Chapter 1290 Inside the celestial sphere

Xingye raised his hand to send out Otto's signature, and it disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye as a stream of light, flying across many galaxies towards the Kingdom of Light.

"Began to enter the interior of the steel planet, and the ultrasonic detector is turned on." Following Xiao Zuo's words, the light outside the window suddenly disappeared and turned into darkness, and the Helios shuttled through this long steel at an extremely fast speed In the tunnel, you can see a bright spot in front of the Helios, where the exit will also enter the interior of this steel planet.

After flying for hundreds of kilometers, the Helios finally broke out of this narrow steel tunnel, and the sight suddenly opened up. Mayumi lay on the window and looked at this paradise-like world in amazement.

"What kind of world is this?" Xingye's tone was full of surprise. There is actually a small planet with a diameter of about 10,000 kilometers inside this steel planet. object on a small planet.

The star core is covered with layers of thick soil and rock layers to simulate the environment of a living planet. Countless long steel pillars crisscross and weave into a dense grid, supporting the small planet and its thick shell. the relationship between. Each pillar is more than ten kilometers thick, and the length is astonishingly up to four thousand kilometers. Relying on mutual support, they form a support network that supports the living planet and protects the outer shell.

The Helios carefully shuttled between the support networks that have a support network every 30 kilometers. The dark land below was barren. Even though there were rivers like dry rivers, there was still not even a trace of green. less than. Through the black mist, one can vaguely discern piles of collapsed man-made buildings on the ground, but there is no trace of popularity. And on the horizon, there is still a glint of light, just like the sun rising on the earth.

"No signs of life were found." Xiaozao searched carefully and shook her head slowly.

"Fly in the direction of the light, go there and have a look." Following Xingye's instruction, the Helios adjusted its flight direction 18 degrees to the left, and flew towards there. more and more dazzling. In just a few minutes, a glowing object appeared on the screen of the Helios.

An iron ring with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, imprisoned an extremely dazzling artificial sun in the middle, emitting endless light and heat, illuminating the earth below, and on the side of this artificial sun is a huge hemisphere body, slowly rotating with the artificial sun.

"This celestial sphere is highly technological." Xingye looked at the artificial sun moving along a circular trajectory at a constant speed through the screen. The iron ring should be equipped with an anti-gravity system and circled along a preset trajectory. This small planet is rotating, so that this small planet has day and night, perfectly simulating a normal planet.

The probe of the Helios pointed at the sphere next to the artificial sun and began to analyze the hemispherical object. Xiao Zuo reported the detection results: "A high-energy reaction was found, and it is speculated that it is a device for replenishing energy for the artificial sun."

"Have you found a life reaction? Such a large celestial sphere can't run automatically."

"No way." Mayumi looked out at this planet that was much bigger than the earth, and couldn't believe that there was no one on such a big planet.

"Drip! Drip!" Several light spots flashed on the screen, and then began to build a map: "Three life reactions were found, and the distance is 232 kilometers."

"Rush over there immediately."

The Helios began to accelerate again, and flew downward at an inclined angle, which was exactly opposite to the direction of the hemisphere surrounding the artificial sun. It didn't take long for the Helios to fly below the hemisphere, and the sun's The light was also blocked, and the surroundings immediately fell into darkness.

"Drip!" A huge light spot suddenly appeared next to the three light spots on the screen, and Xiao Zuo immediately said, "Suddenly, a huge life reaction appeared."

"It's foggy outside." Mayumi, who had been lying on the window the whole time, pointed out the window and said, "It's foggy when you leave the range of the sun."

"Fog?" Xingye immediately turned around and walked over when he heard the words, leaning on the window of the ship to look out, the fog rising from nowhere was so thick that he couldn't even see the situation more than ten meters away.

However, as the altitude decreased, the fog became thinner and thinner. When it was less than a thousand meters away from the ground, the fog finally disappeared. Xingye raised his head and looked at the fog that was getting farther and farther above his head, full of doubts in his heart: " Why is there so much fog floating in the air? Is there haze here too?"

When I looked down at the ground, sparks flickered from time to time on the dark ground below, and as the distance drew closer, the sparks bursting out one after another could be seen clearly. Two Imprezas were fighting a huge monster, and the flickering sparks seen in the sky were caused by the collision of scales and steel on Gomora's body.

The three people standing on the ground also heard the slight roar of the engine from the sky, Captain Hinata hurriedly pulled out the laser gun and looked at the dark sky vigilantly: "Ray, did you hear that?"

"Yeah!" Lei nodded, looking around vigilantly with sharp eyes: "It seems to be the sound of a spaceship engine."

"Could it be life in this celestial sphere?" Captain Hinata guessed.

"Probably not," the woman in ancient costume shook her head, it was the missing Emilana, and Emilana said very seriously, "Jimbert probed this celestial sphere before he left, and there is no life here. Existed, only these robots."

"Then this is..." Before Captain Hinata finished speaking, an ice-blue spaceship swooped down at an extremely fast speed.

"Attack!" Following Xingye's order, the laser cannons around the Helios were turned on, firing laser beams and screaming, attacking the two Imprezas that were suppressing Gomora.

'boom! boom! boom! ’ A series of laser beams hit the two Inprezas and exploded. The powerful impact made the Inprezas unable to move back. The dazzling flames were particularly conspicuous in the dark night.

"It's friends!" Captain Hyuga and Lei beamed with joy, and Captain Hyuga couldn't close his mouth even more happily. The shuttle he and Lei took had no weapons and equipment, and Emerana's escape pod was even worse. , only Lei's EX fighting device still has combat effectiveness.

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