Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1341 Colorful Subspace

The two sides chased each other and rushed out of the void of the universe. The wound on Hypageton's back was surrounded by thick dark purple smoke, as if it was 3D printing, and a left wing that was exactly the same as the previous wing was generated from nothing. .

Saijia was shrouded in colorful light, behind him was the earth covered with a blue veil, and the gray-white moon in front of them was constantly expanding in the field of vision of the two, and the speed of both chasing sides had been increased to the top. Mach 1000, coupled with the continuous teleportation of the two sides, they have crossed a distance of more than 300,000 kilometers in less than ten seconds away from the earth, and have reached the orbit of the moon. Without the influence of the planet's gravity, the speed of the two sides is almost Doubled up.

Saiga folded his arms back and crossed them in front of his chest. The huge luminous body on Saiga's chest and the light like the gaps in his shoulders and back shone brightly at the same time. The continuous energy was emitted by Saiga and turned into colorful lines. The streamer of light spread towards the surrounding void of the universe.

The Baxter star felt a strong energy reaction behind him through Hypageton. The strong energy was like a supernova explosion, and the Baxter star couldn't help turning his head to look behind him.

Suspended in the dark void of the universe, Saiga's colorful light is more dazzling than the sun in the distance. The light from Saijia's body makes the sun eclipsed and even the sun is completely blocked.

The incomparably dazzling rays of light turned into streamers of seven colors and moved forward across space, catching up with Hai Pajdun in the blink of an eye, but the densely packed colorful streamers did not fall towards Hai Pajdun, but It is to continue to fly forward. Not only above Hypageton, but also from the left, right and under the feet, there are countless colorful streamers flying towards the front. From a distance, the colorful streamers form an extremely large colorful cage, which instantly engulfed Hypageton. locked in the middle.

"Run away!" Although the Baite star didn't know what Saijia wanted to do, he knew that it was definitely not a good thing. No matter what the enemy wanted to do, it was right not to let him succeed. very clear.

"It's too late to escape now. Join me!" Xingye yelled, and the tens of thousands of colorful streamers that formed the colorful cage instantly spread towards the surroundings, and they connected together to form a huge shining colorful stream in an instant. The light ball of light completely enveloped Hypageton inside, and disappeared into the void of the universe as soon as the light flashed, along with Hypageton and Saiga. It took less than a second from when Saijia began to release energy to the formation of this different space. This speed is simply appalling.

"This is... what kind of place is this?" The Baxter star looked around in astonishment. Just now, Hypageton was still in the empty space of the universe, but now he is stepping on the ground, and there are hills everywhere on the ground. and shallow valley.

Colorful bands of light linger everywhere in this different space, illuminating the land in a piece of light, without the sense of gloom in the Meita field. On the land full of light, there are layers of hills and potholes everywhere. valley. Saijia was standing on a hill, posing a fighting gesture towards Hai Pajedon in the distance.

"Huh." The Baite star stared at Saiga outside with an extremely ugly face, and didn't talk anymore, and directly began to manipulate Hypajetton to attack Saiga. He understood that if he didn't destroy the Ultra Man, it is impossible for him to escape from here.

'Shua... Shua...' Hypagedun's figure flickered for a moment, and at that moment it became blurred, as if the camera's lens had failed to focus, but Hypagedun still stood where he was move.

"What's going on?" The Baxter star looked at Hypageton in amazement, and resolutely manipulated Hypageton to use teleportation again, but the situation was still the same, and Hypageton's figure flickered for a while. There was no movement, and Hypageton's teleportation just failed.

"Shua!" At this moment, Hypagedun heard a sharp piercing sound, and Haipagedun hurriedly raised his head, and saw an iron fist wrapped in colorful light in his cross-shaped eyes. As it expanded, the icy aura carried by it compressed the air into ripples visible to the naked eye. Before Hypagedon even had time to react, Saiga slammed his right fist hard on Hypageton's chest.

'boom! ' There was a loud noise, and under the blow of this huge force, Hypajeton's body immediately bent into a bow shape, and at the same time, he retreated backward like a boring shell. He only retreated thousands of meters before he encountered a hill. . The huge impact immediately smashed the hill into pieces, but Hypagedun also tripped over the hill and rolled on the ground like a ball, every time it hit the ground, a huge hole was knocked out of the ground , Rolling for several kilometers in a row before barely stopping.

Although the impact didn't cause any harm to Hypageton, it made Hypageton very embarrassed. The gaps in the scales all over his body were filled with all kinds of fine sand and stones, and his face was also covered with sand and stones.

"Damn it! Damn it!" Baxter shouted extremely angrily. He was unwilling to fail. He was unwilling to spend so much time and effort to create the successful Hypageton. It will be gone in less than a day. He was not reconciled, very reconciled, if Hypagedon didn't succeed, it would be fine, and he would extinguish his ambition to become the king of the universe.

However, Hypageton succeeded, and even "defeated" Noah, which not only made the ambitions in the hearts of Baxter Stars take root, but even flourished. He began to plan how to give birth to new ones after destroying all life in the universe. Then he descended as the god of the universe, enjoying the sense of accomplishment that countless races worshiped at his feet.

As a result, the daydream had just begun, and before it was finished, the colorful Ultraman appeared and smashed his daydream with one punch. Saijia clearly showed him with his actions that his Hypageton is not Saijia's opponent at all, and his so-called dream of the god of the universe can only be realized in dreams, and he may even go to hell to dream .

"Impossible! Impossible!" Baxter was trembling with excitement. He didn't want to fail, and he must not fail. Baxter screamed with all his strength: "Happyton, go!"

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