Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1351 Zaki Runaway

The silver streamer and the black-red mist that shuttle through the void of the universe at super fast speed are like a double helix, flying towards the front very fast while colliding with each other, and the galaxies are surrounded by these two streamers of different colors. Left behind, both Dark Zaki and Noah played real fire in this confrontation again and again.

The speed has soared to the limit that both sides can achieve. Even though it is much slower than the last chase battle between Noah and Dark Zaki, this speed has made 99.99% of the civilized spaceships feel ashamed in comparison.

While Noah and Darkness Zaki are chasing, they will move from time to time across a distance of tens to hundreds of kilometers, so the two streams of light are not continuous lines from the outside, but will be disconnected from time to time Come the dotted line.

These two beams of light have traveled millions of light years, but the speed of both sides has not slowed down, but is still increasing. Noah also discovered something strange, that is, his own power is in contact with Zaki again and again. The collision is constantly strengthening. Noah's current strength has doubled compared to when Dark Zaki first started fighting. This is simply too appalling.

"You feel it too," Darkness Zaki looked at Noah with clenched fists with joy, "You are light and I am darkness, we are basically the same, the battle between you and me is actually a battle between yourself and yourself, As the light, you can't destroy me at all, but I can pull you into the darkness."

"You are indeed my dark side," Noah clenched his fists and stared at the dark Zaki: "But I will definitely destroy you and never let you endanger the universe."

"Really? It's been so long, and you're still so stubborn, like a rock." Dark Zaki glanced at his mouth disdainfully: "Why are you protecting the big universe so desperately? Is there any benefit? Why are you depressed? Your own desires, release the desires in your heart. How easy it is to conquer the universe with your power. Isn’t it much better to become the supreme king of the universe than to hide in the kingdom of light now? "

"The king of the universe? I still like to stay on the roof, sitting there and watching the Kingdom of Light being busy." Noah suddenly moved a space, appeared beside the dark Zaki, and punched Dark Zaki, and Dark Zaki also swung his right fist at the same time, and the two fists collided with each other, splashing violent sparks.

The two broke apart as soon as they touched each other while continuing to rush forward, while continuing to attack each other. This kind of battle lasted for an unknown period of time. The two sides have already flown back and forth to the edge of the universe.

'call out! '

'Boom! '

The silver-white streamer and the black-red streamer collided with the cosmic barrier at an extremely fast speed, pierced the cosmic barrier almost without hindrance, and came to the super-distance space of the big universe. Countless bubble-like universes appeared in Nuo Ya and Dark Zaki's vision.

'call! call! ’ Noah’s chest was heaving rapidly, and his clenched fists were trembling because of exhaustion. Every attack along the way gave Noah all his strength, and the successive attacks made Noah feel extremely tired.

However, the dark Zaki on the other side is not feeling well either. The dark Zaki, both physically and mentally, has reached the limit. The dark Zaki who has always liked to nagging and seduce Noah now has no strength to speak, only the strength to breathe up.

The exhausted two sides rested for a long time, and Darkness Zaki finally recovered a little bit of strength, and looked at the cosmic bubbles around him with nostalgia: "I still miss it, I was chased by you last time here. There was nowhere to go, and in the end I had to rely on self-destruct to escape. At that time, I didn't even have the strength to fight back. But now?"

Dark Zaki opened his arms as he spoke, and said with a touch of intoxication: "You don't have the power to destroy me at all, but I have the strength to compete with you. Immediately I will surpass you, defeat you and devour you, becoming the ultimate Strong dark Zaki. No, I want to surpass Noah, evolve to be stronger than the four of you, and then destroy the world tree, create a dark universe, and become the god of the dark universe."

Dark Zaki clenched his right fist in front of his eyes, and stared at Noah viciously. This familiar place brought back the unbearable past of Dark Zaki, and the anger in Dark Zaki's heart almost reached the limit, even arrogant. A declaration to become the existence of the world tree was issued.

"Really? You really think too much." Noah straightened his waist and stared at the dark Zaki on the opposite side. It is not easy to directly start a fierce battle with Noah.

The endless dark energy made Dark Zaki's heart full of desires completely filled with dark energy, so that Dark Zaki, who has always been extremely cunning, is a little bit irrational now, otherwise he wouldn't have said that he would become the second World Tree spoke so far-fetchedly.

While Noah responded to Dark Zaki's daydream-like ravings one after another, he paid attention to the dark energy that boiled like boiling water on Dark Zaki's body. Dark Zaki was originally a little flustered because of the sudden powerful power. After the fierce battle, the dark energy that could not be suppressed eroded the heart of Dark Zaki, and now the dark Zaki, who was already inflated with desire, was completely lost. Rational, completely immersed in a daydream-like fantasy, as if blinded by a leaf, he only cares about daydreams, and cannot see anything else at all.

The current Darkness Zaki can't help emitting wisps of dark mist, and the dark energy escaping from Darkness Zaki's body has eroded a large area of ​​super-distance space into the color of darkness.

The dark Zaki, who was in desire, crazily launched his strongest attack towards Noah. His punches and kicks were filled with infinite dark energy. Not to be outdone, Noah also gathered the strength he had recovered with difficulty to launch a counterattack. . The silver brilliance and dark black mist frantically shuttle in the super-distance space of the big universe, but the difference this time is that Noah is trying his best to prevent the dark Zaki from escaping, and uses an impenetrable attack to prevent the dark Zaki from escaping. A little chance to breathe, and Dark Zaki is attacking Noah frantically, the purpose is to get some breathing opportunities to adjust the dark energy in the body that is starting to run wild.

"The power that doesn't belong to you is still not yours. Do you know that you are suicidal?" Noah punched and kicked the top of the knee at Dark Zaki, and kept talking in his mouth, making Dark Zaki still unable to calm down Come.

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