Chapter 1346 Cracks in the Universe

After Xingye teamed up with Musashi and the others to defeat the Baxter Starman's Hypageton, he returned to the Kingdom of Light, and then took Mayumi back to Mars. After 15 years of separation, it can be said that they have come to the countryside to look like Lanke people. Many familiar faces can no longer be seen, and TPC also has a lot of new faces.

Even the earth and Mars made Xingye and Mayumi feel a little strange. The two returned to their hometown without fanfare, but just entered Mars quietly, and visited Dagu and Lina who were still on Mars. I have to say that this young couple is living a really good life. My daughter Zhenjiaoguang has joined TPC and entered the workplace, and my son Zhenjiao Yi also passed the exam of the TPC youth training class a month ago and became a TPC teenager. trainees.

These training courses are set up to train specialized talents. With the development and growth of TPC, different departments require different talents. For this reason, various training courses are set up to train corresponding talents, and the relevant knowledge is taught from an early age.

Fifteen years later, the earth's calendar has pointed to 2032, and human beings have truly stepped out of the solar system. Two years ago, the "Exploration" experimental superluminal spacecraft commanded by Xincheng, the director of the Space Exploration Agency, set sail from the earth, and after a year-long flight, it successfully reached the nearest star system to the solar system-Centaurus Alpha star.

Human beings have developed bases all over the eight stars of the solar system, and the scope of resource mining has also expanded from the planet to the asteroid belt. At present, TPC has begun to plan the detection of countless meteorites in the Coboy belt around the solar system, so that they can be mined various mineral resources there.

Human beings no longer have the concept of a country, but only the human federation TPC. All human beings are full of hope for the future and are willing to work hard for the future.

The return of Xingye and Mayumi made everyone in the former victory team very happy, and everyone took time out of their busy schedules to gather together. More than 20 years have passed, and the soldiers who were still fighting on the front line at the beginning are now in important positions in TPC. They are usually very busy, and it is difficult for them to have the opportunity to gather together.

Not to mention that like now, not only Ju Jianhui, Zongfang, Dagu, Lina, Xincheng, and Juejing are here together, but they also bring their respective families. Not only are their sons and daughters-in-law complete, but the sons of Ju Jianhui and Zongfang's sons have already gone to elementary school. up.

A group of people sat on several big tables in a mighty way, and the feast was lively and lively, but Xingye and Mayumi, who were the protagonists of the banquet, felt a great sense of disobedience, whether it was the elder brother Xincheng or the old man. Captain Jujianhui, most of them have already begun to age, Jujianhui's gray hair can't be hidden, even Xincheng, who is not a few years older than Mayumi, has wrinkles on his face.

The sons of Yerui, who is the same age as Xingye, are all married, and he has entered the ranks of middle-aged people, but Xingye and Mayumi are still the same as they were more than 20 years ago in the earth's history, and they look as old as their children in Xincheng Well, the years didn't leave a single trace on the faces of the two of them. The two of them are still in the age of cardamom, but the faces of the others are already full of vicissitudes.

Even though everyone tried their best not to fail to discover this, and to keep the atmosphere in the joy of reuniting old friends, Xingye and Mayumi couldn't hide their disappointment in the laughter. No matter what, everyone couldn't go back to the beginning. Everything has become extremely strange.

In any case, this trip to my hometown is still a happy ending. After staying on Mars for more than ten days, and then returning to my hometown of Earth to play there for more than 20 days, Xingye and Mayumi left this universe and returned to the land of light. country.

No matter how reluctant Xingye and Mayumi left here under the farewell of everyone, what the two of them miss is the earth called hometown in their memory, not the earth that is now changing due to the passage of time.

Fifteen years have passed, and the earth has changed too much. It is too different from the earth in memory. The hometown in Starry Night and Mayumi's memory can only be seen in dreams. As far as the two-lane road, there are still telephone poles erected on both sides, vegetables are planted in the yard outside the two-story small building, and there are grape arbors with fruitful fruits...all of this is far away.

The hometown of the earth will never be forgotten, and the land of light, a planet exuding emerald light, is the second hometown of Xingye and Mayumi forever, and it will be the place where they will live forever in the future.

A dazzling space channel opened up outside the Kingdom of Light, and Nexus with a silver body flew out of the space channel, holding a ball of light in both hands, flew to the Kingdom of Light without staying too long, and disappeared soon Under the cover of numerous floating continents.

There are many starlights shining in the dark cosmic void, but if you look at it from the kingdom of light, you can find a very small area where there is no starlight. Although it looks narrow from here, in actual size, this road The terrifying scars that looked like cracks in the universe were millions of kilometers long, constantly puffing out endless dark smoke.

This is the cosmic distortion caused by the dark power contained in the soul of Zhouda, known as the cosmic demon, after his death. At the beginning, it was only more than a thousand kilometers long, but as time went by, it would continue to absorb the darkness in the universe The power of power grows slowly, and it takes tens of thousands of years or even longer to grow to a length of tens of millions of kilometers. Then Zhou Da's soul will gather all the power of darkness to recast the body of darkness to achieve its purpose of resurrection.

This is also the place that the Kingdom of Light focuses on. Before Zhou Da grows up enough to be resurrected, the father of Ultra will link the cosmic energy to neutralize the gathered dark energy, so as to achieve the purpose of re-sealing Zhou Da.

But now this cosmic rift has expanded to a width of five or six million kilometers. The Kingdom of Light attaches great importance to this place, and will soon neutralize the power of darkness accumulated here, and seal Zhou Da once again to prevent Juda reappears to cause harm to the universe.

A dark red streamer flew here at an extremely fast speed, almost blending into the dark cosmic background, very inconspicuous, several Ultra fighters guarding here did not notice this dark red streamer at all. It fell down, lost consciousness and floated in the dark cosmic void. The dark red streamer stopped beside the huge dark crack, revealing the figure of Dark Zaki.

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