Ultraman Senki

Chapter 1284 The Origin of the Gods

"It's simply endless," Agent K looked anxiously at Nexus, who was speeding back and forth among countless flame balls. The mechanical spiders that appeared one after another could consume this giant to death even if it was exhausted.

While dodging at super fast speed, Nexus is also constantly firing arrows of light in his hand, nailing each of the Grachies to the ground, but no matter how hard the Grachies below The number did not mean to decrease at all, and when one was eliminated, another appeared. Nexus noticed that these mechanical spiders were all drilled out of the ground while traveling through the air. There must be a huge underground base for manufacturing these mechanical spiders.

Nexus turned around suddenly, facing countless flame balls and rushed down at an extremely fast speed. The energy in his body was continuously injected into the bow of light on his arm, making the radiance of the bow of light even brighter. It has increased several times, and flew out like a golden phoenix. After flying tens of meters, the bow of light split apart instantly, turning into tiny arrows of light that nailed each of Gulaki's arrows. on the ground. In the blink of an eye, all Gulachies were nailed to the ground, and amidst the violent explosion, Nexus, who was covered in light, slammed into the ground fiercely.

The powerful impact made the ground tremble violently, and a huge pothole appeared at the impact point, splashing a dust column two to three hundred meters high. Nexus drilled through all the soil and rock layers like a rapidly rotating drill bit, and rushed downward at an extremely fast speed, but in a short while, it had already penetrated more than 100 meters underground, forming a layer as thick as ten meters. After the steel plate was drilled through, Nexus fell into an extremely huge base.

This huge base even made it impossible for Nexus to see the edge at a glance. All he could see was densely packed, one on top of one Grachies, stacked on top of each other to a height of five or six hundred meters. The spider wall, the surrounding steel walls, and the ceiling are full of Grachies, and all the Gracies move their six mechanical claws and push each other toward Nexus. Many of them were trampled down by their companions because of the crowding. Even so, Grachies, who was trampled down, still tried hard to crawl towards Nexus.

"Come on!" Nexus raised his arms and crossed them in front of him, the energy in his body poured into his arms continuously, shining bright light like flowing water, and then Nexus raised his hands above his head, Take advantage of the opportunity to cross in front of you into an L shape, emitting a shining ultimate light.

Grazies rushing towards Nexus crazily were swept by the light, and were instantly shattered into molecular sizes, disappearing completely. However, the mechanical spiders behind seemed to be invisible, scrambling to Running towards Nexus.

If you look from above, Nexus is completely surrounded by countless Grachies, like a lone boat in a rough sea that may be capsized at any time.

However, before the huge wave that could capsize a lonely boat hit, it was hit by the ultimate light in the hands of Nexus, and it collapsed and disappeared instantly.

Nexus rotated at a constant speed, and the ultimate light in his hand was outputting steadily, smashing the Guraki Ace one by one, no matter how crazy those Guraki Ace crawled towards this side, they couldn't get close to Nexus. Xers even a little.

And with the elimination of each of the Gulachies, astonishing changes have taken place all over the world. TV airships suddenly fell towards the ground as if they had suddenly lost power, and fell to the ground amidst the exclamations of passers-by. On the opposite side, it became a pile of scrap iron bursting with electric sparks.

In just over 20 seconds, thousands of Gulachies were wiped out. However, the number of Gulachies showed no sign of decreasing, and they were still frantically rushing towards this side.

"How many are there?" Nexus was furious. Even though these mechanical spiders were vulnerable, there were too many of them. If this continued, his energy might be exhausted first.

"You can't defeat the gods," the mechanical voice sounded again, from the mouths of these mechanical spiders: "the gods are everywhere and omnipotent..."

"Really? I really want to try, who will die first. Jin, please hold on." Nexus gritted his teeth and shouted, the originally dim energy core in his chest immediately shone with bright golden light , quickly covering Nexus' body, dyeing Nexus' blue body into dazzling gold and silver light.

"Uh, ha!" Nexus slowly crossed his arms together, and then suddenly spread them out, and endless energy radiated out, sweeping around like a terrifying tornado, and the ancients passed by. Before he could even make a sound, Lakies was smashed to pieces, completely wiped out.

In the blink of an eye, the ball of light emitted from Nexus swept across the surroundings, and the densely squeezed piles of Gulachies were swept away, and the entire base also became empty at this moment.

Nexus lowered his arms, and the light on his body also dissipated. He looked around, and there was no more Gulakies rushing out, and the walls in the base also gave off an overwhelmed 'click' ! Click! ’ The cracking sound, under the impact of the energy that Nexus burst out in an instant, even the walls made of steel could not resist it.

Within the range of Nexus' field of vision, there were many long gaps in the base, and endless dust and mud poured in from the gaps, and there was even a trickle flowing down through the gaps.

"Neng Zhuhu." Nexus raised his arms, forming a cross shape directly, and released a cross storm towards the gap.

Under the impact of the light, the wall made of steel was directly turned into molten iron, and then exploded, blasting that gap into a huge pothole. The water gushes out crazily, like a ruptured high-pressure water pipe, and a huge amount of lake water hits the floor with a roar like thunder.

"Ha!" Nexus flew up towards the ground, rushed out of the ground like a sharp arrow, and was suspended in mid-air. The beam of light at Nengzhu Lake was still so bright, but a huge vortex appeared on the surface of the lake, and the lake water was decreasing at a rate of one millimeter per second, filling the hole in the base below.

Nexus didn't care about other things, and looked at an open space next to the dam. In his vision, there was a spaceship in a half-covered state, about a hundred meters in size, but it was The hull of the ship is covered by many plants and vines, it seems that it has been parked here for a long time.

"Is it all here?" Nexus immediately turned into a stream of silver and rushed towards the spaceship over there, piercing the night sky like a meteor and rushing into the spaceship, landing in a room.

"Is this the control hub?" Nexus, who was about the size of a human being, looked up at the huge space, and the screens could be seen, filling the huge space. Thousands of screens.

Each screen shows a different place on this planet, and thousands of screens monitor the entire earth, but now all these screens are dimmed, showing no signal status.

Nexus radiated dazzling light, and quickly poured into these extinguished screens. With the invasion of Nexus' light, all extinguished screens quickly lit up, showing scenes from all over the world .

Nexus began to read the information in the spaceship. These cosmic beings who call themselves "Gods" do not have a physical body, but a life like a spiritual body. They are not people from this planet, but from another planet. In the original planet, they had physical bodies, but suddenly one day they discovered that a huge steel planet was crashing towards their home star, and they had to think There is a way to escape from the home planet in just a few hours to survive. But the number of spaceships is not enough to support everyone to leave.

For this reason, they had to convert some people into data-like mental bodies and store them in this spaceship, and the rest of them fled the planet in spaceships, but all the spaceships that escaped were met by robots rushing out of that steel planet. The attack, their spaceship escaped with great difficulty but malfunctioned and had to crash on this planet.

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