Ultraman Senki

Chapter 136: Gone

"Of course it's true, maybe one day we humans can meet them when we fly into the universe!" Dad smiled and touched Xingye's little head.

"Okay," Xingye stood up and pointed at the bright star and said imposingly: "One day I want to be like them, protect the weak and become the guardian of the universe."

The picture of memory faded away again, and what appeared in front of his eyes was a little girl like a doll in a pink dress and two braids, looking at him with a sweet smile, and then the little girl grew up slowly, and the two The time we spent together passed by like a fleeting moment, every smile of hers, the time we spent together...

"Be sure to come back, I'll be here waiting for you, waiting for you to come back!" The girl said to him with a smile when parting, but after Xingye turned around, her tears fell.

Xingye suddenly opened his eyes, the dark vortex had left him, and the bright ocean appeared in his vision again. The golden light of Nexus shrouded his body and merged with the golden particles in his body. Xingye looked down and saw that his body was almost integrated with the light, and the scars left by the long-term battle on his body had completely healed , The pain in the brain has also disappeared and regained a clear consciousness again.

"There are still people waiting for me," Xingye raised his head and stretched out his hand towards the bright ocean above his head: "There are still people waiting for me to go back, how can it be like this!"

Mephisto walked up to Nexus comfortably, and looked down at the blue body lying on the ground without a sound, with pity eyes.

"Be a part of me!" Mephisto stretched out his hand and began to absorb Nexus' energy, a faint black mist gushed out of Nexus' body and was inhaled by Mephisto.

"What a powerful force, it's really great!" Mephisto was ecstatic, he could clearly feel that his strength was constantly improving.

At this moment, Mephisto suddenly felt the existence of a ray of light, and looked at Nexus who was lying on the ground surrounded by black mist with some doubts. Although it is very dim, there is light shining in the black mist. The dots of light are as bright as a lighthouse in the vast fog.

"How is it possible?" Mephisto was stunned, how could the heart that had been shrouded in darkness be able to shine again.

"Ugh!" Xingye reached out and touched Guanghai, and the light suddenly burst into dazzling golden light, completely enveloping Xingye inside.

And the radiance of Nexus' body directly dispelled all the black mist, and what Mephisto presented was a body shining with golden light all over.

Nexus moved his fingers a bit, then supported the ground with both arms and slowly climbed up.

"Impossible, how could such a thing happen?" Mephisto was so shocked that he couldn't help but step back, looking in amazement at the golden giant who had slowly stood up in front of him.

Xingye stood up straight and faced Mephisto with his arms outstretched in a fighting posture: "Ha!"

"How could you stand up? You obviously have no energy, and you are shrouded in darkness, how could you stand up again. Impossible!" Mephistopheles exclaimed, and the development of the matter was completely beyond his expectation In addition, he was a little confused.

"Because someone is waiting for me to go back. I am not fighting alone. There are many partners with me." Xingye stepped forward and said firmly: "I have indeed reached the limit, but behind the limit, There is also an unknown self. Even if it burns out and turns into ashes, there is still a burning fire in my heart. This flame will definitely burn again. After surpassing the limit of burning out, it will stand up again. This is human beings. Strong side."

The light on Xingye's body has begun to slowly fade away, and the white patterns painted on the blue body have turned into golden stripes emitting faint rays of light. The dark energy core on the chest has now turned red, and the radiance is in a Y shape, covering Nexus' chest and extending to his shoulders. The two diamond-shaped rubies on the back also emitted a red light that merged with the light from the energy core on the chest.

The upper body of Nexus's blue body now seems to be wearing a pair of red armor formed by rays of light. The rays of light on both shoulders extend along the armor on the shoulders for a length of ten meters and slightly tilt towards the sky. The armor of light behind it became one piece.

Mephisto roared to the sky, the anger in his heart could not be increased, and it seemed that he could absorb the power of Nexus and become his evolutionary ladder, but the fact slapped him hard.

"Don't think that you can defeat me like this!" Mephisto roared angrily, stretching out the devil's claw with his right hand. Mephisto strode forward and raised his right hand, stabbing Nexus viciously with his sharp devil claws.

Xingye didn't mean to dodge at all, and stood there silently watching Mephisto's attack.



The devil's claw didn't hit Nexus at all, it was blocked by the light armor on his body surface, and even a spark didn't splash out when the devil's claw hit it. Mephisto hit Xingye's body with all his strength, and Xingye was still as stable as a mountain, not even shaking.

