them put their right hands on their waists, fixed their eyes on Shunichi Maki, and asked cautiously, "And then? What happened at that time?" thing?"

"At that time... At that time..." Maki Shunichi tried hard to recall, and said like a raving: "Light...I saw light..."

"What light?" Those officers seemed to be facing an enemy, their holsters had already been opened with their right hands, and they were ready to take out their pistols at any time.

"Ah?!" Maki Shun suddenly came back to his senses one by one, surprised why he was distracted, his face was full of confusion, he opened his mouth and didn't know what to say, he didn't know why he said it just now Light, after a moment of silence, opened his mouth: "The light of the explosion, the explosion of the missile... and the light of the sun...?"

Several officers looked at each other, and a woman's calm voice came from the earphone worn in the right ear: "Come here, don't provoke him too much, let the air force base handle his discharge normally."

The tense bodies of these officers relaxed as if they were relieved, and one of them said to Maki Shunichi: "Okay, just sign this conversation record."


Maki Shunichi signed with a suspicious face, and walked out of the room with confusion to go through the discharge formalities. Sign the documents one by one, fold the clothes one by one, the military ranks on the shoulders, the collar badges...all the things that represent the army are all taken off, and the only thing left behind is a military uniform without armbands, military ranks, and collar badges.

Comrade Cangjima helped Shunichi Shinaki walk out of the dormitory with his luggage, and the two of them walked slowly on the road leading to the gate of the base. This road feels very short for Shunichi Shinaki today. May never come back.

Cangjima also talked about some light topics as much as possible, so that the sadness of parting is not so strong. There is a fighter jet not more than a hundred meters away from the door, so that people can see this eagle-like fighter jet as soon as they come in.

Cangshima hesitated for a moment, looked left and right, and then said in a low voice: "Maki, do you know? The ground crew checked my fighter, and there is no problem."

Shinaki looked at Cangshima in surprise: "How is that possible? Wait a minute, you brought the fighter back?"

"In fact, the fighter plane returned to normal when it landed at 5,000 feet, and there was no malfunction at all." Cangshima's tone was full of disbelief: "It suddenly returned to normal without any sign, just like It’s like a sudden malfunction before, what a hell. The cause of your crash was not a malfunction of the fighter plane, but a collision with that UFO. I heard from the people at the radar station that after you launched an attack, the UFO crashed with The speed of Mach 12 collided with your fighter, and then both of you lost the signal at the same time, as if disappeared, neither the radar nor the detection wave could find you, until your fighter fell to the ground. be found."

"When I found you, your fighter jet had been smashed, and you were found a hundred meters away from the fighter jet." Cangshima looked at Shinaki Shinichi with surprised eyes: "At that time, you didn't have any injuries at all, only a little It’s just a skin trauma. Those who participated in the search and rescue said that you are the embodiment of a miracle, that you were not injured at all in such a serious crash. But you have been in a coma for three days, and you couldn’t wake up even though you were not injured. The doctors didn’t know what to do. what to do."

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