Ultraman Senki

Chapter 130 Opening——Death Defense Circle

The Phoenix driven by Lina and Dagu also approached the Lear drifting in space, and the Lear was almost mixed with the dark universe. Without specific coordinates, it would be impossible to find the Lear in the vast universe.

The Lear has no power and is spinning and drifting aimlessly in the void of the universe. Lina drove the Phoenix and approached the Lear carefully, and then gradually reduced the distance between the two sides, while constantly adjusting. The angle keeps the Lear in sync. In fact, the Lear was already considered a small fortress, and it was a kilometer long enough for the Phoenix to land on it.

Dagu walked in front holding a Haipa gun, Lina followed closely behind Dagu, and the two relied on each other. Walking in the quiet corridor, the lights in the corridor were also turned off. I wonder if the electricity has run out. Relying on the infrared rays on the helmets, the two covered each other and followed the directions of the map to the cockpit.

The ground along the way was clean and there was no trace of fighting, but there was no trace of light after walking such a long way. And the incomparable silence around is like walking on a ghost spaceship.

Along the way, fearful and cautious, he arrived outside the cockpit. Dagu nodded to Lina and then reached out and pushed the inside of the cockpit.

"Squeak!" The door of the cockpit was not closed and was pushed open by Dagu.

Dagu slammed the door open, and Lina rushed out from behind Dagu, raised the Haipa gun and pointed it at the inside. It was still dark inside, only the instrument panel was shining, bringing a ray of light to the somewhat narrow cabin. .

Dagu and Lina were a little surprised and walked in slowly. At this moment, the lights in the cockpit suddenly turned on.

The two hurriedly leaned together in shock and raised their Hypa guns to face the suddenly bright cockpit. They saw two huge white cocoons in the cockpit, and one of the cocoons stretched out an arm and pressed a button on the cockpit. superior. And he still had a laser gun in his hand.

"What is this?" Lina was astonished, and couldn't help but look at Dagu.

At this moment, the cocoon moved again, tearing the cocoon apart indiscriminately to reveal a human head.

"Hello!" The man reluctantly waved to Lina and Dagu.

"Captain Haifeng!" The two were astonished, and hurriedly put away their guns to help Captain Haifeng tear the cocoon apart.

Then he tore the other cocoon apart, but the person inside made the two of them even more astonished. It turned out to be the vice-captain Kishi Yong in the base.

"How is it possible? Isn't Vice Captain Kishi Yong in the base?" Lina asked.

"That's fake!" Captain Gale stood up with a serious expression on his face.

"What happened?" Dagu asked hastily.

It turned out that an alien corpse was found in a crater on the back of the moon half a month ago, and the alien corpse disappeared within half a day after it was recovered into the Carlo base. Afterwards, strange things continued to happen in the whole base, and it was too late when Captain Gale finally found out that something was wrong. Many people in the whole base were replaced. People were panicking and no one knew whether the people around them were replicants, and then the replicants launched a massive attack that could not be resisted at all. In the end, Gaifeng and Kishiyong boarded the Lear and wanted to return to Earth to report. However, a replicant boarded the battleship. In the end, although Haifeng was trapped by the cocoon, he still shot the alien to death.

Lina and Dagu also simply told them what happened at the Far East base after the Carlo base incident.

"Damn it, it seems that the top management of the base has been replaced by duplicants, we must go back quickly!" Captain Gale was anxious.

"The Lear has run out of energy, and the rush to come out didn't carry enough energy at all. The communication equipment can't be used." Kishi Yong was a little helpless.

"Hurry up and go back to the Phoenix to contact the Mars base and transfer to the headquarters!" Lina suggested.

The four quickly returned to the Phoenix, and Dagu and Lina couldn't wait to call the headquarters.

"Headquarters, this is Lina, please answer! Headquarters!" Lina called several times in a row, but there was only a rustling noise in the headset, and no one answered their calls at all.

"A big event is about to happen!" Gaifeng's face became extremely serious.

Lina immediately turned on the Max power system and rushed to the earth at full speed. Along the way, the four of them felt uneasy for fear of reaching the earth, but found that the sky had changed. Not to mention that the Atdis, which is just the headquarters, is taken away by those replicators, which is a huge loss.

Not to mention that the top scientists in the headquarters are the precious wealth of the entire human race and the future of human progress. Once those scientists are lost, it can be said that the entire human race will lose the motivation to progress.

Just as the Phoenix arrived in Earth orbit, it received a communication from the Delta Space Station.