"Ha!" Xingye raised his right hand and punched Mephisto in the chest.

The flame wrapped in the fist exploded in front of Mephisto's chest, Mephisto screamed in pain and held his abdomen and took several steps back before finally stabilizing his figure. Xingye withdrew her right fist and slowly stood up straight.

"Mephisto, I will never let you leave this time." Xingye rushed towards Mephisto with strides, each step leaving a deep footprint on the ground. The golden patterns on the body and the light armor on the body complement each other, like a ray of sunshine in the cold winter shining on this island wrapped in darkness and ice.

"Do you think you can defeat me?" Mephisto roared angrily, raised the devil's claw in his hand again and rushed towards Nexus without any fear.

The starry night strode forward and the arm blade on the right arm still lit up with azure blue gem light. The moment the two sides made contact, the arm blade suddenly popped out and collided fiercely with the devil's claw.

"Bang!" An invisible shock wave spread out with a loud noise, and all the mountains on this route were cut from it and fell smoothly.

Nexus' body swayed violently while Mephisto took two steps back. Mephisto suddenly flew into the sky with a wave of his arms, leaving a flying trail.

Xingye stretched out his arms and flew into the sky, and the island with a radius of several kilometers quickly turned into a tiny black spot.

The two streamers chased in the air, one behind the other, and the tiny streamers flew towards each other from the two bodies. The flames of the explosion almost enveloped the entire sky, and this dark sea was illuminated by light for the first time.

The starry night shuttled between the sea and the sky at high speed, the sound of the wind whizzed by my ears, and the flames of the explosion were all around my body, the deafening sound was heard far away before it weakened.

Constantly dodging the light bullets sent by Mephisto, and at the same time quickly throwing light blades to cut at Mephisto.

Some of the attacks from the two landed on the surface of the black sea, and from time to time water columns rose up into the sky, and then smashed back into the sea water again, splashing more waves.

"Drink!" Mephisto gathered the powerful dark power in his body and punched Xingye fiercely with his right fist.

"Ha!" Xingye raised his fist to fight back without any fear, and the fiery red explosion power gathered in his fist.

Both of them hit each other with all their strength, and they could faintly see two semicircular masks, one gold and one black, collide with each other at a very fast speed.



The fists of the two men pressed together and desperately poured all the energy into it, making the faint semicircular mask brighter and brighter, and the energy reaction contained in it became more and more intense.

"Boom" a huge mushroom cloud of flames rose in the sky, and a shock wave that was almost visible to the naked eye hit the surroundings. The black clouds covering the sky were immediately crushed by the shock wave, and scattered in all directions, revealing the extremely gloomy sky behind. .



The two loud crashing sounds were almost in no particular order. Mephisto and Nexus were shaken away by the huge explosion and smashed to the ground. Suddenly the mountains shook and the ground shook, and a huge amount of dust was splashed.

Xingye stood up clutching his chest and looked up, Mephisto fell into the big hole that was smashed on the ground, clutching his stomach and bending his body in pain.

"How could I lose? I have obtained the most powerful strength, how could I lose!" Mephistopheles raised his head and yelled, he stood up abruptly and gathered all the energy in his body to prepare for the final fight .

The armor of light on Xingye Yining's body immediately spread out, and the Nexus bow and arrow arm on his right arm was used as the core to form a huge bow of light.

"Go to hell!" Mephisto yelled with folded arms and released a powerful destructive light. His special skill, dark light wave, a jet of black light rushed towards Nexus like a fly.

Xingye raised the bow of light on his right arm, which was one-third the size of him, and pointed it at Mephisto, just after Mephisto emitted the light. As soon as Xingye loosened the bow of light in his left hand, he spun and rushed out, but the light that just touched Mephistopheles was turned upside down by the bow of light, and the army was defeated.

The bow of light spun to cut the light and penetrated Mephistopheles' body under his horrified eyes.

"Uh!" Mephistopheles looked down at the huge bow of light on his chest, still in disbelief, and raised his head to look at Xingye: "How could I lose? My strength is far higher than yours! .”

"You do have a powerful power of darkness, but you don't have a strong mind to use that power. What you rely on is just a little bit of jealousy. Jealousy can give you strength and can also blind your mind, making you You have never really understood human beings at all, so you are not my opponent at all!" Xingye swung his right hand forcefully.

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