Chapter 1307 Separated Again

The army of robots standing on the artificial island melted into piles of molten iron in a few seconds under the high temperature and then evaporated.

Then "Boom!" With a loud noise, the artificial sun hit the artificial island heavily, erupting a doomsday scene like a collision between heaven and earth, directly tearing the artificial island apart, and then completely collapsed, while the artificial sun Then it continued to fall towards the earth without any reduction.

Suddenly, an incomparably dazzling light burst out from the endless darkness, followed by a deafening roar, and at the same time, a cloud of flame mushrooms soared into the sky, illuminating the dark land. Under the impact, the earth and rocks of Bit Star bulged high, and the earth cracked a series of horrible, bottomless cracks, reaching the core of the earth in the center.

In just two seconds, the pressure of the earth's core reached the limit, and then it exploded. The artificial sun and the explosive force of the earth's core made the whole planet explode like a powder keg, like a supernova explosion. It was torn apart, and countless broken stones collided with the steel shell, making roaring sounds one after another.

Broken spaceships, Ultraman, robots, and strange creatures flew out of the gap cut by the Xero-fitting ice axe, but all of them flew away from Bitstar at the fastest speed.

Nexus escorted the Helios away from Bit Star at an extremely fast speed. After flying more than 100,000 kilometers, he turned his head and looked behind him. The steel plate on the smooth and flat surface of Bitstar suddenly cracked long and long gaps, and endless flames spewed out from it, bursting apart like a burst balloon.

The internal high pressure caused the bit star to shatter into pieces in just a few seconds. The hot high temperature melted small pieces of metal directly into molten iron, and some larger metal fragments flew at an extremely fast speed under the impetus of the shock wave. Looking around, the original position of Bitstar has turned into a churning ball of flames.

In just over ten seconds, the flames subsided, and everything returned to calm. The original position of the Bit Star has now become a pile of scattered steel fragments and rocks, and there is no trace of the original steel planet.

The Bram star in the distance also obviously noticed the situation here, and the evacuating spacecraft slowly stopped the evacuation, and slowly flew back to its own planet after confirming its safety.

Several people in the royal spaceship stood together, and Emilana bowed to the captain gratefully, "Thank you very much for saving me."

"No, we are the ones who want to thank you. Without you, Bram Star would have been destroyed long ago." Captain Hinata said gratefully: "Thank you very much."

"Okay, okay, everyone, stop thanking you for coming, thank you for going." Mayumi, who was still in the Helios, clapped her hands: "Although I am very reluctant, but I am going back to the Kingdom of Light, Heli The Russian needs to be repaired quickly."

"I'm really sorry," Jenbert apologized with great guilt: "I destroyed your spaceship."

"It's nothing, it just so happens that a new spaceship can be built this time." Mayumi smiled and waved her hand without any grudges.

"Goodbye, we will definitely meet again." Captain Hyuga nodded, and after bidding farewell to everyone with Lei, he took the shuttle that came and flew towards Bram Star.

"Goodbye," Nexus waved at Lei's shuttle, turned his head and said to Sai Luo, "I just came out for a relaxing trip, and unexpectedly encountered such a thing, which completely disrupted my plan."

"I'm too busy, you are so free, why don't you come and help clean up the remnants of Beria's army." Sai Luo complained.

"Forget it, let's play on your own, it's just a group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals."

The five Ott brothers were suspended more than a thousand meters away from Sai Luo and the others. Seven stared at Sai Luo, Mirror Knight, Red Lotus Flame, and Jambert with eyes full of relief, and said with emotion: "Sai Luo, he handed over It's a good friend."

Saili turned around when he heard the voice, and glanced at Honglian Huoyan and the others: "Yes, they are great partners and trustworthy."

Saying that, Sai Luo tapped Killer Zhan on the shoulder casually: "Hey, you also join the Ultimate Sai Luo Guard Team and become our partner."

"Hey, Sai Luo, did you still do this? Not bad." Nexus glanced at Sai Luo in surprise. Indeed, Sai Luo, who has a strong combat power, is not suitable for joining the Space Guard. After all, the Ultra Soldiers really can't find someone who is stronger than Sailuo.

"Partner?" Killer Zhan pondered the meaning of this word thoughtfully.

"Could you change the name Killer Zhan?" Mirror Knight came over and looked at Killer Zhan and said, "Listen, it doesn't feel so good."

"I'll come, I'll come," Red Lotus squeezed over aggressively, and said confidently, "Jumbert's brother, how about calling him No. 2 Jambert?"

"..." Sai Luo, Mirror Knight, and Zhanbert heard the words, turned around tacitly, and began to discuss the new name of Killer Zhan, completely ignoring the meaning of the red lotus flame, which made the red lotus flame Very dissatisfied.

"You guys discuss it slowly, I'm going back to the Kingdom of Light first." Nexus chuckled twice, turned around, and flew into the Helios as a stream of light.

Sophie took a step forward and said, "Sai Luo, don't be careless. There is a strange atmosphere flowing in the universe right now, so be careful."

Seven then said: "Don't forget, we are always by your side."

"En!" Sai Luo nodded vigorously, and then the Ott brothers turned around and flew into the sky.

The Helios also started its engine and followed the Ott brothers to the direction of the Kingdom of Light. Sero behind him watched the few people disappear, and then activated the Palaji bracelet, put on the ultimate armor, and opened it. A space channel to return to the universe where the Kingdom of Esmeralda resides.

In the Helios, Mayumi lay on the window of the ship and reluctantly looked at Bram Star, which was gradually moving away, muttering incessantly: "Really, it's hard to come here once, just like this .”

"It's okay, you can come again next time." Xingye said with a smile, the space channel established by the Ott brothers appeared on the screen in front of him, the Helios flew directly in, the space channel closed quickly, Bram star Immediately disappeared.

When it reappeared, it was already very close to the Kingdom of Light. From here, one could fully see the dazzling light emanating from the Kingdom of Light, and the floating continent suspended above the Kingdom of Light.

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