"This is Delta Space Station, and I'm Captain Nanase. Please stop the spacecraft that received this communication from entering Earth orbit, and rush to Delta Space Station immediately, repeat, please rush to Delta Space Station immediately!" This channel belongs to TPC Public band, as long as you enter the area, you can receive this communication.

"I'm Haifeng from Carlo Base, may I ask what happened?" Haifeng hurriedly connected to the communication from the Delta Space Station and asked.

"Hailstorm?" The person on the other end of the communication was obviously taken aback.

"Yes, we have to return to the headquarters base as soon as possible. The Carlo base was destroyed by aliens with the ability to replicate." Haifeng quickly explained.

"Hurry up and meet at the Delta Space Station, and explain the details after you arrive. This time, something really big will happen." Nanase Machine Officer said with a hint of despair in his tone, and then hung up the communication.

"What happened?" The four of them wanted to know what happened on the earth during the time they left, and in addition to the loss of contact with the headquarters just now, the four of them felt a surge of excitement. Bad feeling.

Suppressing the doubts in her heart, Lina flew to the coordinates of the Delta Space Station without saying a word.

Not long after flying far, I saw the brightly lit Delta Space Station. In the past, blackouts were implemented to save energy and hide the periphery of the Delta Space Station. But now they took the initiative to turn on all the lights, and the voices in the communication channel were all requests for docking with the Delta Space Station and the coordinates and altitudes that the leaders kept reporting. The spaceships docked with the Delta Space Station one after another, and Lina also drove the Phoenix to the bridge of the Delta Space Station.

As soon as the four of them entered the Delta Space Station, they were taken to the command room. Walking into the command room with a size of more than 100 square meters, it was as if they had come to a busy city. display screen. Dozens of operators shouted into the microphone at the top of their lungs.

"You are here!" At this moment, a figure came over, and Lina couldn't help being shocked. Although it had been so many years, no matter how much she wanted to forget, this voice and figure had never been erased from her memory.

"What happened?" Dagu asked eagerly.

"Two hours ago, the director suddenly issued an order asking us to shoot Bucky at a coordinate on the earth and destroy it." Officer Nanase's tone was full of disbelief even now.

"What? You didn't launch it!" Gale said eagerly.

"Of course not, how can you launch it towards the earth?" Nanase Jiguan's tone was incomparable

Seriously: "We are the front line of defending the earth and we will never shoot at the earth."

The stationmaster Chaogong came over: "But then another text message was sent from the base, please listen to it."

He pressed a button and a recording began to play: "I am Xingye, the head of the TPC Research Department, the headquarters has been occupied by cloned aliens, and now we have started to wipe out the aliens in each department, in order to prevent aliens from escaping from the earth and other aliens. People have mixed into the earth. Now I announce that the entry ban will be enforced, and all flying objects must not cross the armed satellite defense circle from this moment, or they will be shot down!" There was a voice that was very familiar to Dagu and Lina.

"And all the deployed armed satellites have started to change orbits and aimed at the outer space and the ground, but they haven't fired yet but they can't enter the earth." Zhaogong shook his head.

"Can I contact the headquarters now?" Dagu asked.

"No, the communication with the headquarters has been interrupted since Dr. Xingye issued the order, and the headquarters cannot be contacted anyway. Before the communication was interrupted, there were messy gunshots inside, and now we don't know what happened in the headquarters It's over." Officer Nanase was full of uneasiness.

"A spaceship wants to cross the defense circle!" At this moment, a radar soldier hurriedly reported.

"What?" Chao Gong hurriedly ran over in shock: "Call them immediately to keep them away from there!"

But it was too late to see those spaceships rushing towards the earth at high speed, but they were hit by a sudden laser hit and exploded into a ball, and the flash of fire turned into space junk after only entering the defense circle for less than a hundred meters.

"Alas!" Chaogong sighed, but there was nothing he could do.

Officer Nanase walked up to Lina and looked at it carefully. Lina was very pleased: "You have grown so big in a blink of an eye, time flies so fast!"

Lina didn't say a word and didn't look at Officer Nanase, nor did she answer him.

Nanase Jiguan moved his lips and wanted to say something, but in the end it could only be turned into a sigh.

Dagu became more and more impatient with the passage of time, and finally made up his mind to turn around and walk outside.

Lina didn't care at all when Dagu went out, Nanase turned her head and followed Dagu and left.

"That little girl has grown up so much back then, why didn't you explain it clearly to her?" Chao Gong came over and asked.

"Yeah, I've grown up!" Nanase's tone was a little lonely, and she smiled a little self-deprecatingly.

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