Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1303 Rescue Operation

"Father?!" Sai Luo was taken aback when he heard this voice, and then he reacted with joy.

"Have Seven and the others come? Finally." Nexus couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief, finally catching up.

"Siro, if you think of a way to change the orbit of the celestial body, we will try to delay the time." Outside the celestial sphere, Sophie, Ultraman, Seven, Jack, Ace, and the Ultra brothers were suspended in the void of the universe, It blocked the orbit of this steel planet flying to Bram Star.

The Ott Brothers were captured by Bram Star's satellite as soon as they appeared, and the red giant figure suspended in the void of space appeared on the screens of many spaceships.

"This is... the Ultra Brothers?!" Many people were surprised at the first glance. Ultraman has not appeared in the human field of vision for hundreds of years. Ultraman has already become an urban legend.

After hundreds of years, they actually saw the cosmic heroes who had saved the earth countless times—the Otto Brothers again at this critical juncture, and saw the steel planet colliding towards the Bram star with the momentum of Mount Tai, yes People who were desperate to escape now saw the Ultraman they had heard of since they were young, and they couldn't help but feel a wave of hope in their hearts.

In my mind, I once again recalled the story of Ultraman saving the world I heard from my parents. Many times the earth faced unsolvable crises, but Ultraman was always able to save the earth from the crisis.

"It's definitely possible this time, because they are Ultraman." Countless people looked at the figure of the hero on the screen and kept shouting in their hearts.

"Let's join hands." The five Ultraman flew up at the same time, clasped their hands with each other, and stood in a pentagon. Then the five Ultraman's bodies glowed red, echoing each other until Totally blended together.

'call out! ’ A beam of light that was 100 meters long on both sides flew out from the halo of the Ott brothers, and bombarded the shell of the steel celestial sphere. The turbulent light spread instantly, like a solid barrier, reaching the celestial sphere.

Under the impact of this light, the speed of the celestial sphere slowed down bit by bit. On the big screen of the emergency command center on Planet Bram, it was displayed that the countdown to the collision between Planet Steel and Planet Bram was fifteen minutes. Under the surprised gaze of the people, the countdown changed from fifteen minutes to sixteen minutes, then seventeen minutes, eighteen minutes... This means that the speed of the celestial sphere is decreasing, giving them time to evacuate. Increase.

"Ultraman succeeded." The command room was full of jubilation. This emotion infected the retreating fleet and the residents who had not yet evacuated, and gradually calmed down people's panic. They knew that Ultraman was still there. Terman will surely save them.

Inside the celestial sphere, Sai Luo said to everyone with joy: "Father and the others are here, they will prevent the celestial sphere from hitting Bram, and leave the rest to us."

"Really?" Nexus nodded, the golden light all over his body disappeared instantly, and appeared beside Killer Zhan. Suo wrapped around Killer Zhan at an extremely fast speed, binding Killer Zhan tightly.

"That's it!" Sai Luo also rushed up immediately, holding Killer Zhan's shoulder firmly with both hands, Mirror Knight and Red Lotus Flame also rushed up, holding Killer Zhan together so that he could not move.

"Zimbert, Xiaozao, it's up to you." Nexus turned around and shouted at them.

"Thank you very much." Zhanbert rushed up, his eyes shot two beams of light onto Killer Zhan's eyes, and the turbulent data stream passed through the light beams and began to hit Killer Zhan's firewall.

Xiaozao also began to analyze the data sent by Zhanbert, analyzed the firewall of Killer Zhan, and assisted Zhanbert to unlock the data defense system of Killer Zhan.

Killer Zhan struggled frantically, the light cords on his body were broken one by one, but he couldn't break free from the suppressing force of Sai Luo, Mirror Knight and Red Lotus Flame, and Nexus kept supplementing Beng The broken light cord made Killer Zhan unable to get up for a while.

"Everything is in vain," said Star Destroyer sitting on the Iron Throne gloomily, "Erasure, organic lifeform."

Robots are lined up neatly outside the square of the room. A rough count is hundreds of thousands of robot troops. Following the words of Star Destroyer, robots rise into the sky and then fall downward. .

Nexus suddenly raised his head, the artificial island orbiting the artificial sun above, there were robots flying out from there and then flying towards the bottom at an extremely fast speed.

"Where did they come from?" Nexus turned his head and shouted at Jambert: "Hurry up, the enemy's large army is coming, I will block them."

Saying that Nexus had risen into the sky, Nexus' body glowed with golden light, even under the brilliance of the artificial sun, it still couldn't cover up the brilliance of this light.

"I'm going to use all my strength." Nexus waved light bullets one after another with both hands, whizzing and hitting the robots, and exploded, making each robot a killing weapon. The robots that existed turned into clouds of flame.

"Be honest with me." Sai Luo pressed Killer Zhan hard, looked anxiously at Nexus who was fighting alone in the air, and shouted at Zhanbert: "Are you still okay?"

Emerana's voice came from the loudspeaker on the Helios: "Killer Zhan, open your heart, although you were created by Killer Star Destroyer, but he can't decide your future. It's up to you to decide. If you are really Jambert's brother, then you can definitely feel Jambert's heart of cherishing life. Even though we are different from each other, as long as we understand each other, we can still become mutual trust Companion. Killer Zhan, go and feel your heart."

"Heart...heart?!" Killer Zhan's eyes flickered, and Zhanbert immediately felt that Killer Zhan's resistance had weakened, and he untied Killer Zhan's defensive wall in just a few seconds.

Zhanbert did not control Killer Zhan, but turned his memory into an image and sent it to Killer Zhan's central computer, so that Killer Zhan could feel his own feelings about life.

"Did it succeed?" Sai Luo slowly loosened the hands that were holding Killer Zhan. He was relieved when he saw Killer Zhan was still standing there, not moving. He looked up and saw the robot in the air descending like dumplings. It fell, densely packed like goose feathers and heavy snow.

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