Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1314

"Captain, you are back." A girl stood on a high pylon, holding a tablet computer in her hand, and waving her hand with joy. There are two robots that are almost the same as this robot in the warehouse. .

Anna opened the cockpit of the robot, turned on the headset on the right ear and said to the other end of the headset: "Noko, Maomi, I brought back some canned food and drinking water, you all quickly move things into the kitchen, and make something good for the children today." food."

"Understood, captain!" thump! thump! ’ Climbed down from the iron frame, with a look of joy on his face, he said to Anna: "Captain, it's really too dangerous. How can you go get things by yourself? What if you encounter a monster?"

Anna walked down the stairs step by step, glanced at Xingye and Dahewang, and said meaningfully: "I have two bodyguards with me, maybe monsters are more dangerous."

Xingye jumped down and looked up and down the warehouse. This warehouse mainly houses the three robots, and all kinds of equipment are also needed for maintaining and repairing the robots. It seems that this TEAM-U is also barren. These three non-combat robots are all their combat power. Thinking about it, even if they are given a few high-tech fighters, they won’t be able to use them. It’s like a family workshop. It is impossible to complete the daily maintenance of fighter jets in the warehouse.

"Ah, there are so many things, it's great." A bluffing voice sounded, Xingye turned his head to see a sweet-looking little girl running over like a gust of wind, and ran towards the person who was taking out the can with a happy face. anna.

"Great, there are so many things, I can give the children extra meals tonight, ah, and canned beef."

Anna couldn't bear her chatter: "Maomi, don't yell, move things into the kitchen quickly."

"Let me help." Da Hewang walked over with a smile on his face and showed his hospitality. The girl turned her head when she heard the voice: "Hey, Captain, you have brought two more men. It's just right, move quickly."


"Why are you so surprised? Men just have to do physical work such as carrying, so it's possible to let the delicate girls come." Mao Mei said confidently, and Dahe Wang, who swallowed all of a sudden, had nothing to say, so he had to bow his head move things.

"Didn't we complete all the tasks well after such a long time?" Anna disapproved, carrying a large pile of cans and walking towards the kitchen.

"Could it be that there are only girls and children here?" Xingye asked in surprise.

"Yeah!" The little girl named Buzi who came down from the tower nodded, "Although this place looks very big, there are only a dozen of us here, and you three are the only ones who have been discovered in such a long time." survivor."

"We can't be called survivors anymore," Xingye said while carrying a large pile of cans towards the kitchen, "It came from other places."

While talking, a girl wearing a headset came down the stairs on the second floor, and looked at Xingye and Buzi in amazement: "Buzi, where did you find this person?"

"It was brought by the captain. There are three survivors this time. Sure enough, we are not the only ones alive in this world." Buzi's tone was full of hope, and he said with longing: "Binay, our signal needs to cover more It’s only a place where other survivors will definitely hear about it and come here.”

"Well, I'll do my best." Binet waved his small fist energetically.

Xingye opened his mouth, but swallowed the rest of the words. It is not easy for a group of people to live alone on the empty earth. The radio voice that Xingye heard was the voice of this girl named Binet. They called out persistently, just for the only hope left in their hearts, and firmly believed that there were other people in this world.

Now that the three "survivors" of Xingye have finally been found, the hope in their hearts has been fulfilled. Xingye really couldn't break their hope. The cruelest thing in this world is not despair, but after giving hope and then breaking hope, making people fall into deeper despair.

Along the way, Xingye saw this so-called survivor base, or it is more appropriate to call it a kindergarten. A few girls took care of a group of children living a difficult life on this empty earth.

In this warehouse area, only the front three side-by-side warehouses are used by them. One is transformed into a robot maintenance workshop, and the other is transformed into a kitchen. The largest warehouse in the middle is a two-story warehouse. Below it is a restaurant and a playground for children. The bedrooms above are isolated by partition boards.

The girls outside carefully isolated the other warehouses with fences to prevent the children from running to other places. Several ropes were pulled on the empty backyard, and clothes were drying on them.

Musashi was standing in front of the door playing with the children. There was no sign of impatience on his face. A child accidentally fell down. Musashi hurriedly helped the child up, comforted the child softly, and then patted the dust off the children's clothes.

"It's really great to let the children live a carefree life." Anna, the captain of TEAM-U, walked over and said with emotion, looking at the children chasing each other and making troubles, a smile appeared on their faces .

Musashi came over and asked, "What happened in this world? Why are you the only ones left?"

Anna sighed, with a trace of fear on her face: "I don't know exactly what happened, and I don't know when it all started, but when humans realized it, all the birds and beasts in this world had already died. Disappeared, many people saw a strange spaceship spaceship, all the human beings disappeared over the city that the spaceship passed by, and no one knew where they went.”

Anna stepped on the green grass and walked to the hillside outside. Looking at the empty city in the distance, she said with a hint of helplessness: "The remaining human beings resisted the alien spacecraft, but all of them disappeared. Now there is only With such a small number of human beings, maybe one day we will suddenly disappear like those people.”

Musashi said eagerly, "But you are still alive, aren't you?"

"Yes, I'm still alive, I'm still alive." Anna shook her head, lowered her head with gloomy eyes, and sighed softly: "In fact, everyone has long realized that we are the only ones left on the earth, but they just refused to believe it. With such a glimmer of hope, I kept calling out to the survivors, even though I knew it was useless."

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