Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1367 The Eagle in the Sky

The commander in the control room picked up the communicator and said, "I am Jietian, Maki, and Cangshima. If the other party does not respond, it is allowed to shoot down."

"Understood!" The pilots Shunichi Shinaki and Cangshima, who were flying the interceptor plane, replied wearing oxygen masks. They had already flown to an altitude of more than 2,000 meters, and they could clearly see the brightly lit city below. The most beautiful and shocking thing is the rising sun in the sky.

The land below is still shrouded in darkness, and the surrounding clouds are also gray, but the clouds in the sky have been dyed golden by the rising sun, and the dazzling light illuminates the sky. Day and night coexist in the same world, with clear boundaries like an illusory scene. Only pilots can see such beautiful and shocking scenery. The reason why they love the sky is that they can see beautiful scenery that ordinary people cannot see.

"Report 084, the radar found the target, and started calling," Cangshima said, turned on the public channel, and started calling: "This is the Defense Force, you have broken into our airspace, please identify yourself immediately..."

The pilot of the wingman, Shunichi Shinaki, was closely watching the radar screen. Cangshima had called twice for the distance between them and the UFO, and the distance between the two sides had also narrowed from more than 20 kilometers to more than ten kilometers. attack range.

"The other party remained silent and did not respond. They have entered the air defense zone and requested to launch an attack." Cangshima put his finger on the attack button, and the radar has begun to lock on the UFO in the distance.

"Attack allowed!" The base commander's voice sounded in the flight helmet, Cangshima immediately locked on to the UFO, the missile under the wing also opened the safety, and his right thumb fell slightly, ready to press the attack button.

At this moment, the alarm light on the dashboard turned on, 'Buzz! hum! ’ The siren sounded throughout the cockpit, and Shinaki found that the wings of Kurashima’s fighter jet began to shake left and right, and began to lose balance.

Cangshima looked at the instrument panel in horror, all the pointers of the instruments on it were shaking crazily, and the joystick also lost its function. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't restore the normal flight of the fighter jet.

"Emergency, 084 out of control, engine stopped, unable to restart, repeat, unable to restart." Cangshima urgently reported to the command tower while continuing to work hard to restore the balance of the fighter.

"Cangjima, parachute immediately!" Shun Shinaki next to him shouted to his old friend without waiting for a response from the control tower. As an excellent pilot, he knew how dangerous it was for a fighter jet to lose control. Skydiving is the right choice.

"I can't leave the fight, I will find a way," Kurashima categorically rejected Shinichi Maki's proposal, because the speed of the engine shutdown fighter continued to slow down, and Maki's fighter had surpassed Kurashima's fighter.

"084 is allowed to find an opportunity to parachute, and 085 continues to perform interception missions." The command tower came from the flight helmet.

Shinaki looked through the glass of the cockpit at Cangshima, who was gradually falling behind him and slid towards the ground. The tip of Cangshima's fighter jet pierced through the clouds and fell towards the bottom. In just a second or two, Sanmu's sight It was covered by clouds, and the fighter jets in Cangshima could not be seen.

Maki withdrew his gaze, looked forward, and said in his heart: "I want to see who you are?"

'call out! call out! 'The tails of the missiles hung under the wings of the fighter jet emitted hot flames, pushing the missiles to the front at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared from Zhenmu's field of vision in the blink of an eye, which could only be seen on the radar screen See the blips of these two missiles.

In the very tense ground command room, everyone stared at the two missiles on the radar screen with bated breath, and reports sounded from time to time in the room.

"085 has launched a missile!"

"Hit the target in ten seconds!"

"10, 9, 8...2, 1, 0! Hit the target, evaluating the impact."

The busyness of the command room is not well known to Maki. The fighter jet he is flying in is shuttled in the sky, the continuous clouds are passing under the belly of the aircraft very quickly, and the radar screen on the aircraft instrument panel represents the light spots of two missiles It had already disappeared, and a flame of light appeared in the distant sky, which was very conspicuous under the reflection of the dark clouds.

Shinaki stared at the bright light, and then realized something was wrong. Originally, he thought that the bright light was an explosion flame, but this flame was completely different from the previous explosion flames. The surrounding was red, and the middle was pale gold.

And this flame-like light group is flying towards him at an extremely fast speed. Based on experience, Maki estimates that the speed of this light group has exceeded Mach 10.

"What is this?" Zhenmu only had time to think of such a sentence, and the ball of light flew from a distance to the front, and then Zhenmu didn't know anything.

The ground command room saw what happened. After the two missiles fired exploded, the UFO on the radar screen did not disappear. After being attacked, the speed increased by more than ten times. Seconds of effort means that the light spot of the UFO overlapped with the light spot of the No. 085 interceptor, and then both sides disappeared.

"What?" Everyone in the control room stared blankly at the empty radar screen. The UFO and the interceptor had lost their signals. The silence only lasted for two seconds, and the room became noisy. In a mess, various calls were made from here, and everyone yelled at the phone at the top of their lungs. Search and rescue helicopters, ambulances, fire brigades...all the units that can be contacted have received emergency search and rescue orders, and launched an all-round search with a radius of 50 kilometers around the place where the interceptor disappeared.

The tranquility of the night was suddenly broken. Helicopters whizzed across the sky, ambulances and fire trucks whizzed their sirens and sped across the roads, waking up many residents from their sleep. Sleepily looking at the cars and helicopters speeding past outside.

Shinaki shook his head vigorously for a moment, and opened his eyes with a confused face. He felt as if he had been in a deep sleep for a long time, and even his consciousness was blurred. do what. Shinaki looked around in a hurry, and he was stunned by the surrounding scene in his eyes. There were dim light bands all over him, up, down, left, and right, and he couldn't tell where he was at all.

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